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消费忠诚度consumer loyalty会员卡loyal-card高频

V1 段间内容有可能有变化,不是非常肯定,请考过的考生提供反馈

长文章,5段,retailers' consumer loyalty


1P消费者忠诚度对于一家店很重要,所以一些店用会员卡制度来维护这种忠诚度,免费发loyalty card,为持卡人提供特殊的低价商品,人们在支付时可能会多付金额,。(有个问题,就是问使用会员卡的可能有以下哪些行为EXCEPT.)然后还说有个人专门对这些行为作了研究,得出使用会员卡对消费有好处。因为零售商的loyalty card往往是要求消费者提供一点个人信息,然后每一次购买时出示loyalty card,零售商就给他们打折。(后面有一题what conclusion can be drawn from the passage about these customers有一个选项是they are price sensitive)

2P但研究证明loyalty program并不能增进Loyalty,持有会员卡的顾客反而忠诚度最低,那些用loyal card最多的人,往往是最不loyal的,因为他们持有大量会员卡, loyal-card原本是为了让顾客loyal,但顾客却只会去有很大折扣的店,不会在同一家商场消费。因为顾客都是价格取向,只选最便宜的那家 买,没有起到应有的作用。(有题,问持有会员卡的消费者的特征,我选的是price sensitive.)

3P如果loyalty card不work,还有什么work呢?做了一个调查,看看究竟对于顾客来说,超市的什么最重要,查来查去是一些老生常谈的因素:地点、生鲜区、production area(熟食区?)、价格、货架上的商品丰富程度等等等,而且很容易被copy。那么究竟怎样才能提高customer loyalty呢?后来就想了好多其他的方法,。。。。只有那些基于cumulative purchase的loyalty card才可以增进loyalty。(后面有一道what does the author belive的题,选项里有一项基本上是这句话的rephrase)。

4P超市很难维持自己的competitive advantage。因为大多数competitive advantage是可模仿可复制的,因此就不值钱了。现在各个超市位置都不错,东西也很全,都有好的生鲜区和熟食区。当一件商品在好多超市都能买到,人们当然就会选一家卖得便宜的去买。

5P最后提到商家要想吸引顾客,要想真正得到忠诚度就要拥有一些其他商店无法copy的特征,要想建立自己的竞争优势,比如超市自有品牌是一个很好的选择(好像用的是store brand这个词,反正没有用private label,但都是一个一个意思),现在已经有很多超市有了自有品牌。自有品牌 VS national brand,零售商提供质量好又价格的自有品牌产品可以有效地吸引消费者。也要防止竞争对手的招数之类的。(有一道题问,商家为了维护他们消费者的忠诚度作了什么except) (有题,问商 家应该怎么吸引顾客,我选的是应该针对自己品牌的产品推出loyal-card),

V2:  略有不同



p2:影响消费者忠诚度的还有其他因素,比如地理位置,商场里美食,of course,price。

p3:说明了价格在消费行为中的作用,记不太清了,在最后给了一个建议,建议商家采用使用的越多,越优惠的会员卡,来维持忠诚度。[有题,问这段的写作方法,我选了个claim, elaborating, recommendation]



1. 问持有会员卡的消费者的特征,我选的是price sensitive.

2. 问商家应该怎么吸引顾客,我选的是应该针对自己品牌的产品推出loyal-card

3. 第三段的写作方法,我选了个claim, elaborating, recommendation]

4. 作者most likely向发loyal card的超市建议他们怎么做活动?
正确选项:provide them coupons after one customer's total money spent at the store has reached a certain amount.

5. 第四段的结构如何用关键字进行描述?
正确选项:A.Claim, elaboration, recommendation.

6. what did the author say about 那些最喜欢用超市卡的人?
我选的: they are price sensitive
还有一个是: they're most responsive to marketing campaigns,有点迷惑

7. 有一题问类比   选一个高品质的东西跟他是非常独特(也就是无法复制)

8. 后面有一题what conclusion can be drawn from the passage about these customers有一个选项是they are price sensitive

9. 后面有一道what does the author belive的题,选项里有一项基本上是这句话的rephrase

10. 最后还有一道结构题,问文章是采取什么结构,具体选项记不清了,由两个选项是XX--XX--Recommendation,我选了其中一个

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2009年1.27-2.26 RC JJ 拼图汇总



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1.     消费者忠诚度 loyalty-card高频.............................................................................

2.     grocery store杂货店如何摆设 高频.......................................................................

3.     retailer和manufacture 存货库存 似乎有两个版本,长版本高分 ......................  

4.     group interview....................................................................................................

5.     Cost bias、 investment decision making.............................................................  

6.     employee turnover, full time part time................................................................

7.     问美国经济可否复苏 长篇缺少................................................................................  

8.     商业R&E战略缺少...................................................................................................

9.     政府对出口的补助缺少.............................................................................................

10.  广告 缺少..................................................................................................................

11.  TN版的第22套,库存管理.....................................................................................

12.  选用竞争分析人才的策略                                                  

13.  household saving对经济的影响

14.  生产效率提高和收入提高 缺少

15.  美国苹果商买卖交易法规 缺少

16.  美国黑人作家du Bois “Black Reconstruction” 高频............................................

17.  爱尔兰Feminism & Women's rights 高频.............................................................

18.  妇女的服务业工作机会.............................................................................................

