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17. Tocqueville, a nineteenth-century writer known for his study of democracy in the United States, believed that a government that centralizes power in one individual or institution is dangerous to its citizens. Biographers claim that Tocqueville disliked-centralized government because he blamed Napoleon’s rule for the poverty of his childhood in Normandy.

Which of the following, if true, would cast the most serious doubt on the biographers’ claim?

(A) Although Napoleon was popularly blamed at the time for the terrible living conditions in Normandy, historians now know that bad harvests were really to blame for the poor economic conditions.

(B) Napoleon was notorious for refusing to share power with any of his political associates.

(C) Tocqueville said he knew that if his father had not suffered ill health, his family would have had a steady income and a comfortable standard of living.

(D) Although Tocqueville asserted that United States political life was democratic, the United States of the nineteenth century allowed political power to be concentrated in a few institutions.

(E) Tocqueville once wrote in a letter that, although his childhood was terribly impoverished, it was not different from the experience of his friends and neighbors in Normandy.

答案c,a 为什么不对?

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這題的意思應該是說 B:認為T的不喜歡極權政府是因為這種方式(拿破崙時期)造成T早期生活過的不好






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