28-12: Over the next few years, increasing demands on the LACE>LACENAME>ChattahoocheeLACENAME> LACETYPE>RiverLACETYPE>LACE>, which flows into the LACE>LACENAME>ApalachicolaLACENAME> LACETYPE>River, could alter the saline content of Apalachicola Bay, which would rob the oysters there of their flavor, and to make them decrease in size, less distinctive, and less in demand.
A: which would rob the oysters there of their flavor, and to make them decrease in size
B: and it would rob the oysters there of their flavor, make them smaller
C: and rob the oysters there of their flavor, making them decrease in size
D: robbing the oysters there of their flavor and making them smaller
E: robbing the oysters there of their flavor, and making them decrease in size
我觉得rob和make 应平行。
大家意见如何? |