Similar ecological disasters have occurred on other continents. Degraded ecosystems are not only bad for biodiversity; they are bad for human economies. In Central America, for instance, researchers have shown that intact tropical ecosystems are worth at least $60,000 a year to a single coffee farm because of the services they provide, such as the pollination of coffee crops.
Where large predators and herbivores still remain, they play pivotal roles. In Alaska, sea otters maintain kelp forest ecosystems by keeping herbivores that eat kelp, such as sea urchins, in check. In Africa, elephants are keystone players; as they move through an area, their knocking down trees and trampling create a habitat in which certain plants and animals can fl ourish. Lions and other predators control the populations of African herbivores, which in turn influence the distribution of plants and soil nutrients.
In Pleistocene America, large predators and herbivores played similar roles. Today most of that vital influence is absent. For example, the American cheetah (a relative of the African cheetah) dashed across the grasslands in pursuit of pronghorn antelopes for millions of years. These chases shaped the pronghorn’s astounding speed and other biological aspects of one of the fastest animals alive. In the absence of the cheetah, the pronghorn appears “overbuilt” for its environment today.
Pleistocene rewilding is not about recreating exactly some past state. Rather it is about restoring the kinds of species interactions that sustain thriving ecosystems. Giant tortoises, horses, camels, cheetahs, elephants and lions: they were all here, and they helped to shape North American ecosystems. Either the same species or closely related species are available for introduction as proxies, and many are already in captivity in the U.S. In essence, Pleistocene rewilding would help change the underlying premise of conservation biology from limiting extinction to actively restoring natural processes.
At first, our proposal may seem outrageous—lions in Montana? But the plan deserves serious debate for several reasons. First, nowhere on Earth is pristine, at least in terms of being substantially free of human influence. Our demographics, chemicals, economics and politics pervade every part of the planet. Even in our largest national parks, species go extinct without active intervention. And human encroachment shows alarming signs of worsening. Bold actions, rather than business as usual, will be needed to reverse such negative influences. Second, since conservation biology emerged as a discipline more than three decades ago, it has been mainly a business of doom and gloom, a struggle merely to slow the loss of biodiversity. But conservation need not be only reactive. A proactive approach would include restoring natural processes, starting with ones we know are disproportionately important, such as those influenced by megafauna.
Third, land in North America is available for the reintroduction of megafauna. Although the patterns of human land use are always shifting, in some areas, such as parts of the Great Plains and the Southwest, large private and public lands with low or declining human population densities might be used for the project. Fourth, bringing megafauna back to America would also bring tourist and other dollars into nearby communities and enhance the public’s appreciation of the natural world. More than 1.5 million people visit San Diego’s Wild Animal Park every year to catch a glimpse of large mammals. Only a handful of U.S. national parks receive that many visitors. Last, the loss of some of the remaining species of megafauna in Africa and Asia within this century seems likely—Pleistocene rewilding could help reverse that.
How It Might Be Done
We are not talking about backing up a van and kicking some cheetahs out into your backyard. Nor are we talking about doing it tomorrow. We conceive of Pleistocene rewilding as a series of staged, carefully managed ecosystem manipulations. What we are offering here is a vision—not a blueprint—of how this might be accomplished. And by no means are we suggesting that rewilding should be a priority over current conservation programs in North America or Africa. Pleistocene rewilding could proceed alongside such conservation efforts, and it would likely generate conservation dollars from new funding sources, rather than competing for funds with existing conservation efforts.
The long-term vision includes a vast, securely fenced ecological history park, encompassing thousands of square miles, where horses, camels, elephants and large carnivores would roam. As happens now in Africa and regions surrounding some U.S. national parks, the ecological history park would not only attract ecotourists but would also provide jobs related both to park management and to tourism.
To get to that distant point, we would need to start modestly, with relatively small-scale experiments that assess the impacts of megafauna on North American landscapes. These controlled experiments, guided by sound science and by the fossil record, which indicates what animals actually lived here, could occur first on donated or purchased private lands and could begin immediately. They will be critical in answering the many questions about the reintroductions and would help lay out the costs and benefits of rewilding.