19.  美国妇女财产权问题.................................................................................................

20.  文艺复兴时期女性地位.............................................................................................

21.  美国union/Female Group产生及阻力                                                     

22.  女性主义与废奴主义

23.  妇女工作问题-比较韩国台湾两地  无资料,谁知道吗?

24.  悬崖上的印第安艺术缺少.........................................................................................

25.  夏威夷的发展验证temple 高分的最后一篇............................................................

26.  cost disease古典音乐艺术......................................................................................

27.  拉美文学作家............................................................................................................

28.  引进北美洲大型动物 高频.......................................................................................

29.  海鸟动物预知地震 高分标志....................................................................................

30.  两栖动物皮肤呼吸....................................................................................................

31.  Sea butterflies 缺少................................................................................................

32.  爬行动物和两栖动物,恐龙灭绝原因......................................................................

33.  拆除大坝对生态系统(ecological system)的影响....................................................

34.  Medical tests(病症检测) 缺少..............................................................................

35.  methane甲烷on global warming..........................................................................

36.  Sleep helps to forget 睡眠和记忆..........................................................................

37.  碳化物与气温关系,温室效应..................................................................................

38.  Resin物质(树脂,松香)..............................................................................................

39.  色盲color blindness/ achromatopsia...................................................................

40.  Molecular Science缺少

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grocery store杂货店如何摆设 高频




1p开头提出了一个普遍的结论说是一个given grocery store产品的assortment对consumer perception的影响。

2p提出了反驳,说是consumer perception是relate to顾客喜欢的产品是否有减少以及放专用产品的货架是否被别的产品占据(即使空着也没事)。研究发现,商家不敢减少assortment,好像是说当consumer发现产品减少的话,他们就光顾的少那家店了。

3p介绍这样为什么好,不仅不会引起顾客群体很大的流失,反而让大家看到受欢迎的产品多而精,更愿意光顾。即使有少量客源流失,但真正sale增加和,assortment reduce降低的成本证明还是值得这样做的。




主旨——给出evidence证实这种策略likely to success(我很确定)

细节:以下哪种做法实施最后可能成功 选E,前半句每个选项都一样,都是把空的货架填上和减少的商品相同的一种/多种。。。主要看最后是半句是而不使顾客注意到assortment的减少(确定)

V2 内容略有不同

第二篇,商家库存管理的讨论,涉及assortment,SKU(Stock Keep Unit)等物流知识。先介绍一些理论知识,assortment是物流管理中很重要的实践,将会给企业带来实质性的好处,减少SKU对于压缩 inventory的成本是很有好处的,现实中很多商家担心SKU减少造成顾客对于买不到货物从而以后不来店里买东西(个人理解这个应该定性缺货成本 吧);但是研究表明SKU的减少并不会造成顾客不满度上升,因为顾客作为个体只关心其个人要买的东西是否available(有考题)。企业在压缩SKU 的同时一定要做好assortment,利用好shelf space,使货品的摆放更有效率,让顾客对于所要买的东西更accessible(有考题)。还有道作者态度题。


Grocery retailers have been informed that, to remain competitive, they must reduce the number of stockkeeping units (SKUs) offered, in line with consumer demand, or, in other words, adopt "Efficient Assortment." Retailers have resisted this principle on the basis of a fear that eliminating items would lower consumer assortment perceptions and decrease the likelihood of store choice. In two studies, the authors examine how consumers form assortment perceptions in the face of SKU reduction with a particular emphasis on two heuristic cues: ①the availability of a favorite product and ②the amount of shelf space devoted to the category. Results indicate that retailers might be able to make substantive reductions in the number of items carried without negatively affecting assortment perceptions and store choice, as long as only low-preference items are eliminated and category space is held constant. Thus, the potential risk inherent in item reduction might be more limited than initially thought.  这是我自己复习时在网上找的,大家理解大意,原理和考试中文章一模一样


1.      主旨——给出evidence证实这种策略likely to success(我很确定)

2.      以下哪种做法实施最后可能成功 选E,前半句每个选项都一样,都是把空的货架填上和减少的商品相同的一种/多种。。。主要看最后是半句是而不使顾客注意到assortment的减少(确定)

3.      但是研究表明SKU的减少并不会造成顾客不满度上升,因为顾客作为个体只关心其个人要买的东西是否available(有考题)

4.      企业在压缩SKU 的同时一定要做好assortment,利用好shelf space,使货品的摆放更有效率,让顾客对于所要买的东西更accessible(有考题)

5.      作者态度题

6.      有一个是问以下哪种情况可以证明efficient assortment。

7.      还有一个是问以下哪种情况会去采用efficient assortment。感觉像逻辑题(是否变体??)

