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09年Wharton MBA interview面试精华汇总



My first invitation was from Wharton. I applied for R1 and received email
invitation around 10/23. Because I am in the southern U.S., I
scheduled an interview with an alumnus in my city. The interviewer has aneastern European last name.

The interview took place around mid-November at the alumnus’
office building. He has an EE PhD, and after Wharton, he is working for a MC company. We walked down to a coffee shop to do the interview there. It was very noisy. Bad for the interview.

Why MBA, LT/ST goals, Why Wharton, why now?
Tell a situation where you core value is compromised?
What is your understanding of leadership?
Have you visited Wharton before? Have you talked to any students?
Tell me your working experience.

First of all, I should do the on-campus interview instead
since I had not visited the campus. This may let people think I did not have enough interests in the school.

The interviewer was tough and challenged several times when
I spoke. And some basic questions like” why do you need to learn leadership at Wharton?” I think MBA is all about leadership.
I did not believe he was friendly when he asked this question. He also
challenged other parts of my answers. Perhaps I should avoid him at the first place when I picked interviewer online. I should also be prepared for the worst case possible. Not every interviewer is friendly as the schools have claimed.The interviewer did not reply to the thank-you note.
Again, this was my first interview. I received rejection letter before Christmas.
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- he walked through my resume with me in a very casual way
- why mba why wharton
- questions for him
现在回头看来,好像我们聊得相当发散,主要的问题似乎就这三个。很巧,他沃顿本科毕业后在我上海的母校学了半年中文,还去过我的家乡,所以就闲扯了一些母校的往事,对上海的回忆,他还拽了两句上海话,呵呵,谈了些北京的酒吧,沃顿的生活,毕业后去向,谈到要通常美国人做我那个职业目标的,都会先做两年xxx,不过可能中国不一样blah blah... 另外谈到的小问题有:
- 为什么不在中国读MBA,认不认识一些北京的US MBA,认不认识其他wharton alumni
- 还申了其他哪几个学校?如果他们要你,还来沃顿否?(汗,我全招了,还说当然选沃顿,他笑“你是不是跟谁都这么说呢?”郁闷阿,早知道就把几个学校的好好比较一下,也好拍沃顿马屁拍准了)
- If five years after graduation, at wharton alumni reunion, when ppl talk about you, what do you think they would say about you?
- 最怀念大学时候的什么事情
虽然我知道自己的career goal老大难,但是真的truely be myself & with real passion了,期待沃顿能够垂青。


wharton on-campus interview experience
今天面完了Wharton, 刚从philadelphia坐了六个小时的bus回到家~不是一般的累~
1. tell me about yourself~I did a good job in this one~告诉了她我的一些personal story 和一些我的achievement, career path.
2. Why MBA Why now? Expected 的问题,我很清楚地回答了顺便说了一下我的long term short term goal
3. Why wharton~ 我主要讲了wharton Healthcare program fits my goal,讲了我喜欢wharton 的culture
4. What club in Wharton you will join? 也是意料之中的问题,我的回答也刚好,说了两个跟career , academic无关的club, 结果面试我的姐姐正好也在这两个club,心里狂喜
5. Team work, how do you solve conflict。
6. What kind of leader you are, how others comments on your leadership style. 讲了一堆形容词。
7. 接着就问我了leadership的 example。讲了一个故事。其中讲到说我为了在短时间内recruit 很多volunteer, 打遍了我的电话本上所有朋友的电话的时候,姐姐开心的笑了
8. What you can contribute to Wharton? 我觉得她主要想问in classroom,所以我回答了一下,我在healthcare行业的背景能够add extra value in study team and in classroom
9. What’s the most difficult thing you will face in Bschool as you can imagine. 我讲了要做的事情太多,而且每件都想做好,怕会handle 不了。列了一二三大类我要做的事情。~ 这个问题也是我今天面试的亮点,后来姐姐告诉我她和我的想法exactly 一致
10. Describe a situation when you need to make a decision where there is not much factor can help. 晕死了,这是我今天唯一一个out of expectation的问题,我也没有回答得特别好。回答之前我跟她说我需要想一下,回答之后我说我不知道有没有get to the point,她附和了一下说,你答到了,但是我觉得她的回答有点假
11. 问了我有什么问题,我说了how do you like Wharton so far,她blah blah讲了一堆~感觉像是事先背好的或者讲了太多次,已经跟背书一样的啦~,我又问了if you would change one thing about Wharton, what would you change. 她说huntsman hall 的 food café too bad.这里我说了一句很stupid的话,我说是挺差,wharton这么多人,就一个这么小的地方,blahblah, 姐姐立马有点不高兴,纠正我说其实有两个。晕倒了. 我是有点high 过头了。当时恨不得找个洞钻下去~
12. 最后问了我还有什么要补充的,我说了一个我的extracurricular activity. 她听得很有兴趣,评价说interesting,very great experience. 我觉得是个perfect ending~
她中间问了我hobby, 感兴趣的course之类的。最后wrap up的时候我说了一句,我有点紧张。然后姐姐马上说,你表现得不错,blahblah,~后来想想,也不应该这么说,反正就是有点太high乐,能说得不能说得都说了。
总结:我觉得我的准备很充分,这是必要的,准备得重点是自己的故事,和对wharton的了解~我觉得我花在准备interview上的时间不比写essay少~ 我觉得做的不好就是有点紧张~没有我平时mock的时候感觉顺~ 还有一点就是,我觉得还是应该多说,我今天就比较high,该说的不该说的,噼哩叭啦讲了一堆,但是后来回想一下这个Strategy是对的,第一能够搞活气氛,第二能够多表现我的personality.俺们本来语言就没有优势,所以一定要抓住一切机会表现自己的性格,半个小时是很短的,一定要把握机会,不要局限在interviewer问的问题里面,因为那些问题都太standard,大家的回答都大同小异,要想stand out,一定要多扯一些东西~。我觉得我基本上想要表达的都说出来了。所以总的来说not bad。之后我还面试了health care management program要求的extra interview,我的面试经历也很经典。我会接着写面经~
就写到这里了,希望对后面的人有帮助。大家都不容易,wharton面那么多人,最后能不能拿到也是听天由命了,good luck to everyone.
衷心的感谢wharton的Jason 帅哥无私的帮助。希望大家以后问他问题的时候多show一些appreciation.他是一位好同志~!


