OG 逻辑73 求助 越想答案越想不明白 求大牛帮助
73. In comparison to the standard typewriter keyboard, the EFCO keyboard, which places the most-used keys
nearest the typist’s strongest fingers, allows faster typing and results in less fatigue. Therefore, replacement of
standard keyboards with the EFCO keyboard will result in an immediate reduction of typing costs.
Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the conclusion drawn above?
(A) People who use both standard and EFCO keyboards report greater difficulty in the transition from
the EFCO keyboard to the standard keyboard than in the transition from the standard keyboard to the
EFCO keyboard.
(B) EFCO keyboards are no more expensive to manufacture than are standard keyboards and require less
frequent repair than do standard keyboards.
(C) The number of businesses and government agencies that use EFCO keyboards is increasing each year.
(D) The more training and experience an employee has had with the standard keyboard, the more costly it is
to train that employee to use the EFCO keyboard.
(E) Novice typists can learn to use the EFCO keyboard in about the same amount of time that it takes them to
learn to use the standard keyboard.
答案好选 但是仔细想这个答案有问题啊
选D的话,如果要是说 大家之前对于用旧键盘的经历其实都很少,那么cost不就小了么?那也不一定是削弱啊
觉得这个答案要是改成大部分的人呢 都有很长的旧键盘经历 但是呢 越久的旧键盘经历 就会带来更多的cost 如果这样 我就接受
可是答案偏偏只说了一半 我就纠结了
求大牛帮助!!!!!!!!! |