One of these experiments is already under way. Spurred by our 2004 meeting, biologists recently reintroduced Bolson tortoises to a private ranch in New Mexico. Bolson tortoises, some weighing more than 100 pounds, once grazed parts of the southwestern U.S. before disappearing around 10,000 years ago, victims of human hunting. This endangered tortoise now clings to survival, restricted to a single small area in central Mexico. Thus, the reintroduction not only repatriates the tortoise to the U.S., it increases the species’ chance for survival. Similar experiments are also occurring outside North America [see box on page 77].
The reintroduction of wild horses and camels would be a logical part of these early experiments. Horses and camels originated on this continent, and many species were present in the late Pleistocene. Today’s feral horses and asses that live in some areas throughout the West are plausible substitutes for extinct American species. Because most of the surviving Eurasian and African species are now critically endangered [see “Endangered Wild Equids,” by Patricia D. Moehlman; Scientifi c American, March 2005], establishing Asian asses and Przewalski’s horse in North America might help prevent the extinction of these animals. Bactrian camels, which are critically endangered in the Gobi Desert, could provide a modern proxy for Camelops, a late Pleistocene camel. Camels, introduced from captive or domesticated populations, might benefit U.S. ecosystems by browsing on woody plants that today are overtaking arid grasslands in the Southwest, an ecosystem that is increasingly endangered.
Another prong of the project would likely be more controversial but could also begin immediately. It would establish small numbers of elephants, cheetahs and lions on private property.
Introducing elephants could prove valuable to nearby human populations by attracting tourists and maintaining grasslands useful to ranchers (elephants could suppress the woody plants that threaten southwestern grasslands). In the late Pleistocene, at least four elephant species lived in North America. Under a scientifi c framework, captive elephants in the U.S. could be introduced as proxies for these extinct animals. The biggest cost involved would be fencing, which has helped reduce conflict between elephants and humans in Africa.
Many cheetahs are already in captivity in the U.S. The greatest challenge would be to provide them with large, securely fenced areas that have appropriate habitat and prey animals. Offsetting these costs are benefi ts—restoring what must have been strong interactions with pronghorn, facilitating ecotourism as an economic alternative for ranchers, many of whom are struggling financially, and helping to save the world’s fastest carnivore from extinction.
Lions are increasingly threatened, with populations in Asia and some parts of Africa critically endangered. Bringing back lions, which are the same species that once lived in North America, presents daunting challenges as well as many potential benefi ts. But private reserves in southern Africa where lions and other large animals have been successfully reintroduced offer a model—and these reserves are smaller than some private ranches in the Southwest.
If these early experiments with large herbivores and predators show promising results, more could be undertaken, moving toward the long-term goal of a huge ecological history park. What we need now are panels of experts who, for each species, could assess, advise and cautiously lead efforts in restoring megafauna to North America.
A real-world example of how the reintroduction of a top predator might work comes from the wolves of Yellowstone National Park [see “Lessons from the Wolf,” by Jim Robbins; Scientific American, June 2004]. The gray wolf became extinct in and around Yellowstone during the 1920s. The loss led to increases in their prey—moose and elk— which in turn reduced the distribution of aspens and other trees they eat. Lack of vegetation destroyed habitat for migratory birds and for beavers. Thus, the disappearance of the wolves propagated a trophic cascade from predators to herbivores to plants to birds and beavers. Scientists have started to document the ecosystem changes as reintroduced wolves regain the ecological role they played in Yellowstone for millennia. An additional insight researchers are learning from putting wolves back into Yellowstone is that they may be helping the park cope with climate change. As winters grow milder, fewer elk die, which means less carrion for scavengers such as coyotes, ravens and bald eagles. Wolves provide carcasses throughout the winter for the scavengers to feed on, bestowing a certain degree of stability.
