aurora2008 当前离线
刚收到Duke 寄来的I-20, 我读的是full time MBA. 我看到在I-20上的学
校名字写的是Duke University, Medical Center and Health System,
这个应该是Medical school的名字吧啊? 是学校弄错了吗? 商学院的名字
应该是Fuqua business School啊. 想问有没有同收到Duke MBA I-20的,
我想确认大家是不是都是Medical center那个..否则我就要退回去了...
sunnylee 当前离线
longger 当前离线
did you apply the HSM program? You may want to send an email
to double check it.
lewis 当前离线
Dont worry. This is the legal name of duke university. Duke
has a very powerful medical center (not medical school) which
contributes half of revenue of the university.
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