8.      细节题:超市减少货品数量,应当怎么处理空出来的位置?我选,摆放(还放在货架上的)同样的货品,增加客户注意到自己喜欢物品的可能性;




Grocery retailers have been informed that, to remain competitive, they must reduce the number of stockkeeping units (SKUs) offered, in line with consumer demand, or, in other words, adopt "Efficient Assortment." Retailers have resisted this principle on the basis of a fear that eliminating items would lower consumer assortment perceptions and decrease the likelihood of store choice. In two studies, the authors examine how consumers form assortment perceptions in the face of SKU reduction with a particular emphasis on two heuristic cues: ①the availability of a favorite product and ②the amount of shelf space devoted to the category. Results indicate that retailers might be able to make substantive reductions in the number of items carried without negatively affecting assortment perceptions and store choice, as long as only low-preference items are eliminated and category space is held constant. Thus, the potential risk inherent in item reduction might be more limited than initially thought.  这是我自己复习时在网上找的,大家理解大意,原理和考试中文章一模一样

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retailer和manufacture 似乎有两个版本,长版本高分标志,产品卖不掉的影响


最开始说产品卖不掉会对retailer和manufacturer有影响。一般有两种措施解决之,一种是return products to manufacturer,一种是打折处理。第一种措施被认为improve the channel between manufacturer and retailer,实则不然。因为这种措施是建立在两个假设上的。接下来的两段就分别证明了这两个假设为什么有问题。


(短)越来越多的生产商开始抱怨渠道促销(trade promotion)。生产商应零售商要求提供低价促销产品,但零售商往往利用两边信息不对称赚取利润。消费者虽然知道大致哪些产品在促销,但不是很清楚 具体的开始和结束日期。部分生产商开始采取天天低价(everyday low price)的措施,但至少有一家尿布(diaper) 生产商又转回了原来的促销方式。(后面有一道题是考这句话)。还有些生产商转而自己做广告,告诉消费者什么时段有促销。manufacturer发现他们打折处理货物时retailer并没有打折销售,于是manufacturer自己打出一个活动,活动叫什么忘了….原谅我吧(这里有个题,问举行这个活动是为了?选manufacturer为了让消费者知道有打折)。


第三篇长,有关供应链,制造商和零售商之间微妙的关系。大致就是讲制造商有时候对于零售商的opportunism举动无可奈何。制造商有时候为了促销会做 discount promotion,但是零售商抱着机会主义的想法,由于信息不对称(有考题),他们以折扣价进货按原价售卖,扩大利润。这样就让零售商的营销策略的效果 打了折扣。中间的内容记不太清了,好像是分析了inventory,比较零售商和制造商他们在不同商品有不同库存的情况下通常会怎么做,提及 inventory surplus。后来最后一段介绍零售商为了制止零售商opportunism,他们有时候也会自己打广告,让顾客知道。(有考题问当顾客了解制造商打的 广告之后他们probably会如何如何)


1.  部分生产商开始采取天天低价(everyday low price)的措施,但至少有一家尿布(diaper) 生产商又转回了原来的促销方式。(后面有一道题是考这句话)

2. 问举行这个活动是为了?manufacturer为了让消费者知道有打折

3.  制造商有时候为了促销会做 discount promotion,但是零售商抱着机会主义的想法,由于信息不对称(有考题)

4. 有考题问当顾客了解制造商打的广告之后他们probably会如何如何)他们有时候也会自己打广告,让顾客知道



group interview


P1,说group interview有什么好处啦,可以降低訓練interviewer的成本,可以看被interview的人在有競爭對手時的反應,以及看他在壓力下的表現,也可以一次比較很多人,找出最適合的candidate...等等,這些好處使得越來越多公司選擇group interview, regardless of "valid interview practice",然后转折说还是有坏处的;(此处有主题题)。
P2, 指出它的不足,共有两点,分别是从interviewer和applicants的角度说明的。其中第一点是说面试官在记录的时候可能应接不暇,无法记录所有面试者的信息和反应,说interviewer可能无法接受大量的信息会影响selection。說研究結果說group interview考驗interviewer mulitasking的能力,因為他們一次要注意很多人,结果可能做出NEGATIVE DECISION
P3,说第二坏处是面试者中人有些人可能在面试中有所警觉,不能完全发挥,interviewee要太多的关注其他人说过什么,使得他们没有办法充分的表达自己的想法。還有什麼被interview的人在有其他人在場的時候self-disclose不夠多,因为隐私等方面的原因不愿意多透露自己的信息而且不愿意完全表现自己,这又影响了selection。结果也导致面试官做出了NEGATIVE DECISION
大概有3道题 不难。


1. 有道题选作者最有可能怎么认为,我选的牺牲information accuracy换取time saving

2. 讲了为什么要use group interview(此处有主题题)

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Cost bias investment decision making


第一段讲一个普遍被接受的理论widely known theory: escalation theory(大概是escalation,反正长得满像的)。是基于一个人(暂用A代表)的关于investment decision making方面的研究,

接着说说一半人投资失败,另一半投资成功,然后投资失败的那个人更愿意投更多的钱在他以前投资过的那个project上,reinvest in the investment that they had done badly。然后说有个叫Staw的人,研究证实了这个理论。S的研究的context 是research and development investment。他先让研究对象对两个investment做决策,第一次决策只能选一个investment,选好决策后,一半的人觉得自己做的决策好,另一半人觉得自己做的决策不好。第二次决策,每个人可以投资于两个investment。结果发现那些觉得自己做的决策不好的人会更多的投资在自己原来的那个investment里面。

第二段说另外一个人(A)反驳了第一段的观点。A又做了一个类似的研究,A研究的数据跟S一样,并没有得出S的结论。A的研究和S的不同之处在于,A的context不仅有research and development investment, 而是either advertising or creative design. 所以作者认为,S 的研究并不能作为这个theory 的基础,因为它并不能被generalized。

V2 意思有不同,大家注意

It is about the “cost bias”. The first paragraph introduces definition of cost bias. Then describe one study performed by one person called Staw. The study involved two groups of people, they are required to invest their money into RD department. After first round, they are told that the investment performance is good or poor. Then, the people have opportunity to choose which one they want to invest by splitting their money. The group that was told that their investment performance is good intends to invest more in their original one, and the other group would like to put more money in the investment that it did not invest for the first round.

