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大权12 no.10

10. The geese that gather at the pond of a large corpora-

tion create a hazard for executives who use the

corporate helicopter, whose landing site is 40 feet

away from the pond. To solve the problem, the

corporation plans to import a large number of herd-

ing dogs to keep the geese away from the helicopter.

Which of the following, if a realistic possibility,

would cast the most serious doubt on the prospects

for success of the corporation's plan?

(A) The dogs will form an uncontrollable pack.

(B) The dogs will require training to learn to herd

the geese.

(C) The dogs will frighten away foxes that prey on

old and sick geese.

(D) It will be necessary to keep the dogs in quaran-

tine for 30 days after importing them.

(E) Some of the geese will move to the pond of

another corporation in order to avoid being

herded by the dogs.

我这里觉得a 不是很恰当, 我们从题目中无法看出是否狗成为一个不可控的 群 有怎样的危害. ,如果,原文说了geese 是不可控的就肯定是a了, 问题是原文只说了geese create a hazard , 我们不能说 hazard就一定是因为geese不可控造成的.

所以我觉得这道题不应该选a .

就题论题, 其他选项也不好.
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