97. The following appeared as part of an article in a computer magazine. “A year ago Apex Manufacturing bought its managers computers for their homes and paid for telephone connections so that the managers could access Apex computers and data files from home after normal business hours. Since last year, productivity at Apex has increased by 15 percent. Other companies can learn from the success at Apex: given home computers and access to company resources, employees will work additional hours at home and thereby increase company profits.”
5. “All groups and organizations should function as teams in which everyone makes decisions and shares responsibilities and duties. Giving one person central authority and responsibility for a project or task is not an effective way to get work done.”
我遇到一个decision making 2段的文章
还有一个成本核算的文章-好像是5段,很长的文章 大公司&小公司R&D收入的比较-这个的机经我觉得以前的同学说得已经很好了,我归纳了一下贴上给大家分享好了 公司的R&D收益---大公司和小公司由R&D而得到的收益,两段,短文
u 第一段说传统观点是大公司更容易在R&D方面获得利益,因为他们有实力在科研上进行投资。但新观点是其实小公司从中受益更多。(这是最后一句)
u 第二段解释为何小公司受益更多。说小公司可以更容易从其他公司的高科技获得溢出效应(原文大概有spilling之类的词吧,我当时读下来就觉得是溢出效应的意思),因为大家研究出来的东西是分享滴,所以大小企业投入不一样收获是一样滴,BLABLABLA,都是小公司为什么比大公司收益多的原因。
1. 有主旨题,
2. 还有细节题,问大小公司的比较
还有一个好像是什么地幔那个,因为单词太多,我不是很明白 对于一个中国学生,我的数学实在是太。。后来时间都不够了,在家每次都会余下20分钟。可能是因为想答得稳点放慢的速度,可是结果却远没有在家好。
到现在记不住数学题了,唯一一个:一个直角三角形,斜边10,两个直角边相加是12,问这个三角形的面积 |