问:tuck要求提供工资单,但我的情况是我在一家家族企业工作,没有工资单,所有收入都是以现金的形式直接发到我手里的,我也没有有规律的将其存进银行.能否请公司开具一个证明而免去工资单呢? 答:如果申请奖学金或者贷款的话,要填写另外一张表格,这个要寄去连同工资单等文件 没有工资单就让公司出个收入证明。TUCK的奖学金有给过中国人,不过全奖几乎没有 问:可是我们公司公章是给老板管的。我可以让秘书写好证明,但是得让老板盖章。我又不想让老板知道我要走。 请问可不可以写一个东西,不盖章,然后跟学校说明情况?
答:应该可以,只要是你的工资单,有你的签字就好。不确定的话再问一下adcom. 问:我也打算申请TUCK。我在一家国有企业工作了九年,从事general management, 请问这样的工作背景适合申请TUCK吗?
我不是很有信心的 答:综合各方面来看自己,不必为某一个方面担心。 问:1。Tuck招收学业背景是纯文科的人吗? 2。关于prerequisites,一定要入学前修完,还是入学后能补修? 3。如果MBA入学前在州立大学修一个学期的相关课程,不知道算修过prerequisites和core courses吗?修的学分能转吗,这样读MBA时是不是就能少修一些课呀?
谢谢! 4. 忽然发现tuck居然有四轮申请,而 1月15的轮次居然是第三轮了,我最快只能赶上这轮了,tuck规模不大,前两轮应该招差不多了吧,第三轮还会招国际学生吗,尤其是中国的?
答:1. Tuck attracts students with diversified background. Chinese students majored in architecture, engineering or physics were enrolled into Tuck in the past few years. 2&3. I'm not sure about the answers to these questions. You'd better send an email to admission office for specific answer. 4. I was enrolled in the last round actually. Believe yourself, believe Tuck is just the school you want to go, and hold on until the last minute, you'll see miracle 问:有个Application for Tuck School of Business Funds,是需要单独交吗?ON-LINE APPLICATION FORM里好象没有? 答:You need to download the forum, complete it with your recent salary payment stub attached and mail to Tuck Financial Aid Office. 问:Tuck的网页上说: If offered admission to Tuck, your self-reported GMAT test scores will be verified. Tuck reserves the right to rescind an offer of admission should any misrepresentation or omission occur. 我觉得这里有两种理解,第一种就是学校先发conditional offer, 然后我要求ETS发出正式成绩,然后学校验证,再发出正式OFFER;第二种是我在学校下决定之前就要寄出正式成绩,然后由学校去VERIFY? 答:You don't have to submit OFFICIAL GMAT/TOEFL/Transcript during application. Adcom will request and verify those official documents after you take the offer. It is much better than requesting all applicants to submit all official documents. 问:如果录取,有没有机会延期一年或者两年再入学呢? 答:Yes, I was deferred from last year. However, a decent reason is necessary to convince adcom. 问:我在今年9月底的时候收到Tuck邮寄给我的一个包裹,里面有一本Brochure;一张摘自WALL Street Journal的文章推荐这个学校的;还有一份Forbes的Rankinglist,当然Tuck在中间排第一,毫无悬念的:)。但是GMAT考试晚了,1.11才在上海考了730(M50,V40),我的问题是: 1.由于我在1.11的重考是由于Preason的错误造成的,他们在12月中旬答应取消我在11月份的成绩,并免费重考,我不得不在1.11号考,当时最最接近的日子。我个人觉得声请晚并不是仅仅我自己的问题,是否可以向Tuck说明?是不是最后一轮铁定没机会? 2.虽然邮件中也曾收到过Duck,LBS之类学校的Brochure,但Tuck以挂号信的方式给我寄这份资料是否有暗示学校对我有一定的好感? Brochure P/43“Applying to Tuck”专题中间有一个美国MM讲的一段话是这样的: "When you are admitted to Tuck, someone from the school calls you personally to let you know the good news. They wanted me to come here, not just applicant#976. Tuck already knew who I am."给我种感觉,这个学校因为规模不大,所以很清楚自己的声请者的具体情况,那么他们在发资料时是不是也有一定的侧重呢? 我的基本情况,上海普通白领,04年国内Top30学校本科毕业,积点在3以上吧,500强的跨国采购工作,写信或者电话和人Nego就是每天的基本工作,口语比笔头水平要好一点。