The Challenges Ahead
As our group on the ranch in New Mexico discussed how Pleistocene rewilding might work, we foresaw many challenges that would have to be addressed and overcome. These include the possibility that introduced animals could bring novel diseases with them or that they might be unusually susceptible to diseases already present in the ecosystem; the fact that habitats have changed over the millennia and that reintroduced animals might not fare well in these altered environments;
and the likelihood of unanticipated ecological consequences and unexpected reactions from neighboring human communities. Establishing programs that monitor the interactions among species and their con sequences for the well-being of the ecosystem will require patience and expertise. And, of course, it will not be easy to convince the public to accept predation as an important natural process that actually nourishes the land and enables ecosystems to thrive. Other colleagues have raised additional concerns, albeit none that seems fatal [see box on opposite page].
Many people will claim that the concept of Pleistocene rewilding is simply not feasible in the world we live in today. I urge these people to look to Africa for inspiration. The year after the creation of Kruger National Park was announced, the site was hardly the celebrated mainstay of southern African biodiversity it is today. In 1903 zero elephants, nine lions, eight buffalo and very few cheetahs lived within its boundaries. Thanks to the vision and dedication of African conservationists, 7,300 elephants, 2,300 lions, 28,000 buffalo and 250 cheetahs roamed Kruger 100 years later—as did 700,000 tourists, bringing with them tens of millions of dollars.
In the coming century, humanity will decide, by default or design, the extent to which it will tolerate other species and thus how much biodiversity will endure. Pleistocene rewilding is not about trying to go back to the past; it is about using the past to inform society about how to maintain the functional fabric of nature. The potential scientifi c, conservation and cultural benefi ts of restoring megafauna are clear, as are the costs. Although sound science can help mitigate the potential costs, these ideas will make many uneasy. Yet given the apparent dysfunction of North American ecosystems and Earth’s overall state, inaction carries risks as well. In the face of tremendous uncertainty, science and society must weigh the costs and benefits of bold, aggressive actions like Pleistocene rewilding against those of business as usual, which has risks, uncertainties and costs that are often unacknowledged. We have a tendency to think that if we maintain the status quo, things will be fi ne. All the available information suggests the opposite.
What the Critics Say
Since we proposed the rewilding idea in print, in Nature in 2005, commentators have pointed out a number of concerns, some legitimate, some not. “We all remember ‘Jurassic Park,’” wrote Dustin Rubenstein and his colleagues in the journal Biological Conservation. “Pleistocene re-wilding of North America is only a slightly less sensational proposal.” We disagree
with this assessment because the majority of dinosaurs went extinct 65 million years ago, whereas many of North America’s original megafauna or very close relatives are alive today else where in the world and can be both studied and saved.
Rubenstein and colleagues go on to say, “Modern day proxies species are wrong . . . different genetically from the species that occurred in North America during the Pleistocene.” True, but not that different. Available evidence indicates that the lions in Africa and Asia today are the same species, albeit of smaller stature, as the lions that prowled North America 13 millennia ago. Recent studies of ancient DNA have elucidated close relationships between extinct elephant and horse species and those alive today. Further, introduction of proxies for now extinct species has proved successful in other experiments. Hundreds of peregrine falcons from Australia, Europe and South America were used, for example, in captivebreeding programs to reintroduce the peregrine falcon to parts of the U.S. and Canada where DDT had wiped it out. Those birds were certainly different genetically from the ones that once soared over the Midwest, yet they have done well in their new homes. “One can only imagine ... farmers coping with crop destruction by herds of elephants, or lions and cheetah attacking cattle, or even children,” Rubenstein and his colleagues warn. One need not merely imagine the challenges of coexisting with large predators and herbivores. Africa and Asia have been struggling with them for centuries, and substantial progress has been made; in our plan the animals will not be unrestrained.
“Global climate change since the Pleistocene extinctions makes the restoration of vanished ecosystems through large-mammal introduction quite unlikely,” wrote Christopher Smith in a letter to Nature in the weeks following the initial proposal. Many have expressed concern about the fact that North America’s ecosystems are not the same today as they were 13,000 years ago and that reintroduced animals might therefore be unable to survive in them. Whereas habitats are and will continue to be dynamic on a timescale of thousands of years, very few plants or small mammals went extinct during the late Pleistocene. The major missing component of North American ecosystems today compared with the Pleistocene is the megafauna, which we can infer are critical cogs in the wheels. —C.J.D. |