In the second paragraph, another scholar came out to perform similar study but with two different investments. The result is not consistent with Staw’s. And then the paragraph introduced the difference.





3.细节题:说in contrast to A关于投资失败的那部分人的研究,投资成功的人最可能做什么:我选的是投资更多的钱在一个或两个项目上。这个题有点不明白,我可能做错了。

4.主题题:primary purpose of the passage,我选的是证明普遍被接受的理论是由flaw的。

employee turnover、 full time and part time job


1.关于employee turnover (短)full time and part time job 短篇

P1:一开始讲为什么大家都研究full一项研究,研究employee turnover现象,但是主要研究的对象是FULL TIME EMPLOYEE,发现4个因素对这个现象有影响。1。对工作环境满意程度。 2,employee在他生活和家庭当中的扮演的角色3. 他的受教育程度。 4。 他在工作中的表现如何。(不同表述:1,internal,2,external,3个人性格的,4好像是工作效率的吧)而且,受教育程度越高的,对工作的不满意就越大,越容易离职。EMPLOYEE收入是家庭主要来源的,也容易对收入不满。

P2: 就讲说为什么大家都忽略part time之类的。研究 人员发现这个在FULL TIME EMPLOYEE中研究出的结果,不适宜用于PART TIME EMPLOYEE。原因,PART TIME比较容易满意他们的PART TIME JOB因为1.他们赚的钱不是他们的主要收入,就当是另外开的小灶2.而且PART TIME JOB工作不需要那种高学历的人去做,所以做PART TIME的 TURNOVER现象和FULL TIME不同。然后又根据是不是家里的主要经济来源进行分析,最后好像是说full time 比part time的容易换工作。


1.  有一题问文章中的研究忽略了什么 选跟part time job有关

2.  有一题问位什么part time不受重视之类的 选因为不是主要收入



问美国经济可否复苏 长篇


第3篇  一开始讲了古早的理论 需要两个因素让经济复苏 captial and labor force

后来一个新的研究发现 只需要captial-也就是techonlongy innvation(有题)

后面讲一堆543 都是在解释 内容不难理解 只是很长 会花很多时间


选两个因素都有包含到那个  有个选项很贱 只讲到一边 不小心会上当 请小心


1.  后来一个新的研究发现 只需要captial-也就是techonlongy innvation(有题)

2.  有一题问在新研究之前是经济学家怎样认为

选两个因素都有包含到那个  有个选项很贱 只讲到一边 不小心会上当 请小心




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主要讲business中R&E战略,大意是一些community的组织实行扩张和改建的过程中, 比大企业提供更多的岗位,对就业的解决贡献更大。

(同时提到单个企业并不能给community create more job,Make it disappointed)

(文中说道 一些community claim 实施了R&E战略,单实际上花在吸引 新企业的 精力上更多)

(结尾说道 R&E战略 也可以将强community对大企业和新企业的吸引力)

(主要是比较了R&E战略, 和发展新企业,吸引大企业)


全文是支持态度,就将该策略如何如何好,随后还说,而且现在很多人对它加大了关注。总之就是优点 很多,发展前景很好。


1. 细节题要注意有一个什么什么是commence的primary关注点的选项是误导,文中那句话是同位语,关注那个东西的不是commence

2. 全文讲了什么, 我选了那个 argue in favor of 。。。。(R&E战略的抽象替换词)

3. 作者赞同以下那个观点,我选了如果community只去吸引单个企业在create more job成效不大

4. 好像是考到了community claim 实施了R&E战略,但实际上花在吸引新企业的精力上更多这个点。

5. 然而其实这么做并不会有多大用处(这里有题)


Business Retention & Expansion

The Best Kept Secret in Economic Development!

Welcome to the Business Retention and Expansion (BR&E) Program, a service provided to Arizona's communities by the Arizona Department of Commerce.

This program helps organizations responsible for retention and expansion develop a program to retain and encourage expansion of existing businesses. The program places significant emphasis on creating a business environment for stable, successful companies. It also provides resources to aid in the design and implementation of a locally defined and community-based BR&E program.

It is important to note that an organization may already be doing BR&E-related activities but calling them by another name. The organization may find the philosophies and activities promoted by the Arizona Department of Commerce will provide more focus and result-oriented planning for its efforts.

Why does a "successful" business need community support?

In short, because stable businesses play vital roles in their communities. Locally owned businesses usually have a long-term commitment to their community. They relate to their community"s lifestyle, and they have a vested interest in their community"s quality of life. They are there because they want to be.

Equally important, existing businesses are major contributors to the community"s economy and tax base. Cumulatively, they employ the greatest numbers and, as they grow and expand, they can generate up to 80 percent of their community"s new jobs. In economic development efforts, existing, successful business owners are precious resources. Their presence as community ambassadors also makes a very positive statement in new business recruitment.

Why should a community have a BR&E program?

Simply put, because everyone benefits -- when existing businesses thrive, so do their communities. And viable, healthy businesses are apt to remain in communities that demonstrate constant and visible commitment. Support of existing businesses also demonstrates support of job creation and additional community cash flow.

