AWA 作文是AA:信用卡上印LOGO那个
Issue: Everywhere, there is clear signs that people are respectful of one another's differences. CR JJ 1. 讲一种药在大人身上测试比在小孩测试得多,政府为了使企业投入更多在小孩身上测试的药,决定给那些给小孩测试的药更长的专利权,因为专利权更长能使这些企业获利更多。问能削弱政府能达到目的事实
2. GWD 总统取消反对党高速公路兴建案那题
SC In no other historical sighting did Halley’s comet cause such a worldwide sensation as did its return in 1910-1911. A did its return in 1910-1911 B had its 1910-1911 return C in its return of 1910-1911 D its return of 1910-1911 did
E its return in 1910-1911
RC Passage 1 消费者对贵的和便宜的durable products 进行price comparison
Passage 2 建築師配合顧客的意見。
Passage 3
波多黎 统治的变化
Passage 4 Natinonlist 对 Feminist 的影响 |