AI:ffice ffice" />
1.Which one should organization value more, advices from outside expert or those from inside experienced employees.
2.AI: 09
3.AI 129. “与其依赖外部专家的建议,一个组织更应该看重那些只能来自它的内部的资深员工的建议。”
4.AI 在保护环境的问题方面,政府还是个人负责。(忘了对应的号码了)
5.AI. 31题:Financial gain should be the most important factor in choosing a career.
7.When judging the qualifications of potential employees, business employers should rely primarily on objective information, such as a candidate’s résumé and education. Personal interviews are much too subjective and are therefore not a valid basis on which to judge a person’s qualifications for a job.
8. ai黄金80中的45
9. 18 AA32 都是黄金里面的题目。
10. AI40. “With the increasing emphasis on a global economy and international cooperation, people need to understand that their role as citizens of the world is more important than their role as citizens of a particular country.”
11. Issue 68.Since the physical work environment affects employees productivity and moral, the employees themselves should have the right to decide how their workplace is designed.
12. Issue 138.一些人宣称为了保护国家公园和历史遗迹,参观它们的公众应该被严格限制。另外一些争论说因为这些地方是设计为所有人使用的,所以应该只有很少,甚至没有限制。
13. ISSUE; The most quality of an organization is not to plan, to organizate, or to solving problems but rather to communicate others.
14. AI:#99
15. ai 2 the business leaders have more opportunities than does any government official
16. Financial goal 是找工作首先要考虑的因素。 (二十天前我也是考这题,真邪门!因为考过就没有怎么准备,它却偏偏对我情有独钟。只有 (1/160)^2 的概率都给我碰上了! )
17. whether employees should have full access to their own personnel files
18. Whether workers should be have the right to decide how their own workplace is designed.
19. 黄金34题 AA:黄金17题
20. AI: 57
21. 大意是老建筑有历史价值之类,但其功效不好。如果推倒然后再在地皮上重新规划就会更有益于社会。重要是看你support 留还是推。请斑竹确认看看,以前的JJ应该有,但我没有看。
22. 员工是否有权利看personal ducument.
24. ISSUE:教育是通往成功人生的鑰匙(大概是這樣...) ARGUMENT:某企業專門進口各國食物,因為根據一家地方的酒家,放法國音樂的時候,點法國酒的人增多,放義大利音樂的時候,點義大利酒的人增多.所以公司也可以用這個方法,在一週內的促銷期間,賣某國的食物,放某國的音樂,這樣一來公司一定會賺錢.
25. highly skilled employees who are more ambicious .....坏大于好在组织的团队中。
26. the most effective business leaders are those who maintain the highest ethical standards.
27. “All citizens should be required to perform a specified amount of public service. Such service would benefit not only the country as a whole but also the individual participants.”
28. Too many people think only about getting results. The key to success, however, is to focus on the specific task at hand and not to worry about results
29. “一个组织内持续的革新和变化更可能伤害它而不是改善它。” 讨论你在何种程度上赞成或不赞成上述观点。从你自身的经验,观察和阅读给出相关的原因and/or例子来支持你的观点。 Constant innovation or change are likely to damage organization as prove it. (1次) 2004.03.26
30. employers can get the best performance from their employees by praising them rather than criticize them
31.Employees should not have fully access to their own personnel files.
32. A6. “The type of leadership that an organization needs (be it a college, a country, or a business, for example) depends largely on whether the organization is stable or in crisis.”
1. Management of recreation center saw the increase in the number of membership after the opening of new swimming pool. They conclude that more new facilities such as golf, multipurpose game center will boost the revenue further
2. 47. 地方报纸的商业版: Cumquat 咖啡店的拥有者最近做出了一个出色的商业决定:搬迁到新地址。从事实可见,咖啡店会很快在那里庆祝它的两周年店庆。而且这项业务看来在原址上不能获得成功。因为咖啡店搬迁后,3家不同的商家:一个日光浴沙龙,一个古董店,一个宠物婚嫁店就占据了它原来的地址。
3. 86。公司A 在某硬件方面占据了大量的国际市场。公司B曾经是领域的先锋,年收入达到了120亿刀,但由于孩子们厌倦了其产品,公司B失败了。考虑到有那么多美国家庭在消费公司A的产品,因此公司A也将面临同样的结果。
4. 52题:Over the past decade, the price per pound of citrus fruit has increased substantially each year ........
5. 就是两种药P,E, E多开了76million药方,所以大家都应该买E的那篇
6. 38、The following appeared in the editorial section of a campus newspaper. “Because occupancy rates for campus housing fell during the last academic year, so did housing revenues. To solve the problem, campus housing officials should reduce the number of available housing units, thereby increasing the occupancy rates. Also, to keep students from choosing to live off-campus, housing officials should lower the rents, thereby increasing demand.”