面试官Olivier Letant
问题不多,主要集中在resume,why MBA,why Wharton,career goal,这几个问题问的都比较深入,绝非简单的了解一些情况就下一个问题了。而是穷追猛打,刨根问底,而且还问了我对于我的行业的一些看法,问题问的比较隐蔽,他问我如果他是国外的一家公司,想在中国的石油石化行业的下游做投资,我有什么建议。整个主要面试部分基本上25分钟,剩下的20分钟都在聊Wharton的生活,MBA的生活,他还给我一些MBA的建议,比如上学的时候一定要注意和自己的朋友保持联系,否则很容易失去他们,说因为你这两年的变化会非常大,回来后你跟朋友的差距会很大,当然这个建议是我在问他要是我带妻子去上学,Wharton会合适吗?上面是他给我的建议,还有就是聊了很多community的活动。




wharton hk hub 面经
问的问题比较常规why mba,为什么wharton,你能从wharton获得什么,能给wharton什么,我的career goal,etc.
说话语速比较快,偶被迫pardon, sorry各一次, sigh。
不太好的是由于一开始就正式问题了,都没有来点寒暄和warm up,结束的时候她也走得急,缺乏了点个人交流。她一面问一边听一边在一张paper上做记录。


Wharton Alumni Interview in Beijing
面试官超级nice, 刚开始还有点紧张,不过不知不觉被他带得一点都不紧张了,完全的relax, and be myself.
没有walk through resume, because he said he reviewed my resume several times and get much from it. All the questions are tipical:
1. the frustation situation from the clients (he said, my client is so huge, and powerful, sometimes maybe arrogant)
2. the leadership experience
3. teamwork experience
4. long-term and short term career goals
5. why now
6. why MBA and why Wharton
7. your contributions
8. strenths and weakness (这个问题我回答的不好,被他反复的challenge)
9. my turn to ask him some questions
For every question, he went to details.
最有意思的是,他有个经典动作,左右双手一起伸出食指,放在头的双侧上方,然后弯两下(好像friends 里面的Ross曾经作过的那个动作),好可爱!呵呵!
他还说和judith( interviewer in hub interview) 聊过,说今年的invitation 太多,学校面试的压力也很大。


Wharton interview@ Bangkok
Wharton interview@ Bangkok
Time: 2/23/08
Location: Bangkok
见面的寒暄:我们一见面都先把泰国吃的大大赞扬了一番,说得我们两个都有点流口水了。他的腿还没完全,我帮一个在校朋友问候了他一下,知道他打马球,就问到是否是打马球把腿伤了,他说是的,我说他 is crazy.
How’s your company now?
2. questions about my first job?
3. why is MBA now?
4. What’s your contribution to Wharton?
5. what’s your expectation from MBA?
6. when did you start up SZG( a volunteer program)?
7. Are you parents stay with you in SZ?
8. any question or you want tell me more about u?(最后两分钟他提醒并问)
(Thomas 是非常有经验的interviewer, 他的问题都是从我的回答中而提出的,感觉很流畅,他能让interviewee轻松真实的表现出自己。他对我的兴趣爱好表示很有兴趣,所以工作方面的谈得少了点, 回想有点遗憾!)

