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1        WEAKEN        In the middle of the nineteenth century,life expectancy in North America was 40 years, whereas now it is nearly 80 years        people must have been considered old at an age that we now consider the prime of life        显示因果关系的资料不准确(B)Most of the gains in life expectancy in the last 150 years have come from reductions in the number of infants who die in their first year of life.        infant:a very young child or baby
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2        EVALUATION THE ARGUMENT        Sicentists propose placing seismic station on the floor of the pacific ocean to warn threatened coastal communities on the northwestern coast of the United States of approaching tidal waves caused by earthquakes.        Since forewarned communities could take steps to evacuate, many of the injuries and deaths that would otherwise occur could be avoided if the government would implement this proposal        对答案的相反的回答能对原文结论起WEAKEN和SUPPORT作用 Would there be enough time after receiving warning of an approaching tidal wave for communities to evacuate safely        propose:put forward (an idea or plan) for consideration or discussion by others  coastal : of, relating to, or near a coast  tidal : of, relating to, or affected by tides


4        FLAW IN THE REASONING        Electricity would revolutionize agriculture.Electrodes would be inserted into the soil        the current between them would kill bugs and weeds and make crop lants stronger        描述原文错误的为答案(D)Since weeds are plants, electricity would affect weeds in the same way as it would affect crop plants        prediction:a thing predicted; a forecast  revolutionize:change (something) radically or fundamentally


5        ASSUMPTION        The proposed policy would permit each emplyee to decide when to arrive        time from as early as 6a.m.to as late as 11a.m.        将选项取非,原文结论不成立,则为正确选项。Interact frequently with each other throughout the entire workday


6        ASSUMPTION        introduction of advanced manufacturing techonology        the amount of time it takes for most of a worker's occupational knowledge and skill to become obsolete has been declining        SUPPORT(填补推理上的概念GAP)The company will ensure that it can offer its emplyees any training necessary for the rapid obsolescence of meeting their job requirements        obstacle:a thing that blocks one's way or prevents or hinders progress  occupational: of or relating to a job or profession


7        EVALUATION THE ARGUMENT        The LED arrays consume less energy than incandescent bulbs do while costing no more than those bulbs,Further, the cost of converting exixting fixtures to accept LED arrays would be minimal.        The city council of Traverton is considering replacing burned-out incandesccent traffic signal light with LED arrays.        用结论的具体性去区分有关无(A)Whether the expected service life of LED arrays is at least as long as that of the currently used incndescent bulbs


8        METHOD OF REASONING        A reprt that many apples contain a cancer-causing preservative called Alar apparently had little effect on consumers.        Few consumers planned to change their apple-buying habits as a result of the reprt.Nonetheless, sales of apples in grocery stores fell sharply in March, a month after the report was issued.        排除出现原文没说过的东西的选项,包括新元素,极端化或夸张的元素,相反的元素,颠倒的元素。(A)In march, many grocers removed apples from their shelves in ofder to demonstrate concern about their customers's health


9        METHOD OF REASONING        In order to reduce the number of items damaged while in transit to customers, packaging consultants recommended that the TrueSave mail -order company increase the amount of packing material so as to fill any empty spaces in its cartons        customer reports of damaged items rose somewhat        排除出现原文没说过的东西的选项,包括新元素,极端化或夸张的元素,相反的元素,颠倒的元素。(B)When packing material is compressed too densely, it loses some of its capacity to absorb shock        zealously:having or showing zeal


10        WEAKEN        Subscriptions to cable television are a bargain in comparison to "free"television.         comsumers, in the end, who pay for the costly advertising that supports "free"television.        用结论的具体性去区分有关无关,是否该答案使作者再考虑他的观点或迫使作者做出反应或原文该前提能证明该结论(D)There is as much adcertising on many cable television provides picture quality superior to that provided by free television        comparison:a consideration or estimate of the similarities or dissimilarities between two things or people


11        SUPPORT        wood smoke contains dangerous toxins that cause changes in human cells.        wood smoke presents such a high health risk, legislation is needed to regulate the use of open-air fires an wood-burning stoves.        用结论的具体性去区分有关无关,选项是否在某方面帮助了作者(E)In valleys where wood is used as the primary heating fuel, the concentration of smoke results in poor air quality



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