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郭凡民博士 (GMAC 心理测评副总裁)给出的答案是: "Here is an analysis Eileen and I did on the GMAT examinee data. It is published on our website.

We looked at guessing vs. omitting. For high ability examinees, guessing seems to result in slightly higher score on the average. However, this might not be true for all individual. Some might get lower scores.
I am not sure there is a pattern for the 乱蒙全错vs.全空着. At least it is not obvious to me. The reason is that it depends on the characteristics of the questions after and before this point and the ability level. My best advice is to try to practice and pace themselves before taking the test, so that they will not force themselves into such situations."

Q: 我该现在参加GMAT考试还是6月份以后参加?


Q: 面对改革的心态以及复习策略需要什么调整?
A: 数学和语文部分和总分没有变化,作文只有一篇。不用再备考Analysis of issue, 多花时间准备IR。熟悉题目类型,掌握技能。

Q: 如何了解美国大学需要的分数?还有6月分之后考试又要变难了么?
A: 可以到学校的官网获得信息,IR部分是新的部分,由于题目类型的不熟悉导致了复习难度,经过一段时间熟悉考试题型后,其实难度不会增加。该部分涉及不同的信息,要有综合应用能力的水平。

Q: 请问一下去加拿大念金融要考GMAT还是GRE?谢谢
A: GMAT是金融科研究生首选。

Q: 怎么复习语文部分?
A: 你有用过免费的GMAT Prep软件了吗?它包含了两套试题可供练习。你可以通过模拟考试发现自己的长处和不足,再进行练习。下载地址:www.mba.com/the-gmat。每个人的情况不同,复习策略也各不相同。加油!
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