1. Interview: 请教在校学生和R1面试的和admitted 的学生。非常感谢他们无私的分享,让我今天能自信放松的走进 meeting room. (还是应该提早做准备)
2. 去泰国的准备:2/20晚决定book Bangkok hub interview,2/21早上定好机票和酒店,
2/22飞泰国( 飞机晚点3个小时,晚上6点才到)。有第三国的签证就可以在泰国做落地签证(1000B,2张照片,在Bangkok机场半小时就办好)。
3. Grand Hyatt就在四面佛的隔壁,5月份求保佑能申请成功,今天一大早去告诉四面佛今天要面试,谢谢他的保佑而且祈求今天面试成功,下个月能拿到offer. 据说四面佛非常的灵。(赫赫,我告诉Thomas了,他大笑。)其实菩萨都是灵的,他们都希望每个人心想事成。不过有句话不是:


Wharton on-campus 面精
Just returned from a trip to Philly and had an on-campus interview this afternoon. Overall, the interview went very smoothly, because the question set the interviewer prepared for me were very standard. No surprise or behavior questions asked.

-Walk through your resume
-Why MBA?
-Why Now?
-Why Wharton?
-Your long and short term goals
-How Wharton will prepare you for your goals
-What can you contribute to Wharton.
-What do you do outside your work?
-What other schools did you apply? (I told him I applied for 4 schools in total, but he didn't ask which other ones. It was a little strange.)

There are a few other questions which I can't quite remember now but they were very standard questions. The conversation was very casual and informal. Because it was Friday afternoon, I felt the interviewer (a second year student) was a little tired and he yawned a couple of times - I think he probably partied too much on Thursday evening and it was definitely not because of me. :-)

There are a few tips I would like to share with my fellow comrades:
- Visiting classes will not only help you get a feel of the Wharton class settings, its students and faculties, it also provide you with some common topics with the interviewer. I signed up an elective class, Venture capital and Finance innovation. Most of the students are 2rd year students. The interviewer happened to be in that class. During the interview, I told him that I was totally lost and didn't follow the lecturer's highly quantitative analysis. He commented: I don't blame you. I didn't understand it neither. So we cracked a few jokes about the class. My point is that we should always find every opportunity to build a conversation with the interviewer - visiting class is one way to help with it.

-Before the interview (Friday afternoon 2:15pm), I got there at around 1. I checked in at the front desk, signed in, and submitted my resume to the assistant. And I asked the assistant if my interviewer has been assigned yet. She told me yes. So I asked if it is possible that she can let me know who that would be. She was nice enough to give me a business card of my interviewer. So basically I went to the second floor and used a public computer to google the interviewer's background, which helped my interview a little bit, making it less "blind", at least for my side. I highly recommend to try this "trick" if you are going to do an on-campus interview. Every little bit help, isn't it?

Some other observations:
-Parking condition there is horrible. Try meters first ($1/hour, maximum 3 h). If no meter, there is a garage right beside the Huntsman's Hall but very expensive, $8 for the first one hour, and $2 for every extra hour. In any case, public transportation is very good in philly so next time if i need go there, I probably will take a train and go to the campus by taxi.
-Wharton students are very down-to-the-earth. I had a great time talking with some chinese students there. Thanks SH, CX, and LD. I appreciate your help.

One more thing ---- I love Wharton...........Please take me.....................


Wharton R2 Hub Interview @ BJ
今天上午在北京参加了Wharton Hub Interview,估计是Wharton R2 最早一批被Interview的吧,呵呵。
面试官是Yakowitz女士,非常Nice。整个过程是Blind的,她上来就说基本上Interview 20分钟,然后10分钟的互动。然后她就开始看Resume,约一分钟后就开始挑了Resume中一处描写与我进行讨论。后来扯的比较远,最后还聊到了国企改革和国企海外上市的问题。于是也就不Walk Through Resume了,开始问答,都是非常传统的问题。
1. Why MBA and Why Now
2. Long Term and Short Term Goal
3. Strength and Weakness
4. My Contribution to Wharton
5. Some of My Overseas Experiences listed in Resume
6. My Interested Clubs
气氛很好,面试官发音也很好听,Just be confident and be yourself!


Wharton Hub Interview 2@BJ
1. specific resume info
2. details about current job
3. Why MBA, Why now, why wharton, 中间穿插LT/ST goal
4. why career switching
5. what do you do outside curriculum
6. what else you would like to say about your application

没有问leadership/teamwork, contribution, strength/weakness,问题应该也是满随意的。实战感觉会比Mock短很多。



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