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Michigan Ross MBA Round1 面经


walk through your resume

why MBA

why Ross

what can you contribute to Ross


面试过程中,基本上就是be yourself,career中的亮点要提,上面说的几个经典问题要熟。

Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


热腾腾的Michigan Ross MBA电话面经

北京时间9:45pm,拨通了Ross admissions office的电话,结果接电话的小姐让我等了将近两三分钟才把电话转进去,让面试官小等了一会。之前一直以为会是Adcom,结果是一位二年级的学生,是位女士,声音听起来挺和蔼的,是Blind interview,整个面试过程气氛还算比较轻松,问题都很标准:

1. Why MBA
2. Career goal
3. Why Ross (这里我提到了alumni, 她追问了一下, what's so special about Ross alunmi)
4. Leadship example
5. Describe a situation when one of your surbordinates didn't perform well and what you did to help him/her?
6. Describe a time when you try to implement a policy or stategy but meet an obstacle. What did you do to overcome it?

差不多就这些了。一开始她就说了:we have about half an hour,所以这一串问题下来时间已经差不多了。最后她问我有什么问题问她,我问了一下Ann Arbor的情况,她蛮认真的回答了我。整个过程下来,我觉得interaction不是很好,很多情况都是她问了一个问题,然后我独自演说3分钟,她就在一旁很安静地听我磕磕绊绊一路说下来,中间没有feedback,也没有打断我。第一个问题我回答完后,她没有反应,过了几秒才解释说:不好意思,她刚在take note。可能这就是电话面试的弊端吧。但总体来说,面试官不是很challenging,可以感觉到她很认真地对待她的工作。最后讲到她在Ann Arbor的生活时,we shared a few laughs, which were quite nice. ;) 大致情况就是这样。希望能对还没面的TX有些帮助,另外,Wish us all good luck!
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Michigan Ross MBA 北美校友面经


walk through the resume

why MBA now?

short term and long term career goal after MBA,中间她插问了,why not short term goal first then MBA?

Why Ross?

What you can contribute to Ross?

some behavioral questions:

a time when somebody was under performing, how to motive people

team work experience

leadership experience, 追问了how I define leadership, how do I lead people


questions for her

大概30分钟左右,在一个cafeteria,我自己觉得气氛还比较轻松。估计她没经验,不时看表看时间。不知道结果怎么样,thank you note 也没回。

周末还有Chicago Booth的alumni interview,加油!
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Michigan Ross MBA香港面经 (最后结果为录取)


1.  如何说服我去投资你们公司和购买你们公司的股票(我是合资企业的创业和环保背景)
3. 是否有管理经验? 管理几个人?你如何MOTIVATE 他们?
4. 你在这个公司最大的挫折是什么?
5. 你毕业后想做什么?
6. 报了那几家学校? 然后分别为什么?



Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.




面试一共进行了2个小时,先go through resume后的第一个小时,几乎没有任何typical的问题,全是针对我简历上的针对性问题,可能面试官因为是四大出身,每个方面都刨根问底地问到最细节。

1、introduce your undergrad college, and what did you get from the 4-year study. 我说我们学校是综合性大学,让个人能力有全面的提升,比如参加过debate club让我的口才变得很好。于是让我说曾经的一个辩题,我当时针对这个题目是怎么说服对方。这个完全没准备,8年前的事啊……回答的一塌糊涂;

2. tell your role in a certain project he asked. 谈到一个M&A的经历,因为我之前是做engineer出身,所以他问我怎么学的corporate finance; 我提到enterprise evaluation的时候,又让我define这个概念,并给出计算公式。谈到我做的financial model,问我什么是DCF, 怎样计算,IRR从哪里获取——我的finance知识可是半路出家,全靠上半年做项目的时候自己找了本Corporate finance的书啃完的,所以那个EV公式也记得不是特别清楚,面试官表示理解。

3. cross-cultural working experience, and a detailed example about addressing cross-cultural problem. 我举了一个跟印度同事沟通的过程,从刚开始的文化差异,到我怎么跟对方沟通消除隔阂,最终让彼此的配合更有效率。

4. How could I switch job from engineering to strategy, how to persuade the new boss, what the key knowledge to be a qualified strategist.