Why should your organization promote business retention and expansion?

Because existing businesses can relocate thus leaving a void in your community. They must not be taken for granted! The reasons a business may leave a community include lack of public services, political unrest, site limitations and lack of trained labor, just to name a few. Some reports indicate that another reason companies relocate is because the owner decides he/she would rather live somewhere else. In order to prevent some of the potential closures and/or relocations in a community, outreach to businesses may be necessary. However, when hard times hit a business community, and closures or failures occur, it is already too late to save some businesses. Take action early! For example, an organization representative should visit all new businesses, welcome them and develop a relationship. Let them know who to call for information on business assistance. This will send the positive message that the community cares about their future and well-being.

How will your organization and businesses benefit?

BR&E programs are low-risk, positive community outreach activities, typically administered by a local organization; the chamber of commerce or economic development organization, for example. As BR&E programs gain acceptance, the administering organization benefits doubly; first from providing a valuable community service and second from gaining recognition as a leader in its community"s economic enhancement. A retention program and its related activities DOES mean that the organization is interested in the continued well-being of existing businesses and the people who run them! It DOES NOT necessarily mean that anything is wrong in the community or with a specific business.

What is a business retention and expansion program?

It is a comprehensive program that can be as far-reaching as an organization is able to manage effectively or as conservative as one outreach activity. BR&E programs include planning and implementing community-specific activities that promote interaction with local businesses. Commerce"s Business Retention and Expansion program offers both one-on-one and group training to help organizations achieve their maximum degree of success. The activities of an aggressive BR&E program are limited only by the effort, imagination and resources of the community.

The key to any level of effort is to evaluate the options and plan for success. Establishing realistic, obtainable goals and objectives is crucial. Objectives may include increasing demand for the products or services of local companies; increasing a company"s profits through reduced operational costs; and/or expanding a company"s market with increased product information dissemination. How an organization tackles the objectives will be based on a full and complete understanding of the business community"s actual needs, not what it thinks they need.

Expansion of a firm in a community does not always equate to bricks and mortar, but often means an increase in employees, payroll, capital or an improvement in the bottom line. All of these will have a positive impact on the business atmosphere in the community. Establishing outreach activities to assist in the growth and promotion of existing companies will enhance the formula for business vitality.

What challenges will you face?

Retention programs are challenging to implement. Organizations should not get discouraged. As "one of the best kept secrets in economic development," the retention and expansion effort(s) may not get the same attention as recruiting a company to the community; however, the short-term and long-term effect will usually have a greater overall impact. The direct benefits of a BR&E program can eliminate potential lost jobs and the detrimental effect of the lost payroll from those jobs; retained businesses may have greater potential for expansion; and employees from retained companies are ideal candidates for start-up businesses in a community. And, to reiterate, business retention projects a positive, proactive image of the community for future business attraction.

Anticipation is crucial to retaining firms. Identifying problems and/or concerns at an early stage can determine whether a business succeeds or fails. A major component of anticipating a potential relocation or closure is having and updating a business inventory. A database of basic company information should include name, contact, address, phone, etc., as well as the most recent census data and other published information on a business. Survey and interview information belong in this file as does informal information heard or observed "on the streets." Because (theoretically) smaller communities have smaller business inventories, they can more easily rank priorities and target potential problems. Larger communities, on the other hand, will need to target the companies whose closing or relocating will have the greatest impact.

Developing a community profile, in other words, the business community"s service area, will also be of value to the effort. What are the strengths and weaknesses? What key issues impact businesses: services, regulations, infrastructure, restrictions? What are the issues that need or may need to be addressed before they develop into problems too large to overcome? This information will help identify business clusters that are most likely to expand or downsize.

Again, saving jobs does not necessarily get the same media attention as attracting new jobs and is more difficult to get buy-in from community officials, however, it must be a priority! Consensus on goals and objectives, effective use of business outreach activities suited for the community, and a commitment from the sponsoring organization are the most important issues an organization will face as it acts to produce results.

Community Outreach Activities

Proactive, innovative and result-oriented organizations will ultimately be leaders in the success of their communities economic enhancement.

Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.





好像是说政府会对自己国家的企业进行补助 然后就是对一些在国外的企业得到自己国家的补助就少了 造成了DISADVANTAGES 然后第二段就说如何弥补这些缺陷 说道要给客户给予服务 提供DILEVERY 还有可以买对方的商品进行互换(就是你买我的我买你的 等价交换)(这里有题目的), 最后就说一些跨国企业可以向所在国要求出口补助之类的 (不是很确定, 跨国企业这里有考题的)



1.  说道要给客户给予服务 提供DILEVERY 还有可以买对方的商品进行互换(就是你买我的我买你的 等价交换)(这里有题目的)

2. 主题题






第二段说第二类广告(emotional ads)一般不体现产品信息,而是更多的在情感上吸引客户。。。。。。




 Companies that must determine well

       in advance of the selling season how

       many unites of a new product to manu-

Line       facture often underproduce products

  (5)      that sell well and have overstocks of

others.  The increased incidence in

recent years of mismatches between

production and demand seems ironic,

since point-of-sale scanners have

 (10)      improved data on consumers’ buying

patterns and since flexible manufac-

turing has enabled companies to

produce, cost-effectively, small

quantities of goods.  This type of

 (15)      manufacturing has greatly increased

the number of new products introduced

annually in the United States.  However,

frequent introductions of new products

have two problematic side effects.  For

 (20)      one, they reduce the average lifetime of

products; more of them are neither at the

beginning of their life (when prediction

is difficult) or at the end of their life

       (when keeping inventory is expen-

 (25)      sive because the products will soon

become obsolete).  For another, as

new products proliferate, demand is

divided among a growing number of

stock-keeping units (SKU’s).  Even

 (30)      though manufacturers and retailers can

forecast aggregate demand with some

certainty, forecasting accurately how

       that demand will be distributed among

the many SKU’s they sell is difficult.

