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Interview style was quite casual, but the interviewer (alumnus) was often asking me follow-up questions on my answers.

– Tell me about you and your story.
– Why’d you leave your last job?
– What are your goals?
– How can an MBA help?
– Why Kellogg?
– What are some challenges you would face in your MBA?
– What would you bring to the Kellogg classroom?
– Question diving deeper into my goals and geographic preferences.
– What would you do if you don’t get the MBA at all?
– Tell me about a time you worked with a diverse team.
– Tell me about a time you had a failure.
– What is your leadership style?
– How would your friends describe you?
– Tell me about a time you worked with a problematic individual.

I ended up getting an offer and I couldn’t be happier!
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Relatively casual, friendly, informational environment. Interviewed with a second-year student who had similar interests/career experiences to mine — I’m not sure if that was on purpose or coincidence.

He asked very “typical” questions:
Tell me about yourself
Teamwork example
Leadership example
Influencing another individual example
Career path
Why Kellogg
Any questions for me? ( I came prepared with 5 questions to ask the interviewer and we talked through all of them)

Altogether the interview lasted ~45 mins. The conversation felt as if it was mostly a “screener” to ensure I had basic social skills, could articulate my goals, and could express a genuine interest in Kellogg.
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


– Tell me about yourself.
– What are your short-term and long-term goals? I’m interested in corporate social impact, so I had a follow-up question on how the pandemic has impacted corporations’ social responsibility.
– Why Kellogg?
– Questions about Kellogg?

The entire interview was 30 minutes and the alumnus was very kind. He explained why he chose Kellogg, how it led it him to his current career, etc. Very positive interview experience!
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


AO 面的,问的问题非常常规,Kellogg 还是以往的套路,面试官手上只有简历,大概 30 Mins:

Introduce + walk through Resume.
Why MBA?
Which company do you wish to work for after graduation?
Long-term goal.
觉得 Evanston 怎么样?这个我没咋准备,幸好我记得地理位置还有旁边的密歇根湖,随便扯了几句。
How others judge you?
Most difficult challenge in career,这个问的贼细。
整体感觉还是很常规的,面试官非常的 nice,只要注意语态啥的问题不大。

还有其他几个 P&Q 的 mock interview 对我帮助都很大,面试前仔细把自己简历捋清楚,然后做好充足的 research 剩下的就听天由命就行,希望大家都能拿到 dream offer!
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Kellogg – 40 min: Interview with Alumni

Kellogg 的面试也是很随意,更多的也是聊天,Alumni 是 finance 背景。

Why Kellogg Why MBA?
Current job and daily work. (我感觉刚开始面试官问这个纯属好奇,但是后面都是 follow 我的工作内容问的,这里不能掉以轻心,基本上他每个 follow up 我的回答都是尽量展示我合作能力,解决问题的方式讲出来的)
40 min 感觉一半时间都是 Alumni 在讲,是一位特别喜欢分享,工作经验 15+ 的校友,分享了很多自己在读 MBA 的经历,给了很多正反馈,后来我也有主动问是不是 Kellogg 发了很多面试,那么面试占比能占到多少。他也很直接跟我说,他觉得我的背景可以,但是不知道我成绩怎么样,说会写正面反馈递交给学校,也如实告知学校 admin 的决定权更大,面试会考虑,但是权重没有那么大。

听到这我觉得我就可能没戏了,因为比我年轻背景差不多但是成绩好的肯定有的是,我感觉我竞争力不大,而且 Kellogg career goal 写的比较中规中矩,区分度也不高……估计也是要凉凉或者 WL.
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


刚刚面完,校友是 vc 大佬,但是非常的 nice.

基本上都是问的简历,每一段工作挖的特别细,然后投过的项目,投资的 ticket size,投资逻辑,DD 的方向包括募资的 LP 每一段跳槽的原因。最后问了 why mba why kellogg? 然后我问了两个个问题就结束了。

一共 50 分钟。

因为我们都是做 VC 的,所以就问了比较多专业相关的问题。感觉面试官真的是很好,全程有互动。希望大家也遇到好的面试官,能拿到 offer.
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


在去年底很幸运的拿到了 Kellogg and INSEAD 的 offer,在此分享一下申请学校的心路历程,希望小伙伴们都能收获令人心动的 offer!

背景:本科新加坡国立(商科背景),GPA非常一般,GMAT 760,不需要语言考试,医疗咨询 3.5 yrs + 小型药企 0.5 yrs


09.07 网申提交
09.26 面试通知
12.10 录取通知
Kellogg: 一轮面试, 是位新加坡小哥,也是毕业 5 年左右。问题很常规(Kellogg 有给面试官发 question list)主要集中在 why MBA, why Kellogg, why now, post MBA plan, leadership experience, strength and weaknesses.

整体感觉双方校友都非常友好,也很真诚的在分享他们的经验。比如 Kellogg 校友就跟我分享 Kellogg 一年的项目和两年的比有哪些优劣势,INSEAD 小哥讲了因为校园文化非常 diverse 会出现哪些摩擦或者不愉快的经历,要怎么自我调节。

Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Kellogg interview questions: (自己面试遇到的问题以及面试群里小伙伴的分享)

Walk through your resume
Why MBA?
Why now?
What's your long term and short term career goal and why kellogg?
What's your role in a team and leadership experiences?
What is a weakness in your resume?
How would you contribute to the Kellogg community?
Anything else you want to share with me?
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


学校匹配的面试官是一个台湾小姐姐,人非常 nice.面试全程 60 分钟,其中最后 15 分钟是面试官在回答问题 + 分享 Kellogg 经历。

Talk about your resume.
Why MBA,有对于 CG 的一些追问。
Why Kellogg?
Teamwork experience.
Leadership Experience.
如果没录 Kellogg 怎么办?
Any questions for me.

R2 踩点提交,01.15 匹配到面试官,约了 01.27 的面试。整体问题都比较常规,但是细节追问很多,一定要对自己的简历和举例的每个故事做好准备。
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Was expecting an interview with an AdCom member, as I only received a formal Kellogg portal interview invite. Was very pleasantly surprised to match with a first-year student who had a very similar pre-MBA background and career goals.

Student seemed a bit green to interviewing. I would get asked a 2-part question, and they would move onto a new question before I had answered both portions of the first.

Questions were standard:
1. Walk me through your MBA resume.
2. Why an MBA? Why now?
3. Why Kellogg?
4. Strengths/Weaknesses.
5. Anything else to ask?

Afterwards, we spent a lot of time discussing the student’s experience at Kellogg. Felt positively about the school overall.
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.



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