[转帖]4,5--North America (740)
1. post office in P city handles more mails than that of L city. thus the argument say the efficiency of the post office in P city is higher than that of L city, and also the post office in P get more customer satisfaction. thus someone suggest to exchange the postmaster.
2. we should focus the specific tasks on hand instead of the final results
数学的时间一定要掌握好。 题目越来越难, 千万不要慌张。 我就犯了这样的错误。
1. Two rent-a-car company, r and s, offer the same car for rent with different policies. r charges $30 per day, and $0.2 per mile for the mileage greater than 100 EACH DAY. s charges $65 per day with unlimited mileage. for the same car, the same 3 day period, how many total miles should the car run to make the charges of the two companies the same. (825)
2 GWD boy and girls study biology. DATA SUFFICIENT. (c)
3. 4 persons, a, b, c, d, chose two. the probability of the choice which a and b can be chosen. (1/6)
4. x=0.01 (1-x4)/(1-x)=?
when I did math, the questions are harder and harder, I barely finish the exam on time. Actually, I did not have time to make the choice on the final question. So if you meet the same condition, just choose one, and then do the calculation. That makes sure you will not get penalty for not finishing the exam.
verbal is pretty easy. So I have not very much image about the questions, just attach three reading comprehension.
1. 鸟类飞行起源
关于鸟类飞行起源有两种理论。 一种是鸟类的始祖恐龙爬到树上, 丛树上飞下。但这不大可能。 因为那时候的树本就比恐龙高不了多少。同时恐龙的脚和翼不见得会有利于爬树。有的羊会爬树,不见得它就能飞。(有题,问作用)另一种理论是恐龙再地面奔跑,速度快的一定地步时,由于有不断完善的羽毛系统, 可以有利于起飞。 举例说明有一种小恐龙由于身体轻, 又agile, 可以满足这个条件。 作者明显偏向于后者。
2. symbol economy 和 real economy
这个世界越来越向symbol economy 靠拢。 symbol economy 就是计算市场上的资金流量,credit flowing 等等。 real economy 就是真实商品的经济形式。可是从伦敦交易市场上的信息可以看出, 这两项所涉及到的金额有巨大差别。前者有75 trillion, while the other only has 5 trillion, however, they suppose to be the same.
同时对这种现象的解释也不符合凯恩斯主义的设想。 美国虽然有最多的赤字, 但失业率却最低。日本虽然出口大增, 失业又少,但经济活力不足。
3. apply capital theory to women wage
capital theory 就是人们接受教育, 培养自己, 以使自己更加充实, 可以在今后的工作中得到更好的报酬。 学者P 应用这一理论到妇女的工资问题上。 支出妇女由于要照顾孩子,因此学则了那些即使不上班penalty 也少的工作。 因此得到的报酬自然要少。可有的学者不同意。 指出英国就不是这样的。 男女的penalty 是一样的。又有人指出,有的地方男女工作性质一样, 可工资差别仍很大。 |