之前只不过在MBA.COM上填过资料罢了,没收到Tuck资料之前,不知道这个学校,惭愧:) 答:For international students, chances to get in in later rounds are really limited. Since you just finished GMAT, then when do you think you would write wonderful essays? Tuck essay package is really not easy job. I am not warning you here, but just kindly remind. For brochure they sent you, it's just a normal marketing practice of all top b-schools. Don't let it mislead you. 问:本人申请TUCK第二轮,一直没有等到面试邀请。昨天收到TUCK招生办一封邮件,说已于1月29日向我发出面试邀请,未收到我的回复,问我能否接受邀请。我立即与对方联系,说从未收到任何邀请信。请对方向我的单位和私人邮箱再发一次。私人邮箱收到,单位邮箱还是没有。真是奇怪,难道是单位邮箱的antispam设置?耽误了两个星期。我请求对方推迟面试截止日期,对方同意3月2日前的任何工作日均可面试。 我申请的事单位不知情,请假两天去TUCK会有困难。我人在纽约,查了火车时刻表,从White River Juncture, VT返回纽约的火车最晚也是上午11点半,没有下午的,这样上午面试时间就太紧张了,更无法听课和参观校园。因此希对方安排offcampus或电话面试。对方表示招生委现在的决定是校园面试,如果我要求变更,招生委需重新审核我的材料再决定。 我该怎么办。我知道校园面试是最好的方式,有助于更深了解学校,但请假和交通都有困难。请大家指教。如果有知道更好的交通信息,也请一并赐教。 答:You may take shuttle bus from China Town
New York to South Station Boston (4 hours), then take dartmouth coach to Hanover, (3 hours). I suggest you leave on sun and have an interview on mon. You can return from Tuck at late afternoon by Dartmouth coach. 问:You give me most important and useful information. I know shuttle bus from New York to South Station Boston very well. But I am not familiar with the dartmouth coach from Boston to Hanover. Is dartmouth coach leave for hannover every 30 minutes from the morning to the afternoon everyday? (Monday is difficult for me to leave)What station in Hannover will the dartmouth coach arrive? If I return from Tuck at late afternoon by Dartmouth Coach, I still need to transfer to Boston South Station first, then take shuttle bus to New York. Right?Can I buy the ticket online or in New York or I can buy a ticket directly when I arrive in the station? Amtrak train leaves from New York at 11:30am to White River Juncture, VT. So I plan to take a train to Hannover rather than bus. But I do need take Dartmouth coach at the late afternoon in the interview day. I don't know if the White River Juncture and the station taking dartmouth coach is close to Tuck and Hannover Inn or not? Could you tell me the website of darthmouth coach if they have? 答:Dartmouth Coach stops at Hanover inn, which is the closest hotel to Tuck, 10 mins walk away. White River Junction is 20 mins driving distance. I don't know any public transportation from there to Tuck. Bus is more popular option than train here. You may find more information about Dartmouth Coach through its website http://www.concordtrailways.com/dartmouth_coach.htm By the way, the weather in this week is terrible - the heaviest storm in this winter. I guess you don't like to come in 1st half of next week. 问:当时忘了financial aid application,能过后交吗? 答:是否申请奖学金或贷款和你最终是否被录取没有任何联系。所以你如果已经准备了TUCK,你就应该申请。如果录取你了,晚交几天奖学金申请根本不是什么大问题,你可以找ADCOM解释,最终还是会得到学校的贷款的。(当然这里绝对不是鼓励你故意晚申请。)唯一的区别可能是获得奖学金(非贷款)的可能会降低。当然,即使你按时申请,获得部分奖学金的可能也不是很高。 针对你的情况,你可以这样决定你是否申请,1)TUCK录取你并给你奖学金,你来吗?2)TUCK录取你,有贷款没有奖学金,你会来吗?3)TUCK录取你,但是没有奖学金和贷款,你会来吗?录取的中国同学大多数是2)这个情况。 问:GMAT 670能申请tuck么?除了成绩其他方面都有一定的特色,但也不是巨牛那种。 答:稍低点,建议重考一次。