一战是去年11.26,700 Q50V35 有点不甘心。因为之前模2次prep都是770,所以觉得应该能上750吧,再怎么发挥失常也能720吧,没想到是这么个鸡肋分,囧。数学也没满分(不过那次数学是没发挥好,后面我还会再提到哈~),于是当时就决定再战~本来想寒假好好复习,2月或者3月考掉,结果寒假被我吃喝玩乐地荒废了(罪恶啊,早知道我还不如去找点实习。。),开学之后才开始复习,结果报了4月的名,不过后来我发现抓紧点的话3月考也是可以。。
AA:JJ里的,Waymarsh students protest的那篇
AI:MS JJ里没有,Nations should cooperate each other to develop regulations to limit children's access to adult material on the internet.
考到了JJ 的7/27/28/39/45(确认是版本2)/57/79(确认版本3)/83/85/93/103(确认是版本2)/110/160/162(选项只有59/20,没有-29/20)/177/234/239/242/245/250/278
27版本2:Sound track coding use 6 bit, each bit is either a number or a char,the order of the bit matters. Company T1 use [0-9] for the first 2 bits, and use A-Z excluing AEIOUY for the rest 4 bits. Company T2 use [0-9] for the first 4 bits, and use A-Z excluing AEIOUY for the rest 2 bits. What is the ratio of T1's total coding to T2's total coding
Note: (There are 20 chars when excluding AEIOUY)答案都是 1/8,1/4,3/4 等等
hwzhang: T1有:10^2 * 20^4, T2: 10^4 * 20^2, ratio T1/T2 应该 = 4
其实最后一句问的是,what is the percentage of T1's total coding is T2's total coding? 好像是这么句话,反正意思就是T2占T1的比例是多少?所以应该是用T2去除以T1的。不过反正答案都是小于1的,理解反了也马上能发现的,呵呵。
57 题目会给图,原JJ好像把字母弄错了,不过算法没问题。就是一个正方形里一个圆,圆离正方形上边4,下边2,正方形面积196,求圆的面积。
83 我的版本里是QR=1/5RS
85 我的版本和现有3个版本都不太一样:两个圆,一个圆心(0,0),另一个(1,1) 问两圆是否只有一个intersect点?
1. R^2+r^2=2(1-Rr)
234 做下补充:24^28,以下哪个数是其factor,且最大?
239 题目里明确告诉你x和y都是正数,所以是选A
278 确认题目中提到,n是正整数,x是正数
1、DS 有人做eye exam、买eyeglass、买frame一共花了XXX钱(确切数字)。问frame花了多少钱?
2) glass花了XXX钱(确切数字)
2、DS x+y=?
1) x^2+y^2=2
2) 2xy=2
3、DS 一个长方形周长XXX(确切数),问面积是?
4、DS 已知pr/10是整数,问p/5是整数否?
1) r/2是整数
选E 反例:p=2,r=10;p=5,r=2
5、PS 一个8%的ore和一个3%的ore,一起弄出来一个6%的300kg的ore,问8%的ore用了多少kg?数字可能有些记差了,掌握思路吧
6、PS 一个学校有5million的学生有信用卡,占学生总数的64%,有信用卡的人中有20%有4张及以上的信用卡,问约多少million的人有少于4张或没有信用卡?
7、DS 不是所有订票的人都会去坐飞机。现在有100人订票,飞机一共有95个座位,问是否有人坐不到座位?
8、PS x=1/17+1/23+1/29 问下面哪个对?
I x<3/17
II x=3/23
III x>3/29
9、PS 79^2=?
10、PS 一个数轴,画了一段-5到15的,-5和15两个点都是空心圈,问哪个可以表示x?