 (35)      For example, a company may be able   

       to estimate accurately the aggregate

number of shoes it will sell, but it may

be uncertain about which specific

types of shoes will sell more than

other types.



Which of the following most accurately describes the function of the last sentence in the passage (lines 35-40)?


A.      To cite a situation in which the aggregate demand is more important than the distribution of demand among SKU’s

B.      To refute an assertion about the side effects of flexible manufacturing

C.      To illustrate an assertion about companies’ ability to forecast demand

D.      To provide an example of ways in which companies address the difficulties of forecasting demand

E.      To note an exception to the author’s assertion about distributing demand among SKU’s




The passage suggests which of the following about divided demand among a growing number of SKU’s?


A.     It has increased the average lifetime of products.

B.     It has resulted from retailer’s attempts to predict demand more accurately and avoid both understocks and overstocks.

C.     It has decreased the use of flexible manufacturing by companies.

D.    It has not increased the expense of keeping inventory of certain products.

E.     It has not prevented companies from predicting aggregate demand with some certainty.




According to the passage, which of the following has led to growth in the number of new products introduced in the United States each year?


A.      Reduced average lifetime of products

B.      Increased ability to forecast aggregate demand

C.      More cost-effective ways of keeping inventory for products

D.      Cost-effective production of small quantities of goods

E.      Increased ability to divide demand among a number of SKU’s and to forecast how that demand will be distributed among those SKU’s

Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.





P1=公司competitive analysis的staffing问题,讲了企业为了要增进竞争力所要要引进一种分析竞争力的制度(叫 CA)Competitor Analysis(CA),大致介绍了CA,为何要CA,一个公司在动态的竞争环境下需要有专人负责进行竞争分析。CA有两个战略,在选择这样的专人时,可能采取两种策略,第一种是雇佣有竞争分析经验的,分析师战略analyst strategy,即在分析竞争方面有专长(expertise)的,主要是长期雇佣一些analyst来进行分析竞争环境。第二种是雇佣有整体战略思维的,Fast-tracker strategy策略,他们会从更宏观的高度看待竞争。主要是短期内雇佣 generalist,不形成什么speciaty,但是对公司各个部门都比较了解, 是让一批人了解CA以后再做其他工作,(类似管理培训生的那种,不一定?),从公司high level的人员(两处框内对象不同哦)中调任(fast track strategy),并将竞争分析作为他们职业发展中的一个阶段,这样做对公司、对个人都有哪些好处。

P2=主要是比较了两者得优劣,效果上来说 analyst要比fast-tracker好一些,但由于fast-tracker速度上得优势使得他依然很有价值。首先分析师战略更好,因为使得整个公司的CA更强(此处问细节题)。缺点很明显的是个人英雄主义情绪高涨,然而fast-tracker往往不愿意继续他们前任项目的努力,而是要自己开展一个新项目(此处问细节题)因为这些人往往追求个人事业的成功(类似personal achievement),不太愿意按前人的规章制度行事。但是快速通道战略的好处也不容忽视,可以让公司的管理者有大局观,能够使得高层管理人员更好的appreciate CA value。最后让步,结尾的时候有转折,说,专门的analyst会容易跳槽,但是fast-track analyst更会appreciate competitor analysis 的value (有题),讲fast tracker对CA进行分析和把关时对公司仍有好处。后面又讲了大约十几行,内容我忘了,反正没有细节题。这篇还问了一个主题。



1.       段落结构,比如 第一段介绍了两种策略,第二段给出了两种策略得不足,还有 第一段介绍了两种策略,第二段论证了一种方法比另一种更优越等。

2.       问二种方法的区别fast-tracker和analyst相比,区别在于什么

3.       问主题题,我选了比较2种staffing strategy.

4.       问文章中没提到的

5.       首先分析师战略更好,因为使得整个公司的CA更强(此处问细节题)专门的analyst有什么优点?直接回去定位:容易形成speciaty,对ca有更深刻的了解和把握

6.       fast-track analyst有什么优点?也回去定位,在结尾的地方说了,fast-track analyst更会appreciate competitor analysis 的value。

household saving的影响

p1 大概是说在美国 house hold saving是对经济不好的,因为大家都储蓄,就会减少消费,减少投资。可是呢公司的saving是好的,因为公司的储蓄到最后,都会再投资在公司的发展上面。

p2 不是很记得



1.       考了household saving会导致什么结果(好像是),还有一些问题,答案有涉及到关于利率的,就是什么利率上涨,人们储蓄会怎么样怎么样。



1P 普遍观点认为生产力的提高让人们赚钱更多,花在工作上的时间更少。但实际上不是这样的。实际上因果关系应该倒过来。给发的工资多,才可以刺激,提高人们的morale、啥啥,四个作用(有题,except,选没有的那一项)

