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香港中文大学(CUHK) MBA招生咨询会 - 上海(11/28)

本帖最后由 stream 于 2010-11-23 09:49 编辑

MBA Programmes
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

“Information Session in Shanghai on Nov 28, 2010 (Sunday)”

Ranked 28th in the Financial Times 2010 Global MBA Rankings, MBA Programmes of The Chinese University of Hong Kong are designed to offer a truly global learning experience for its students. This is reflected not only in our highly international student-mix but also in our learning components such as overseas business field trips (USA, Europe) and four options of dual-degree programmes with MIT, University of Texas at Austin, HEC Paris and RSM Erasmus of The Netherlands.

You are cordially invited to join us at our “CUMBA Information Session in Shanghai” on Nov 28, 2010 (Sunday). In this session, Professor Chak Wong (Click here for his bio) will share with us his rich experience in the investment banking industry, followed by an introduction of CUMBA programmes by our Programme Director Professor Michael Ferguson. A student will also share his firsthand experience.

Please click here to view our event agenda

CUMBA Information Session in Shanghai

Date: November 28, 2010 (Sunday)
Time: 2:30pm to 4:00pm (registration starts at 2:00pm)
Venue: Galerie Shanghai, 40/F, Hilton Shanghai, 250 Hua Shan Road, Shanghai
Fee: FREE of charge

Online registration: please click here

For enquiries, please contact:
Ms. Chan
Phone: 852-2696-1735
Email: cumba@cuhk.edu.hk
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