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Record companies defend their substitution of laser-read compact discs (CD’s) for the much less expensive traditional long-playing vinyl records in their catalogs by claiming that the audio market is ruled by consumer demand for ever-improved sound reproduction rather than by record manufacturers’ profit-motivated marketing decisions. But this claim cannot be true, because if it were true, then digital audiotape, which produces even better sound than CD’s, would be commercially available from these same record companies, but it is not.

13. Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the argument against the record companies’ claim?
(A) When CD’s were first introduced in the audio-reproduction market, prices were high and selection was poor.
(B) Record companies are reluctant to attempt commercial production of digital audiotape until profits from the sales of CD’s have enabled them to recover their investments in compact-disc manufacturing technology.
(C) Some CD’s have been so much in demand that consumers have experienced long delays in obtaining copies.
(D) Because CD’s work according to principles very different from those that govern conventional recordings, commercial production of CD’s requires new kinds of manufacturing technology.
(E) Any valid comparison of CD audio reproductions to digital audiotape reproductions must be based on identical performances played back on the highest quality disc or tape player.

答案A。我没觉得哪个是strengthen 了, 就错选了E。不明白, 望指教。加强题我没有一点解题方法,还望NN指点一二。 先谢过了。
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演绎类如加强题,首先必须抓住题干, 然后一切都按部就班就可以了。

这倒题的答案不是A也不是E, 而是(B):且看题干:

公司不生产DA(Digital Audiotape) => 公司还是以营利为主而非考虑客户需求




I haven't seen your cute face for days. I know, the other day, too many strangers came here, did they scare you?? i bet!


谢谢 解答。那天作题是晕了头, 只盯着最后一句, 没注意结论的关键词在 BUT 前, 真是不应该。 谢谢清楚的解答, 让我对加强题有了进一步的认识。



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