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59.certain messenger molecules fight damage to the lungs from noxious air by telling the muscle cells encircling the lungs’ airways to contract. This partially seals off the lungs. An asthma attack occurs when the messenger molecules are activated unnecessarily, in response to harmless things like pollen or household dust.

Which of the following, if true, points to the most serious flaw of a plan to develop a medication that would prevent asthma attacks by blocking receipt of any messages sent by the messenger molecules referred to above?

(A) Researchers do not yet know how the body produces the messenger molecules that trigger asthma attacks.

(B) Researchers do not yet know what makes one person’s messenger molecules more easily activated than another’s.

(C) Such a medication would not become available for several years, because of long lead times in both development and manufacture.

(D) Such a medication would be unable to distinguish between messages triggered by pollen and household dust and messages triggered by noxious air.

(E) Such a medication would be a preventative only and would be unable to alleviate an asthma attack once it had started.

这道题,我对问题部分的by blocking receipt of any messages sent by the messenger molecules referred to above不理解,什么叫阻止接收。。。。,到底是在问什么呢?请大家帮帮忙!

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文章是说,message molecules会给肌肉细胞信号来封闭肺。问题问的是指出那些通过割断信号传递来制止A感染的药。问题里的割断就是指certain messenger molecules fight damage to the lungs from noxious air by telling the muscle cells encircling the lungs’ airways to contract这句话的内容。


就是这个意思:通过阻止一些引发哮喘发生的东西(messenger molecules )刺激肺部引发哮喘



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