AA,说Mayor在职期间,其中一个失业率下降,人口增加,另一个失业率上升,那么显然市民会更乐意重新选前一个市长 AI,全球合作更加普遍,说我们更应该把自己看作全世界的公民,而不是某个特定国家的公民。 逻辑: 当时看到这个逻辑,傻了,因为练习的时候没弄清楚到底是哪个答案,不过最后还好作对了。 9. GWD27-Q9: In order to raise revenue, the federal government planned a tax amnesty program that allows tax delinquents to pay all owed tax without added financial penalty. However, economists projected that the federal government would collect a far lower percentage of total tax owed by delinquents than did state governments implementing similar programs. Which of the following, if true, would most contribute to an explanation of the economists’ projections? A. Tax amnesty programs are only successful if they are widely publicized. B. Most people who honestly pay their state tax are equally honest in paying their federal tax. C. Although federal tax delinquents usually must pay high financial penalties, the states require far lower financial penalties. D. The state tax rate varies considerably from state to state, but the federal tax is levied according to laws which apply to citizens of all the states. E. Unlike most federal tax delinquents, most state tax delinquents fail to pay state tax because of an oversight rather than a decision not to pay. RC 遇到一个hard sell 和soft sell的,原来JJ有。 还有一个Mexican American,哎,jj没好好看,后悔了...如果看了,哎,啥都不说了,有可能就不用二战了.... 个人的想法是,好像阅读JJ是有周期的,如果在你考试前两天出现了一个新的阅读,而且有好几个人说考到了,但在这之前的jj又没有提到过,这样的jj要特别关注,很可能你就会考到。 Math 有一个类似于数学jj55题,不过这次我做的不是三个三角形挨着,是12个三角形挨着....让你算最后一个三角形的斜边长,最后答案是根号13,给出的答案中选3.6就可以了 就想到这么多了,想起来再补。 |