2P 例证。比如法国啥时候的罢工,是为了减少unemployment。等等,后面记不清了。有题问法国罢工的。有一个选项比较tricky,说法国罢工有很多好处,减少unemployment是最大的好处。文中没说the most,所以不选。



1P 说从1890 到1930年(年数有可能不对)苹果的交易发生方式发生变化了,一开始,果农在全美都有,和buyer是面对面的, 到这段时间的末期,加州的苹果商变得很强大,苹果都是加州生产,果农有了大量的甚么东西(类似于订单之类的,有一题的迷惑选项提到了这个),苹果商变得强大后,他们的产品卖的很远到各州。一个甚么机构就要对这些运输的产品做检查( 题目,1890年和1930年交易方式有甚么不一样了。 我选了果农不能直接把东西卖给buyer了。那个迷惑选项是果农的订单变少了), 之后由于什么原因,出台了一个甚么法规Act,保护这种交易的公平性,出了个什么(对这个act的产生原因有细节题),使果农不受antitrust法控制。

2P 苹果的质量变得不好。如果顾客发现苹果质量不好,果农和分销商都有责任;可能苹果质量本身不好,也可能是运输中损坏了苹果。这样就有人钻这个空子(卖质量不好的苹果),然后扯皮,贿赂官员。

Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.




美国黑人作家du Bois “Black Reconstruction” 高频


Old V2 2005/8JJ

W.E.B.DUBOIS,黑人作家, 1935年写了一本书“Black Reconstruction”.的关于南北战争以后 RECONSTRUCTION的主张,他写了一部具有里程碑式的作品. (关于美国内战后对美国黑人奴隶的看法 or关于美国内战后Reconstruction黑人的贡献和相关的评论的).是写他的进步性和独到性,说这人的作品怎么的与众不同,怎么的与 general view不同.尤其注意读中间的一句和第一段最后一句 总之说他的理论不错

第二段说这本书的缺点,观点so odds with prevailing assumption. 另一方面说明b把美国黑人奴隶描述成具有马克思主义,想要解放自己的工人阶级。说他有马克思主义倾向,并说明这种观点由于太关注马克思主义,关键是他用马克思理论评述黑人兄弟们怎么斗争.导致很多评论家很不待见他的观点,即使这些评论家同意他书里的一些观点,但是很多历史学家还是认为他的理论有价值的说.但是还是不能否定这篇著作的创建性.这个作品最重要的是影响到后世对于Reconstruction时期 的研究.最后说了直到最近,他的观点才被接受。



RC4th     du Bois (a person)'s book Black Reconstruction

1. du Bois wrote a book named Black Reconstruction in 1930. the book says the Reconstruction (a project after american civil war) did not do bad to freed black slave, it rather helped the freed black slave. 2. this book of his is controversial at that time. 3. another reason why du Bois's argument is controversial is that he analyze the free of black slave in Marxist framework. He believes the liberation of black slave is part of worldwide liberation of working class and repressed people. so some people who would read his book did not dare to even glare at the book.

the first question asks primary idea, select the items with the term 'revisionist'. only after the exam, i looked up the introduction of this book, I knew du Bois's approach is called revisionist approach, so this item should be right. another question asks what is inferred about du Bois's works after 1930. I remember there is a word in the paragraph 'future doctrinale' or something. so du Bois's works after 1930 should all be characterized as Marxism.


1.       有问文章的结构

2.       the first question asks primary idea select the items with the term 'revisionist' 确定

3.       another question asks what is inferred about du Bois's works after 1930

I remember there is a word in the paragraph 'future doctrinale' or something. 确定

4.       highlight的部分就是so odds with prevailing assumption后面一句.问题是highlight的部分起到了什么作用..



2 杜波斯的black reconstruction

Black Reconstruction in America is a book by W.E.B. Du Bois, first published in 1935. It is revisionist approach to looking at the Reconstruction of the south after its defeat in the American civil war. Since Du Bois was known for his Marxism, it is not surprising that this book takes a Marxist approach to looking at reconstruction. The essential argument of the text is that the Black and White laborers, who are the proletariat无产阶级, were divided after the civil war on the lines of race, and as such were unable to stand together against the white propertied class, the bourgeoisie中产阶级. This to Du Bois was the failure of reconstruction and the reason for the rise of the Jim Crow laws, and other such injustices.

While Dubois’ sociological analysis of reconstruction is clearly directed into the support of his Marxist ideology; Dubois’ historical scholarship and use of the techniques of primary source data research on the post war political economy of the former Confederate States’ was ground breaking. He performed the first systematic and rigorous analysis of the political economy of the reconstruction period of the southern states; based upon actual data collected during period.

Du Bois was castigated for failing to use archival resources, an impossibility for a Black historian studying the South where Jim Crow segregation made such research utopian. In Black Reconstruction, Du Bois has written a history that utilizes Marxism as a political framework for understanding and explaining the history of Black oppression within the United States. Moreover, in total command of Marxist dialectics, Du Bois connected the oppression and exploitation of Black slaves and then Black freedmen to the development of U.S. capitalism and the rise of American imperial domination. 

Du Bois moves African Americans from the margins of American history and places them at the center of a global struggle for emancipation of the oppressed and exploited. 


Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.



