14号在北京作的ad com hub interview, 希望对大家又帮助。 由于6天跑了3个国家,接着又有一周疲劳的培训,我完全没有准备就去了duke的面试,基本在享受谈话和看帅哥。问题回答的不是很专业,不过,相信还是制造了很好的谈话氛围。 1. why mab, why duke 2. if you are in a learning team, what's your contribution? 3. if you open a company, what kind of people you are looking for as your business partner 4. what will you do if you are given one week free time 5. tell me a case you demonstrated your leadership 6.tell me a situation you regretted for 7. any question to me. 个人认为,why school,learning team contribtion, and what you will do for one week free time是需要重点准备的。 不知道结果怎样,挺好的一所学校,这么被我草草解决了。 |