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Which of the following, if true, provides evidence that most logically completes the argument below?
According to a widely held economic hypothesis, imposing strict environmental regulations reduces economic growth. This hypothesis is undermined by the fact that the states with the strictest environmental regulations also have the highest economic growth. This fact does not show that environmental regulations promote growth, however, since ______.
A. those states with the strictest environmental regulations invest the most in education and job training
B. even those states that have only moderately strict environmental regulations have higher growth than those with the least-strict regulations
C. many states that are experiencing reduced economic growth are considering weakening their environmental regulations
D. after introducing stricter environmental regulations, many states experienced increased economic growth
E. even those states with very weak environmental regulations have experienced at least some growth
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其实这题是要你反驳“ environmental regulations promote growth









This is a  weakening type question.

Common sense: Investment in Education and Job Training promotes growth in Economy.

A) simply proclaims that there is another reason to explain the economic growth. Whether investment in eduation and job training would lead to economic growth is not proven right or wrong. But it is a possible reason. That is enough to cast an unfavorable light on the hypothesis the author is trying to undermine.

There is another facet of the problem one needs to consider: the main conclusion.

The author agrees with the widely held hypothesis and he is trying to refute an undermining evidence (most strict regulation is associated with the highest growth.) His conclusion is that "This fact does not show that environmental regulations promote growth," and your job is to find a premise which supports this main conclusion.


Thx very much! Your explaination is so excellent!


这道题为什么不是C呢,我觉得c是因果倒置法,削弱了原题啊,题目中说environment regulation导致economic growth,而c中说因为reduced economic growth导致weak regulation



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