7. 新增11说应该控制车速来减少车祸的数量
8. 121. The following appeared in a memorandum from the publisher to the staff of The Clarion, a large metropolitan newspaper. “During the recent campaign for mayor, a clear majority of city readers who responded to our survey indicated a desire for more news about city government. To increase circulation, and thus our profits, we should therefore consistently devote a greater proportion of space in all editions of The Clarion to coverage of local news.”
9. 128. The following appeared in a memorandum from the human resources department of Diversified Manufacturing.
“Managers at our central office report that their employees tend to be most productive in the days immediately before a vacation. To help counteract our declining market share, we could increase the productivity of our professional staff members, who receive a total of four weeks paid vacation a year, by allowing them to take no more than one week of vacation at a time. They will thus take more vacation breaks during a year and give us more days of maximum productivity, thereby helping to increase our market share.”
11. community and private hospitals' doctors are better than doctors of university hospitals because ....
12. AA:#16
13. interactive computer insruction
14. 讲Helio (还是Hileo) 市多好啊,公司要发展就要到那里去。那里的失业率是最低的,是该地区的金融中心,以前("historically",这个可以驳一下)提供了很多manufacturing jobs。最好的是,现在为了增长经济,吸引大量做innovative technology的R&D的公司进驻。
15. the owner of Cumquat Coffee has made a wise choise to move to a new location
16. Washington County used the appropriation to improve highway safety by straightening sections of their roads. While Adams County used the money to higher more policemen to enforce stricter traffic laws. As a result, Adams County saw less traffic accidents than Washington County. Since the amount of money for highway safety improvement is limited, county should use the money to hire more policemen to enforce stricter speed limits. Washington郡把改善交通状况的拨款用于修缮不良路段改善路况,而Adams郡则用此拨款雇佣更多交警实施更为严格的交通法规。由于结果Adams郡的高速公路事故率下降更多,政府都应该把钱用于雇佣交警实行更加严格的速度控制。
17. AA: 43
18.大意是网上调查发现75%responded to the survey说他们主要在网上看书,而且80%的人说看classic works好。所以作者认为投资一个新的电子书商(大概是这个东东)会赚钱。
19. Main Street 种塑料花还是真花的问题。 好像是新题吧。
20. 很抱歉,想不起来啦,好象是没看到过,什么饮料,加上新的成分将有更好的市场。有调查表明,人们都喜欢这种加了新成分的饮料。。。。。。。。。。大家可以翻翻新题里有没有。
21.讲一个公司的customer complains.公司客户服务部认为是客户在了解公司产品使用中困难产生的,从而做了一个测试。在产品的说明那里放入了一种certificate的东东。然后说有75个人返回了那个certificate.从而说明客户还是愿意去看那些说明的。从而客户部提出一个建议来解决complains 的问题:那就是在产品里放入一种instrcution video.大意就是这样。
22. Argument:32
23. "Over the past decade, the price per pound of citrus fruit has increased substantially. Eleven years ago, Megamart charged 5 cents apiece for lemons, but today it commonly charges over 30 cents apiece. In only one of these last eleven years was the weather unfavorable for growing citrus crops. Evidently, then, citrus growers have been responsible for the excessive increase in the price of citrus fruit, and strict pricing regulations are needed to prevent them from continuing to inflate prices.”
24. A news paper said that mayor xx contribute a bad job, while the unemployment rise and population decrease. Also two bussiness were closed to wait for new business open. However, the previous mayor yy did a better job. The population increase, unemployment decrease. Therefore, people should re-elect the mayor yy instead xx.
25.一个经理说,他们店卖pizza很赚钱,有一个另外牌子的pizza,好啊,网上调查评为最喜欢的pizza,而且这个pizza在他们这个town 又卖得比他们自己的pizza要稍微多丁丁,所以经理觉得应该转卖那个pizza,这样可以得到更大的利润。(大意吧,不是很完全)
26. Apogee Company about location
27. A9. The following appeared in an article in a health and fitness magazine. “A recent study of balding men revealed that 80% had higher than normal levels of the chemical compound DHT in their bodies. A second study discovered that rats fed a diet high in animal fats produced elevated levels of the same chemical. In this second study, however, one group of rats did not produce DHT when they also ate portions of wheat germ — a food rich in vitamin E — along with the other foods high in animal fat. Viewed together, these studies show that the best way to maintain healthy hair and scalp is to reduce fat consumption sharply and to take daily vitamin E supplements.” |