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请教OG13 CR,86 !Many thanks !

86. When trying to identify new technologies that promise to transform the marketplace , market researchers survey the managers of those companies that are developing new technologies. Such managers have an enormous stake in succeeding, so they invariably overstate the potential of their new technologies. Suprisingly, however, market researchers typically do not survey a new technology's potential byers, even though it is the buyers—— not the producers——who determine  a technology's commercial success.

Which of the following , if true, best accounts for the typical survey practices among market researchers?

(A) If a new technology succeeds, the commercial benefits accure largely to the producers, not to the buyers, of that technology.
(B) People who promote the virtues of a new technology typically fail to consider that the old technology that is currently in use continues to be improved, often substantially.
(C) Investors are unlikely to invest substantial amounts of capital in a company whose own managers are skeptical about the commercial prospects of a new technology they are developing
(D) The potential buyers for not-yet-available technologies can seldom be reliably identified.
(E) The developers of a new technology are generally no better positiond than its potential buyers to gauge how rapidly the new techology can be efficiently mass-produced.

这题选D,但我没明白E选项?OG 上的解释是“If developers of new technologies are no better at guaging how rapidly a new technology can be mass-produced , then all the more reason to survey potential buyers rather than the managers.”

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我觉得E选项的意思是:新技术的开发者(也就是managers)不如潜在消费者,在确认大批量生产的迅速上面。那就是说,researcher应该调查的是potential buyers而不是Manager,这个不能解释researcher的调查行为。愚见,仅供参考。



另外 选项出现比较 两个比较对象要在原文中出现过, potential buyer 文章没提到。


按两位说的意思,也就是说E想说的是应该调查Managers,而不是potential buyers, 实际上削弱了原句的结论~


E想说 调查potential buyers 比 调查 Mangers 好... 原文提倡 survey manager。 于是削弱了原文结论


谢谢各位的解答~~  明白了,谢谢大家~



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