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23. On a certainday, nine scheduled flights on Swift Airlines were canceled. Ordinarily, acancellation is due to mechanical problems with the airplane scheduled for acertain flight. However, since it is unlikely that Swift would have themechanical problems with more than one or two scheduled flights on a singleday, some of the nine cancellations were probably due to something else.
The argument depends on which one of the following assumptions?

A.      More than one or two airplaneswere scheduled for the nine canceled flights.
B.       Swift Airlines has fewermechanical problems than do other airlines of the same size.
C.       Each of the canceled flightswould have been longer than the average flight on Swift Airlines.
D.      Swift Airlines had never beforecanceled more than one or two scheduled flights on a single day.
E.       All of the airplanes scheduledfor the canceled flights are based at the same airport.、
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This LSAT question has been analyzed to the bone multiple

times. Just use the negation method you will get the right




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