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A border with uniform width surrounds a rectangle photograph with length 8 by 10. The area of border is 144 square inches. What’s the width of the border?   4x*x+8*x*2+10*x*2=144

DS. Whether (x+y)^2 could be divided by 4?
(1)        x, y are integers.
(2)        X*y= 9
Answer: C


SC: 大部分比较简单,但是有几句句意难以理解,第一题爆难,看了3分钟还是拿涅不准。
as frequently and the same as…应该是正确的。

RC: 一片长的老几经:妇女教育机会在革命战争前后的变化。但是有一题很绕:
At what point K’s view is different from W’s of the article:
C. The extent to which women’s having education opportunity is supported before Revolution War.
E. Are there any change in 18 century in the opportunity of women’s education. (选项长)
I chose C.

The other:
W is special in which aspect from the author’s view?
A.        Innovative for research by advertising on newspaper.
E. Examine girls education.
I chose E.

短的:1. decrease in small mammal’s population cause the increase of squirrel’s population. Thus decrease the songbirds’ nesting success rate.但后来提出现象kill raccoons and XXX didn’t caused such increase in the rate. 于是解释道because they don’t eat squirrels.

2. 先提出cost-cutting无效。然后提出collaborative procedure (就是给工人更多的机会making decision and give them stock options), 然后列出一些反对意见,分别来自top manager, middle level manager, labor union and capital market. 最后列出一些支持者的意见。

CR: 只有一片老几景,不过不记得是哪个了。
One newspaper critise the President’s policy to ban highway program is one means to punish the opposite party, because many highway banned are in the district controlled by opposite party.
AWA: AI  Due to technology and demand for service change, many workers will lose their jobs. Whether government should be responsible for the adjusting of individual worker to pass the change.
AA: West Cambria should commercialize it ambulance service since the average time to response is long than that of East Cambria.

1月底决定考gmat, 摩了pp3 690(后来才发现pp3成绩严重失真),想起当初准备gre时看的一篇《离别狗》,不想被G勾住太久以至与大四最后一学期的快乐别离,于是决定报3月底。其间穿插了回家、学车、吃饭、喝酒、video game,看了一本英文小说,总之平时的香烧的不好。2月底回学校后努力了一阵,1周后发现kaplan能魔考620,于是又放松了。考前两天到办公室去打地铺以方便看几经和上机练作文,不过因此练着两天睡得不好,但是不慌,心态很重要。

SC看了两遍刘证明语法改错,一遍yuandong原创]OG-SC完全归纳第二版  (强烈推荐),一遍OG 改错。
RC. Lsat 不错,但只作了一个section,没时间了。
CR. 推荐扬朋《gre&gmat阅读难句教程》,that我前年买给mm的生日礼物,只看了gre部分,来不及看玩了。另外有本新东方出的《gmat阅读精解》,可以熟悉套路,很多文章很有意思,也从中学到了不少知识。可惜看了一半就来不及了,这下考完事可以慢慢品位。

AWA: 提前一个星期准备背两篇魔办足够。我的摩办昨天半夜还改过一次,还好背下来了。此外学会举适当的例子也非常重要,是在不行就编,常用方法:
1. A recent survey published on New York Times show that…
2. There is an old Chinese saying that….
3. Shi Chuanxiang, who used to be ordinary worker in one of China’s steel company, learned to design website after he was fired 5 years ago. And now he opens his own internet company in Beijing with annual profit of more than 1 million RMB, about the same value as 100,000 US dollars. Therefore he is regarded as China’s modern hero bla bla bla….今天我就瞎编的这个,大家以后可以随便换个名字或者换个行业。我觉得在例子上面凑字数远比在魔办上加口水话好的多。

鸣谢:爸爸今天千里之外叫我起床,mm最近特别乖。Freeman和新东方后起之秀水平极高师德也很好的郑宁老师给我指导作文,以及指导和鼓励我的来自www.g-region.com的G友。 最后预祝Fang Ruofan和 Zhang Ziquan两个猪头考好,不过那应该是一个月之后的事情了。我这片几经该不在了。省的你们看到之后报着枕头感动。

Ps, 我打算申请2005或06年入学。有志同道合或者对几经不理解的同志请给我发信:
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