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[转帖]TEST ON 04/28/2003 IN US
早上去公司报到,看看活一时干不完,就告诉老板说我要上医院,然后就咚咚跑去考场,幸好交通不太堵.考试成绩比我预料的好,平时没这么高. 51 + 36 = 730. 自己复习也不多,在美国工作一些年多少有些帮助.
Q1. A car travesl 240 miles, what is the average speed?
A. In the first 160 miles, average speed is 60m/h
B. In the last 160 miles, average speed is 60m/h
I choose none of them can solve the question
Q2. Q2. two people fech 27 pebbles from the table, is the left an odd number?
A. One gets 4 more than second
B. Totally they get 8 pebbles
I choose both of them can answer the question
Q3. means the remainder of 3x divided by 2. What value of the following equals to 1?
A. <2x+1>
B. <2x> + 1
C. 2
I choose A and B all equals to 1
Q4. Earth has 1.3 * 10^17 seconds age, a year has 3.2*10^7, how many years old of earth?
about 4.1*10^9
Q5. Rn is a sequence, R(n+1) – R(n) = (-1)^n/n. Compare the values of r1,r2,r3
I choose R1>r3>r2
Q6. P is an integer with tens digits equals to 6, what is the unit digit of p^4.
A. p is an odd
B. P’s unit digit is not 5
I choose A and B together can answer the question
Q7. Choose two people from 10 people. Is the percentage of choosing two women greater than 50%?
A. women is more than half of the people
B. percentage of man is less than 1/10
I choose they together CANNOT answer the question
Q8.k,m are consective odd numbers, is k>m?
A. k+2 and m+2 is not consective odd number
B. k-3 and m+1 are consective odd number
Not sure the question is right, but I choose each of them can answer the question
Q9. S is the sum from 1 to 30, inclusive, what is the maximum prime factor of S? 31
1. First paragraph discuss the social learning, then the second paragraph discuss difference of sicial learning between mammals and birds. Mamal use social learning to choose its food by learning from the old mammals, birds use it to know what food is toxic. Then give an explain...
2. Explain a paradox. Sun dimmers from the birth of earth, and Earth should be hot before, thus ice age should be 4 billion years ago, but from the record, it is only about 2 bil years. How to explain the paradox? It said that CO2 played a role. It said that when the tempetature raise, CO2 reduce and keeps less sunshine; when the tempe reduce, CO2 increase and keep temp.(A question asks what is the meaning of this sentence, I answered that it keeps the earth's tempetature stable)
3. As more and more woman enters a industry, will it force man out of that industry? How much effect does women entering a profession has on the man's leaving that industry. First study is only based on small number of professions, and the result is inconsistent. Later Someone did a national study based on 400 job categories, and found out that, in the industry where most increasing number of females enters, there is the least number of males leave that industry, that go to other jobs where there are equal or great feministic.(This sencentence is important, there are questions about it).
CR. I can not remember them, there is one about tide and crab. When crab is small, it burrows its head in the sands, when it is large, it don't need burrows. A surprising is that in a week tide area, people find small crabs, but didn't find **(单词我不知道什么意思).Ask the assumption. I don't know the meaning of that word, so I am not sure the answer, but I choose that \\" the tide doesn't dislodge the **\\"
In the SC, there is a question about the structure \\"A to B what C to D\\"
Sorry couldn't provide more. |