爱尔兰Feminism & Women's rights 高频  爱尔兰女性在社会活动中地位

  4段  f和w混为一谈/F,W的区别/W的特点/区别研究的原因


长文章,大概有4段,关于Ireland Feminism & Women's rights
1P 1850年开始女权运动兴起, 爱尔兰妇女地位提高,更加活跃了,同时在爱尔兰有slaverage abolition运动,在abolition活动最旺盛的时候,妇女运动恰好是最低谷,所以这两者常常被historian合并起来研究,他们觉得妇女运动的人参加了abolition,并在过程中锻炼了自己的组织、演讲、搞活动等的能力,而且他们把 feminism和women's rights混为一谈。专家M还是C打头的,记不太清了,就说妇女独立运动取得了很大成就。(Historians trying to establish the importance of women in old times studied some woman's suffrage n. 投票,选举权,参政权movement in relation to a particular revolution in Ireland (i don remember exactly..) 研究爱尔兰女性历史的学者仿照研究britain历史的学者,研究妇女选举权等等,其实这些研究方法有问题。

2P其实fenimist认为feminism和women's rights是有区别的,feminism是这样这样的,women's rights是那样那样的,对feminism的追求其实从1800年就开始了,是由越来越多的人开始urban life引起的,而对women's rights的追求的确是从1850年,在slaverage abolition的影响下,妇女意识到自己应有的权利,而兴起的
而且根据women's rights活动的组织者的一些记录,说明她们的很多经验是来自她们的前辈,那些feminism活动的组织者的(这里有一道题目)

3P这段讲women’s rights 的特点
4P最后一段否定下这个人,说这个人可能exaggerate妇女的活跃程度。其实,只有一小部分妇女精英才参加了那些国家级别的政治运动。.. but this gave a distorted view because they dunno how many women actually participated and stuff like that).应该把women's rights和abolition还有国家独立等政治事件分开来研究,

Old V2:       

爱尔兰民族解放问题与妇女问题,新老观点对比型,考了2个细节题。两段快满屏,当时时间不够了特别慌,基本没看进去,好在没有考理解. 740 (50,40)



Old V3 有不同

第二段,focus在爱尔兰的妇女主权运动上,会夸大exaggerate 妇女的XX地位(有题,过于focus在主权运动,会导致什么?我选:对爱尔兰妇女的XX研究有distortion
段尾说由于现有的对爱尔兰妇女主权运动的account并不是很全,所以不容易得到XX的结论。是爱尔兰的妇女运动问题,主要是否认现在很普遍的一种看法即爱尔兰的妇女运动取得了很大的成就。 然后说误区在于专家们被爱尔兰的独立运动误导了,实际上参加独立运动的只是少部分妇女精英, 大部分妇女仍然没有解放。


Historians trying to establish the importance of women in old times studied some woman's suffrage movement in relation to a particular revolution in Ireland (i don remember exactly..).. but this gave a distorted view because they dunno how many women actually participated and stuff like that.


1. 主题题 学者们利用了别国的研究方法导致结论上有偏差

2. primary purpose of the passage  point out a shortcoming in historical research approach

3. 题问主题,我选的是evaluate 一个traditional研究方法的potential shortcomings

4. 第二题highlight新政府的政策(原文是political factors)了,问作者同意哪个观点?我选的是其实这些不是造成限制女权的真正原因

5. 针对列出那些原因的一句话, 返回原文应该容易找到答案,是一个跟女性的economic status有关的问题,我选的答案是女性找wage labors有限制,这个选项好像是所有选项中唯一一个跟经济有关的。V47 (99%) + Q50 (94%) == 780 (99%)

6. 说明她们的很多经验是来自她们的前辈,那些feminism活动的组织者的(这里有一道题目)

7. 有道题问一个词形容作者态度的,我选的negative

8. 过于focus在主权运动,会导致什么?我选:对爱尔兰妇女的XX研究有distortion

9. 对于旧的观点(就是他们没有不能代表妇女的解放),怎样削弱呢?可以说是发现了一个文献什莫德,里面记载了,这些运动的主体是广大的妇女劳动人民。


  4段,提出观点/opening opportunity model/reducing opportunity model/说没有改变妇女就业中的地位

V1 新老机井混合

第一段提出问题,是说妇女的工作机会大多集中在低工资之类的等级low state里,妇女的工资不如男性,就业机会也不如男性,然而service industry的发展,妇女的工作地位将会改变。service industry的日益壮大有没有改变妇女在就业市场中的地位呢?


第一个原因:女性服务业优势论,open opportunity model说Service Industry提供了机会,给妇女和男性竞争上岗的机会。但是随之也有一些问题。说service行业的发展的确改变了妇女地位,在service行业中的男女平等水平高于manufacturing行 业;

第二个原因:压制男性论“危及男同胞” 观点,“reducing opportunity model”,减少生产型(即力气活)的工作机会,这样会减少女性的体力弱势,妇女抢占在service industry工作,男性比较集中在blue colar的职位中,无法来工作,因此提供了女性更多在service行业工作的机会

第三个原因:差别论,最后有一句some one说男性在service industry工作时间不如女性工作的持久[有题,问作用] 说没有改变妇女就业中的地位,但是最后一句转折说南部的一个调查表明,妇女更喜欢 他们的工作了,因为得到了更好的pay(06/18/2004)




1.     有主旨题

2.     最后有一句some one说男性在service industry工作时间不如女性工作的持久[有题,问作用]

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