“If the primary duty and concern of a corporation is to make money, then conflict is inevitable when the corporation must also acknowledge a duty to serve society."
“When the Apogee Company had all its operations in one location, it was more profitable than it is today. Therefore, the Apogee Company should close down its field offices and conduct all its operations from a single location. Such centralization"
1. 一個正六邊形 周長36 中間一個圓形 每個六邊形的vertice是圓形的圓心
問shaded area (之前有人以講過這題)
正六邊形面積- 中間園面積- 六個vertice的圓(area和正六邊形重疊部分)
2. sweather 賣5件 jacket賣4件 Total Profit revenue is 25% of sweather revenue and 40% of jacket revenue. What is the profit revenue of 5 sweather?
(A) Total revenue of 5 sweather and 6 jackets is 290
(B) Total profit of 5 sweather and 4 sweather is 某數
這兩題比較有印象 若還有想到再補
1. 關於Japanese women's working condition vs men's. the longer one works for a company, the greater the benefits one gets. men tend to have permanent job than women.
2. 過去某年關於California agriculture needed intensive labour but the state is short of labour. 但後來某年 Chinese immigrated labour helped to solve this shortage. However, 某Act 限制Chinese immigration 因此造成 blablabla.. (簡單)
3. 關於brain裡面某個vessel can block certain substances that are harmful to the brain. However, it also has a disavantage of blocking 好的養分某類東西出入近腦部 (不難) |