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30.=Despite these vague categories/,one should not claim unequivocally/ that hostility between recognizable classes/ cannot be legitimately observed.

31.=Yet those/ who stress the achievement/ of a general consensus /among the colonists/ cannot fully understand that consensus/ without understanding the conflicts/ that had to be overcome or repressed in order to reach it.
#然而,那些(史学家)/ 他们强调成果/一种普遍的一致意见的/在殖民者之间曾出现的/不能充分理解/这种一致意见/而不理解各种矛盾的存在/(那些矛盾)只有在被克服或压制之后才有可能获得它(那种一致意见)。
32.It can be inferred from the passage/ that the author would be most likely to agree with/ which of the following statements/ regarding socioeconomic class/ and support for the rebel and Loyalist causes/ during the American Revolutionary War?


27.=In order to understand the nature/ of the ecologist’s investigation/,we may think of the density-dependent effects/ on growth parameters/ as the "signal"/ ecologists are trying to isolate and interpret/,one that tends to make the population/ increase from relatively low values/ or decrease from relatively high ones/,while the density-independent effects act to produce "noise"/ in the population dynamics.
28.=But the play’s complex view of Black self-esteem and human solidarity as compatible/ is no more "contradictory"/ than Du Bois’ famous,well-considered ideal/ of ethnic self-awareness/ coexisting with human unity/,or Fanon’s emphasis on an ideal internationalism/ that also accommodates national identities and roles.
#但是这部剧的这一复杂观点/把黑人自尊和人类团结看作是和谐的/并不矛盾/比Du Bois的著名的、深思熟虑的理想/民族自觉意识的/共存和人类大同/;或Fanon的强调/对于理想的国际主义/, (这一理想)同样也能兼容民族身份与角色。
29.=Inheritors/ of some of the viewpoints of early twentieth-century/ Progressive historians/ such as Beard and Becker/,these recent historians/ have put forward arguments that deserve evaluation.
#继承者/某些观点的二十世纪早期的/, “进步派”史学家/如Beard和Becker等人/,这些近期的史学家/所提出的观点/它值得我们予以评价。


24.=For example,the spiral arrangement/ of scale-bract complexes on ovule-bearing pine cones/,where the female reproductive organs of conifers/ are located/,is important to the production of airflow patterns/ that spiral over the cone’s surfaces/,thereby passing airborne pollen from one scale to the next.
#例如,螺旋状排列/ scale-bract综合体的带有胚珠的松球的/,雌性生殖器官针叶植物的/所在的位置/,尤其重要对于产生气流模式的/,(这些气流模式)盘旋上升/在松球的表面/,从而传递在空气中飞行的花粉从一个鳞苞至下一个鳞苞。
25.=It was not the change in office technology/,but rather the separation of secretarial work/,previously seen as an apprenticeship for beginning managers/,from administrative work/ that in the 1880’s created a new class of "dead-end" jobs/,thenceforth considered "women’s work."
26.=The increase/ in the numbers of married women/ employed outside the home/ in the twentieth century/ had less to do with the mechanization of housework/ and an increase in leisure time/ for these women/ than it did with their own economic necessity/ and with high marriage rates/ that shrank the available pool of single women workers/,previously/,in many cases/,the only women/ employers would hire.


21.=While the new doctrine seems almost certainly correct/,the one papyrus fragment/ raises the specter/ that another may be unearthed/,showing/,for instance/,that it was a posthumous production/ of the  Danaid tetralogy/ which bested Sophocles/,and throwing the date/ once  more into utter confusion.
#尽管这个新学说看起来几乎一定正确/,可是这个莎草纸的残片/却引起了恐惧/,即另外一个残片可能会被挖掘出来/,显示出/,比如说/,它是作者死后发表的遗作/ Danaid四部曲的一部/它击败了Sophocles/,这样就置于作品的年代/又一次/在极度的混乱之中。
22.=The methods/ that a community devises to perpetuate itself/ come into being to preserve aspects of the cultural legacy/ that that community perceives as essential/.
23.=Because the potential hazards/ pollen grains are subject to/ as they are transported over long distances/ are enormous/,wind pollinated plants/ have/,in the view above/,compensated for the  ensuing loss of pollen/ through happenstance/ by virtue of producing an amount of pollen/ that is one to three orders of magnitude greater/ than the amount/ produced by species pollinated by insects.


18.=When the core of a giant star/ whose mass surpasses 1.4 times the present mass of our Sun/ exhausts its nuclear fuel/,it is unable to support its own weight/ and collapses into a tiny neutron star.
19.=This is so/ even though the armed forces operate/ in an ethos of institutional change/ oriented toward occupational equality/and under the federal sanction/ of equal pay for equal work.
20.=Not only are liver transplants never rejected/,but they even induce a state/ of donor-specific unresponsiveness/ in which/ subsequent transplants of other organs/,such as skin/,from that donor/ are accepted permanently.