我觉得数学JJ一定要反复看,如果你只是粗略过一遍的话还不如别看了,因为这样的话考试时候碰到一个题,你发现你见过,但是又似乎不太会做了,会很伤的~~~ 我一战前面就是,只做了一遍JJ,还不是很仔细。结果前十道就碰到一道题,很巧这次JJ里也有,就是那个ms-pt>0的题。当时看JJ的时候我比划了一下觉得推不出就直接选E了,结果考场上总不敢这么轻易,于是想试着举反例看看,结果脑子搭住了举不出来,于是算啊算啊的想证明出来,又证不来,最后鬼迷心窍地选了C,吐血!!!而这次我就吸取教训了,JJ做得比较认真,也反复做了几次,所以今天做数学的时候感觉很好,几乎每道题都能确定自己是对的。已经在刻意放慢速度了,结果最后还剩了27分钟左右- -+ 于是对着最后一道题墨迹到20分钟点了next,呵呵~ 个人觉得hang13给的使用数学JJ的方法就很不错,大家不妨学习学习^^
今天SC感觉做得很烂- -~ 都绝望了,好像也没碰到JJ,现在也忘差不多了,就不写了哈~
16 药品公司试药那道,我也是选没过专利期就被新药取代~
22 小孩买玩具。这道题最后有两个选项,D是说所有家长都会因为超市采取了这个措施而增加买小孩的东西。E家长不会因为超市的措施而不带小孩去店里。因为我看JJ里有个版本是选的增加购买,所以提醒一下其实这个答案不对,因为题目问的是assumption,并不一定要所有家长都多买,只要有一部分多买就OK了
58 嘿嘿在此强烈感谢超级大牛lixieyunan MM 昨天看了她的JJ贴正好有这道题。然后我今天Verbal做得很囧,这是我的倒数第二题,我只剩3min,于是瞄了一眼确认bold face的地方没变,迅速找到答案,再瞄一样答案没有陷阱,就选上去了~~~
59 我也没理解percentage是和谁比- - 不过我现在觉得这道题好像在哪里见过 提供点线索大家不妨去找找看吧。
property tax是based on assessed value of the housing的,assessed value下降了,the percentage of the assessed value to property tax没变,问explanation。
我一开始理解是,value占tax的百分比没变,然后列了个式子:value*tax rate=tax, value/tax=1/tax rate. 发现不就是说税率没变么@@ 但是选项只有一个提到了税率,而且还是说税率提高了的,于是排除了。最后我蒙的是政府从其他tax中获得的revenue减少了。。
1.The total market value of real estate in Altonville has steadily declined over the past four years. This decline has meant that the overall figure on which the city’s property tax is based—the assessed value of that real estate—has also declined. Moreover, the percentage of assessed value that was paid as property taxes to the city did not change during this period.
The information above most strongly supports which of the following?d
A. Money collected from property taxes provided most of Altonville’s revenue during the past four years.
B. The percentage of Altonville’s overall revenue that was collected from property taxes did not change over the past four years.
C. Altonville officials had proposed raising property tax rates during the past four years but never did so because of strong opposition from property owners.
D. The total amount of revenue that Altonville has collected from property taxes has declined over the past four years.
E. During the past four years, Altonville officials also did not increase tax rates on other sources of revenue such as retail sales or business profits.
The total market value of real estate in Altonville has steadily declined over the past four years. This decline has meant that the overall figure on which the city’s property tax is based—the assessed value of that real estate—has also declined. The percentage of assessed value that was paid as property taxes to the city, however, did not change from year to year during this period.
the information above most strongly supports which of the following?(c)
A. The percentage of Altonville’s yearly revenue that comes from money collected in property taxes did not change over the past four years.
B. The percentage of Altonville’s yearly revenue that comes from money collected in property taxes has declined steadily over the past four years.
C. The amount of revenue that Altonville collected from property taxes was lower last year than it was four years ago.
D. During the past four years, Altonville officials increased tax rates on other sources of revenue such as retail sales and business profits.
E. Altonville will soon require property owners to pay a higher percentage of the assessed value of their property as property tax.