Share Wharton/ HBS interview 2007.3
well...I hv to admit I am lazy...I should hv shared it earlier, but my lazy mind dragged it by stating..."maybe no one cares to know...whatever..." Anyway, I saw someone's post asking for interview experience sharing...so here it is mine.
Wharton Alumni Interview 03/01/2007 12:00pm—12:40pm:
Overall impression: The interviewer didn’t take any note…looks like she considered it more of a required step to check out anything wrong with the applicant if there is. She dressed really casual…while I was sooooooo formal…haha~~
I think I didn’t do things wrong, although sometimes rambled a bit…but pulled myself back to topic quickly always…(I guess I was just too light hearted…didn’t feel even a little bit nervous…bad...). The good part I would think is I was all the way smiling and kept a steady pace and stable voice…fluent and clear in speaking. Yet the bad thing is i also didn't show the outstanding coz she didn't really inspire my interest to talk passionately...all questions were standard...and were not quite challenging. well... 1. Walk me through your resume. Emphasize those team work and leadership experience. Education – in and off-class learning; extra-curricular, what I did and what I learnt; part-time work(sales promotion, xxx internship) She asked about what’s specifically I did for the sales promotion work, what’s the biggest challenge, and where I got the job.
Then she asked I did internship in xxx, and noticed my first and only company is also xxx. So why I chose to be in the admin. area in the beginning and why I transferred to other function.
She then continued to ask how I managed to transfer from admin. Asked about PMI’s structure, Shanghai office structure. How many people I supervise. 2. Why MBA ---I talked about my background and a little bit of my goal here, then I told her 3 reasons. 3. Why Wharton ---I also gave 3 reasons…then she asked any Wharton alumni you know….haha…..fortunately I do know some…I said one alumnus helped a lot to give insight of the Wharton community….and then we talked about a class my friend doesn’t like….she drilled down to ask which class… 4. How to contribute to Wharton 5. How I will continue to reach my career goal if I don’t get into an MBA? 6. What I want to do exactly in my career xxx, general management or a particular part? 7. What kind of challenges I think the manufacturing industry faces ---I mentioned unfair competition….then she immediately asked what I mean by that…..so I gave an example… 8. Any question for her. Hope it helps.
Wharton Shanghai Hub Interview
和大家的都差不多。问题非常标准化了。 1. why undergraduate major? 2. your extracurricular acitvities in college? 3. why go straight to graduate school? 4. the culture of your company? does it support your application, why? 5. why mba, why Wharton? I replied career goal question there 6. talk about the city you live? 7. talk about a book you read recently, non-profession related one! 8. some specific quesiton and chitchat about my current work Good luck to all Wharton's applicants
Wharton Shanghai Hub Interview Wharton Shanghai Hub Interview 1. why chose your undergrad major? 2. what is your undergrad life? 3. Tell me how do you work with your team in your current job? 4. What do you do outside of work? 5. Why Wharton? What program you want? 6. What extracarricular activity you want to join in Wharton? 7. What do you want to tell me? That's about it. Judith is very nice and pretty, but I asked a stupid question in the end. I know I failed, but I tried my best... When dream is over, life goes on...
Wharton Alumni Interview in Beijing
面试官超级nice, 刚开始还有点紧张,不过不知不觉被他带得一点都不紧张了,完全的relax, and be myself.
没有walk through resume, because he said he reviewed my resume several times and get much from it. All the questions are tipical: 1. the frustation situation from the clients (he said, my client is so huge, and powerful, sometimes maybe arrogant) 2. the leadership experience 3. teamwork experience 4. long-term and short term career goals 5. why now 6. why MBA and why Wharton 7. your contributions 8. strenths and weakness (这个问题我回答的不好,被他反复的challenge) 9. my turn to ask him some questions For every question, he went to details.
最有意思的是,他有个经典动作,左右双手一起伸出食指,放在头的双侧上方,然后弯两下(好像friends 里面的Ross曾经作过的那个动作),好可爱!呵呵! 总算做完了面试,虽说没有想象中的困难,但是也有很多可以改进的地方,比如准备的问题也有些点给忘记了。不过,他说在面试中你就应该表现你自己,我也这样想。 他还说和judith( interviewer in hub interview) 聊过,说今年的invitation 太多,学校面试的压力也很大。
Wharton Shanghai HUB Interview 3/6
金茂的電梯需要刷卡,先去服務台登記證件後會給張通行卡, Judith人不錯,面試時會一直盯著你看,也會適時引導問題,感覺很有經驗。 Blind Interview,而且連resume都是去到那再給她當場看當場問,就像前面分享的朋友說的,問題大多不是很structured,主要是想了解你這個"人"。
1. Tell me about your undergrate major and your club involvement 2. Tell me about your company 3. A typical day of your work 4. what you do outside of work 5. Future goal 6. Why MBA, why now, why Wharton 7. the most challange you will face in Wharton 8. Any extracurriculum activities you are interested in Wharton 9. Tell me about the city where you live
上面是比較共通的題目,其他還問了一些跟resume內容有關的題目,比如說How many ppl are in your excutive team?
相关链接:Wharton2006年毕业薪情及动态 http://bbs.topway.org/dispbbs.asp?BoardID=46&ID=124394&replyID=&skin=1 Wharton MBA申请校友答疑汇总 http://bbs.topway.org/dispbbs.asp?BoardID=46&ID=124281&replyID=&skin=1
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-11-28 9:14:20编辑过] |