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A new commercial radio station in Greenfield plans to play songs that were popular hits fifteen to twenty-five years ago.It hopes in this way to attract an audience made up mainly of people between thirty-five and forty-five years old and thereby to have a strong market appeal to advertisers.

Each of the following, if true, strengthens the prospects that the radio station's plan will succeed EXCEPT:

(A) People tend to remain very fond of the music that they heard when they were in their teens and early twenties.

(B) In a number of cities demographically similar to Greenfield, radio stations that play recordings of popular music from fifteen to twenty-five years ago have succeeded commercially.

(C) People in the thirty-five- to forty-five-year-old age group are more likely to listen to the radio for news than for music.

(D) The thirty-five- to forty-five-year-old age group is one in which people tend to have comparatively high levels of income and are involved in making household purchases.

(E) Among the few radio stations in the Greenfield area, there is none that plays music from this particular period for more than a few hours per week.
想问一下 这题 D怎么会是加强

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告,主要是针对吸引广告商这点 ,而且题目有提到是commercial radio station.



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