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Michigan(MSU) Ross MBA interview 面试经验(2009-2010)

本帖最后由 myice 于 2010-9-25 21:31 编辑

Michigan Ross MBA 申请经验分享
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Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.

Michigan Ross 面经 (2-22)

Very nice interviewer

1. Walk through your resume, why changed from one company to another
2. Career Goals
3. Why Ross
4.Leadership Experience
5.Why are you unique, what can you contribute to ross
6.An example about what you did when your team member did not perform well
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Ross Alumni Interview & UNC Phone Interview

Ross Alumni Interview (with a kind lady) - 2.7
1. Introduce yourself
2. Career goals and Why MBA
3. Why Ross
4. Specifically what kind of resources (academic programs, clubs...) Ross could offer you to help you achieve your goals
5. A failure experience
6. Hobby
7. Questions

UNC Phone Interview - 2.9
1. Walk me thru your resume, highlight ur achievements and potential contribution to UNC
2. Why MBA
3. Why UNC (I talked about my experience corresponding with a school amdassador, and the interviewer got very excited...  She spent the next 3-5 mins sharing with me how nice and open-minded people at UNC are)
4. A frustrating leadership experience
5. Questions

Sorry about the late sharing.  Hope this helps and good luck everyone!!
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


ROSS on campus interview

Interviewed today on Campus with a 2nd year student Admissions committee member, very friendly.

1. Why mba, why now?
2. Why ROSS?
3. How do you plan to get involved in the ROSS community?
4. Tell me about a team work situation when one of the team member did not pull his/her own weight?
5. If I were to ask your colleagues about your strength, what do you think they will say?
6. What do you think is your weakness?

The interviewer is very interactive and comment on my answers quite often.

These questions above only lasted about 20 mins as I talk pretty fast, he then opened up the floor for me to ask questions. I found out that we share the similar career goals and asked many questions about it. We ran out of time before we know it.

Good luck to all!!!
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Michigan Ross MBA R2 Shanghai面经


1. Walk through your resume
2. Why Ross
3. What's your performance ranking this year, what's your supervisor's comments on you
4. Examples of inspiring your subordinates to overcome difficulties and achieve high performance
5. Three words that others will describe you
6. Other school and results. What's your choice if get competing offer with Ross
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.



我其实很感兴趣他的个人经历,因为他阅历丰富,看起来很干练,睿智。他说他读MBA的最大的好处就是融资的时候,可以和别人说same language了,别人不challenge他的背景了。

我尽量想给大家些别的面经里没有的信息,希望能达到这个目的。Good Luck!在申请准备的过程中,慢慢的了解MBA的过程中,少少有点失望:P
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Michigan Ross MBA 第二轮面试 面经 by Hefei

第二轮的,上个礼拜四学校发的interview invitation,然后选了上海校友面试。
礼拜一让我联系Hefei,然后礼拜二Hefei回信说今天面(赞一把Hefei的Swift reply)


Career goal,这里我的Career goal被challenge了一把。
Why ross.
最后他说good luck,是不是意味着他不会推荐我。。。5555
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.




1. walk through your resume and self introduction

2. why Ross and why MBA at this point in career

Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Michigan Ross MBA面经

Ross MBA面经

Go through the resume
Why you started your own company? How was it doing?
Four months with nil reply for customer pitch, how did you feel? (Panic)
How about your teammates? How did you motivate them?
You wrote a column? Since...? What's the publication?
Career goal; How an MBA will help
Why Ross
Contribution  to Ross
Which schools did you apply (Honestly told my application status and result

In the following - sharing his own career trek, reason for coming back to China, and impression for US.etc.  An alumunus graduated in 2001...  Really matured, logical, sophisticated, !!!PLUS!!!AMAZINGLY accessible.
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


(Ross)Tauber Institute 面经 (Round One)

Just finished the phone interview with Program Managing Director, about 20 min. Have a share

1) Why MBA?
2) Why ROss
3) Why Tauber Institute
4) My view of future career

Friday will be the decision DAY for Ross R1,  God bless all R1 applicants
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.



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