5. cross-functional working experience, how did I involve so many functions and members in the project I led. Why they initially oppose my idea and how did I persuade them.


1. Why MBA, why Ross, why now, career goal

2. My unique contribution to Ross

3. Your questions about Ross


能记下来的就这么多吧,接下来我们又用中文聊了半个多小时,他指出了我面试中存在的问题,比如对简历的熟悉程度不够,对自己的经历准备的不足(比如大学debate club)那个,还有口语中需要提升的地方,面试中应该加入生动的故事使其更有说服力。另外给了我很多职业发展的建议,比如说如果我对Ibanking感兴趣,就要提前动手准备,无论最终决定去哪个学校,拿了offer就要开始跟校友联系,提前了解这个行业。感觉Ross校友的nice and helpful真不是吹的,这个面试官也说他当时就是考虑到Ross强大的校友网络和大家的友好互助才放弃了CBS的offer。

最后,他说希望我能加入Ross community,但adcom还会综合我的essay, rec letter等其他方面才能给最终结果。Keep my finger crossed  
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.




是一个二年级Marketing的美国学生面的,没有奇题怪题。时间30分钟,我讲25分钟,向对方提问5分钟。网上看有人被adcom staff 面的,我觉得这样更好,staff 的comments 会比较有分量?


1. Walk through your resume

2. Why MBA, why ROSS, why now

3. Leadership example

4. Teamwork experience with challenge/How did you solve it?

5. What clubs/activities in ROSS are you interested

6. What make you unique?

7. Any question for me?
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Round 2 / Off-campus / Alumnus (Published March 11th, 2010)

My interviewer was very relaxed and friendly, and had loved his Ross experience. We met at a coffee shop for just under an hour.

List of interview questions:

Tell me about yourself.
Why Ross?
Have you visited the campus and seen the new building? (I had not, but emphasized my attendance of local events)
How do you feel about moving [from NYC] to the Midwest?
Can you tell me about a time when you dealt with a struggling team member?
Asked me to elaborate on two of the bullet points on my resume on my current position.
How do you hope to become involved on campus at Ross, aside from MAP?
After the Q&A, we talked about his MAP experience and chatted about Ross in general, the admissions process, etc. He was very happy to share his insights and encouraged me to contact him with any further questions.

Decision: Admitted!
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Round 2 / Phone / Adcom (Published February 26th, 2010)

I just finished my phone interview (I am living in Asia) with an admissions committee representative. I called right on time and was transferred to a very nice lady. She was conversational but the interview still felt like an interview instead of a chat. She started by saying she may not have had access to my application (is that a yes or no?) so it's ok if I repeat the examples and information that I had used in my application. Also, I was calling with an internet phone and there was lag between responses. A few times I couldn't hear her clearly and she seemed to have the same problem. So although it may be expensive, my advice is to definitely play it safe and use a landline to call. Interview questions:

Walk me through your resume.
What are your goals and how does an MBA fit in the picture?
Why Ross? I mentioned the usual action-based learning (MAP, RLI), flexibility of curriculum, various centers (William Davidson Institute, etc), largest alumni network of any business school in the world, I also mentioned the fact that all the UMich alums I've talked to, regardless of which school and how long ago they graduated from, show fierce pride in the school. She really warmed up to this comment and agreed that all students who graduate from the school are extremely loyal to it.
You mentioned one of Ross' strengths was the focus on team work, can you give me an example of when you worked in a team, what was your role and how did you contribute?
That was a very good example, I'm wondering if you can give me another example, or perhaps this happened in that first example you gave, of when you were in a team and you had a member that was not performing well? What did you do?
I forgot the exact wording for this question, but it was one of those give me an example of when you took initiative and made a difference (preferably in a team).
I understand you don't know what the other applicants are like, but how are you unique, what can you bring to the table that sets you apart from others?
What do you do during your free time?
Are there any questions that I haven't asked that you think I should? I think I really botched this one. I felt there was still so much of me that I wanted to share, but I couldn't come up with just one question that would allow me to give all these answers. So I told her "I can't think of a specific question but I can think of many answers that I wished to have given". Either she couldn't hear me well through the not-so-great connection, or she didn't like the answer, because she just laughed a bit and moved on to the next question. I felt I really lost a great opportunity to sell myself more.
Any questions for me? I asked her two questions:
The first one was whether the jobs students take upon graduation are more centered in the Midwest. Her first response was for me to check the stats on the website (oops!), but then she went on to say a lot of students find jobs all over the country and abroad, and that although Ross is located in the Midwest, that doesn't mean your career opportunities are only limited to here. She did say a lot of students in Finance find jobs in Chicago while Marketing students go to Minneapolis.

My second question was what did she think was the biggest strength and weakness of the Ross program? In terms of weakness, she say previously it was the old building because it was not an environment that helped to foster team work and interaction, but now that is taken care of with the new building. The second weakness, which they are working on now, is not enough global representation. The school currently has plans to open Ross offices in India and China in 2011, where they will be able to recruit students, form partnerships with local companies, and find more career opportunities for graduates. For strengths, she talked again about the emphasis on teamwork, and not just teamwork among students, but also among faculty and other people involved in the program. She is quite proud of this distinction and advised that I should ask other schools about their teamwork to see if other programs also go so far in terms of collaboration. She said students openly help each other find jobs, even if they are competing for the same job. She also mentioned the fact that the new building is environmentally sustainable was because some students pitched the idea to the school, originally there were no such plans.

So overall, I didn't get any curveballs, but I don't think the interview went great. I has answers ready for all the questions, however I think they were pretty standard answers, not enough to differentiate myself and make myself sound unique. The fact that the connection wasn't that great was also a big minus. I was already talking pretty fast because I was nervous, and I think I sounded like I had all my answers memorized (which isn't a good thing), my answers were pretty long too. Oh well, now I just have to wait and keep my fingers crossed, hope this information is useful to someone!
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Round 2 / Off-campus / Alumni (Published February 12th, 2010)

Interview was with alum Gautam Rao in Hyderabad. He’s a nice guy. The building you meet him in is pretty ‘humble’/’down to earth’ which makes a change from the generally corporate powerhouse setting I’ve had other interviews in.

It was supposed to be 30 mins but he said he would allocate 45-60 mins. It actually ran 65 mins. Questions were:

In six mins run through your CV
Tell me about what you did at all these jobs
How was it working for this firm and getting laid off
Tell me about your travelling
Tell me about your charitable experiences
Tell me about a professional failure
More in depth about what you do at your current firm
Why Ross?
Long term Short term goals
Why MBA?
Why now?
And a few mins for me to ask him a few questions
That’s about it really. Hope this helps.
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Round 2 / Off-campus / Alumni (Published February 6th, 2010)

Only a thirty minute interview! It was practically over before it began.

The alumn with whom I interviewed was very nice. He asked all the basic questions - walk me through your resume, why Ross, why now, etc. He also asked the basic leadership questions, e.g. tell me about a leadership role, etc. We talked about the MAP program a bit, but that's probably because I mentioned it as a reason to go to Ross, and then most of my current work is international so we talked about the diversity of Ross (e.g. high proportion of international students). I explored his reasons for wanting to go to Ross and his opinion of the school. We talked about the new building and Ann Arbor and then I just asked him more about how Michigan fit into his career goals.

Hope this is helpful to other people interviewing! I apologize for not remembering more of the questions I was asked (it was a few weeks ago) but I hope the general impressions/flow of conversation will be somewhat useful. Good luck with interviews!

Update from 3/9/10 - I was just admitted to Ross. So excited - yay!
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.



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