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in the United States, the Postal has a monopoly on first-class-maill, but much of what is sent first class could be transmitted electronically. Electronic transmital operators argu that if the Postal were to offer electronic transmission, it would have an unfair advandge , since its wlwctronic transmission service could be subsidized from the profits of the monoply.

Which of the folowing, if each is ture, would allay the electronic transmittal operators' fears of unfair competition?

A. If the Post were to offer wlwctronic transmission, it could not make a profit on first-class-mail.

B. If the Post were to offer electronic transmission, it would have a monopoly on that kind of service.

ally sth, 是指支持sth吗???答案是A,但是A似乎是在说他们的fears是不对的。……到底题目的问题是问什么呢?

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不是,allay是calm的意思.所以是weaken operators的argue.



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