14. =Other theorists/ propose/ that the Moon was ripped out of the Earth’s rocky mantle/ by the Earth’s collision/ with another large celestial body/ after much of the Earth’s iron/ fell to its core.
15.=Thus,what in contrast to the Puritan colonies/ appears to Davis/ to be peculiarly Southern/— acquisitiveness/,a strong interest in politics and the law/,and a tendency to cultivate metropolitan cultural models/—was not only more typically English/ than the cultural patterns/ exhibited by Puritan Massachusetts and Connecticut/,but also almost certainly characteristic/ of most other early modern British colonies/ from Barbados/ north to Rhode Island and New Hampshire.
#因此,那些形成鲜明对比/与(北方)清教殖民地/显得对戴维斯来说/特别南方化——占有欲/, 浓厚兴趣对政治和法律的/, 以及倾向培养大都市文化模式的/——不但是更典型的英国式/比文化形式/展现出来的清教的马萨诸塞州和康乃涅克州/,而且几乎是固定特征/大多数其它早期近代英国殖民地的/从巴巴多斯/北至罗得岛和新罕布什尔州。
16.=A very specialized feeding adaptation/ in zooplankton/ is that of the tadpolelike appendicularian/ who lives in a walnut-sized (or smaller) balloon of mucus/ equipped with filters/ that capture and concentrate phytoplankton.
17.=These historians/,however/,have analyzed less fully the development/ of specifically feminist ideas and activities/ during the same period.


10. =More probable/ is bird transport/,either externally/,by accidental attachment of the seeds to feathers/,or internally/,by the swallowing of fruit and subsequent excretion of the seeds.
11.=It is not known/ how rare this resemblance is/,or whether it is most often seen/ in inclusions of silicates/ such as garnet/,whose crystallography/ is generally somewhat similar/ to that of diamond;  but when present/,the resemblance is regarded as compelling evidence/ that the diamonds and inclusions are truly co genetic.
12.=Even the "radical" critiques of this mainstream research model/,such as the critique/ developed in Divided Society/,attach the issue of ethnic assimilation too mechanically/ to factors of economic and social mobility/ and are thus unable to illuminate the cultural subordination/ of Puerto Ricans/ as a colonial minority/.
13.=They are called virtual particles/ in order to distinguish them from real particles/,whose lifetimes are not constrained in the same way/,and which can be detected/.


6.=Many critics/ of Eamily Bronte’s novel Wuthering Heights/ see its second part as a counterpoint/ that comments on,if it does not reverse,the first part,where a "romantic" reading/ receives more confirmation.
#很多文学评论家/研究Emily Bronte小说《呼啸山庄》的/,把小说的第二部分视为(小说第一部分)的一个对比/进行评论/,如果不是将第一部分逆的话/,在小说第一部分/,一种“浪漫主义的”的解读/得到了更多的确证。
7.=Granted/ that the presence of these elements/ need not argue an authorial awareness/ of novelistic construction/ comparable to that of Henry James/, their presence/ does encourage attempts/ to unify the novel’s heterogeneous parts.
#当然这些因素的存在/并不意味着作者的意识/对小说架构的/可与Henry James的相比/;然而他们的出现的确/鼓励了这些想法/统一小说各种各样的部分。
8.=This is not because/ such an interpretation necessarily stiffens into a thesis/(although rigidity in any interpretation of this or of any novel is always a danger)/,but because/ Wuthering Heights has recalcitrant elements of undeniable power/ that,ultimately,/resist inclusion in an all-encompassing interpretation.
9.=The isotopic composition/ of lead/ often varies/ from one source of common copper ore/ to another/,with variations exceeding the measurement error/;and preliminary studies/ indicate/ virtually uniform/ is topic composition of the lead/ from a single copper-ore source.


3. =The molecular approach/ to detecting peptide hormones/ using cDNA probes/ should also be much faster/ than the immunological method/ because it can take years/ of tedious purifications/ to isolate peptide hormones/ and then develop antiserums to them.
4. =This succession/ was based primarily on a series of deposits and events/ not directly related to glacial and interglacial periods/,rather than on the more usual modern method of studying biological remains/ found in interglacial beds themselves/ interstratified within glacial deposits/.
5. =There have been attempts/ to explain these taboos/ in terms of inappropriate social relationships/ either between those who are involved/ and those who are not simultaneously involved/ in the satisfaction of a bodily need/,or between those already satiated/ and those who appear to be shamelessly gorging.


1. =The very richness and complexity of the meaningful relationships/ that kept presenting and rearranging themselves/ on all levels/,from abstract intelligence/ to profound dreamy feelings/, made it difficult /for Proust/ to set them out coherently.
2.=It is possible to make specific complementary DNA’s (cDNA’s)/that can serve as molecular probes/ to seek out the messenger RNA’s (mRNA’s)/of the peptide hormones/. If brain cells are making the hormones/,the cells will contain these Mrna’S./ If the products/ the brain cells make/ resemble the hormones/ but are not identical to them/,then the cDNA’s should still bind to these mRNA’s/,but should not bind as tightly as they would to mRNA’s/ for the true hormones.



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