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[转帖][11。12广外]失败经验+JJ 请广外考试的同学特别关注本帖

本人状况:汕头大学01国际贸易学生,82日上完XDF820T 6134.09月中到10月中半脱产(上课还有搞迎新晚会等干扰)复习,最后两个星期全脱产复习。






最后是pace问题,我犯了个很低级的错误:我是个做题比较快的人,但太快的pace又导致正确率稍稍偏低,特别是V。所以后来我把自己的pace严格控制在固定的时间(20,18,18,19) 平时做题的时候,在做某10题时,若发觉pace过快了,就特意放慢速度,让pace固定在那个速率。这是好的。但是,在考试的时候,我竟然也是这样做了!语文前面的题目,很多题都比较快的做完,我在完全确定的情况下,看到时间太快了,我不是按下一题,竟然在等时间!!!结果到了后面21题,我刚好剩下37min,但做题却因为最后精神疲惫而慢下来了,所以最后那几题都是在30sec/题的速度做的,正确率值得怀疑。这里的经验是:对于做题快的同志们,你们不必太在意将就pace,觉得有信心对了就下一题,宁快勿慢!(看起来好像很废话,但毕竟有个sb犯了这个错误,所以大家还是要小心。)





Is x a decimal can’t has zero digit?

8x is an integer

16x is an integer




第一篇:D-1. [3次] bio control 印象很模糊,但绝对同意过往JJ的行文思路。

第二篇:E-1 Jupiter 的四个卫星 此处感谢buddyK的精彩分析,不是看了他的分析,这篇绝对会错。

第三篇:B2-3women suffrage(红色的为我加上去的。)

Women suffrage: 好象是jj,历史学家认为过去women没有选举权的时候有许多政治权利的现象paradoxical(全文反对这个观点). 作者认为是因为选举权让分心了,反而不追求政治利益。但有反例:xx年议会害怕women的选举权而做出妥协。作者又反驳了反例:后来议会发现women voters没有多大作用所以又肆无忌惮了我对这个实力的记忆是:在20's议会很多议员对一个有利于妇女的法案投反对票,其中women voter没起到什么作用(有负改善题)。到最后,文章还是对其中他自己的观点取正,所以主题题里面有evaluating或discussing之类的肯定错,不要掉进圈套。。文章有些绕,所以有两道逻辑题:assumption and support.

我的问题是1主题题、2负改善题,问哪个选项最能削弱上面标明那处的事例,我选了在20's之后的选举中,很多对20's那个法案投反对票的议员都被women voter抵制,结果下了台。3还有细节题,不记得了。



本月机经:18. If China’s xxx people were to consume…at the rate of Japan, …would… One choice: were to….at the same rate of Japanese (luckocean-1108-?)

但我遇到的是:If China’s xxx people were to consume…at the rate of Japan, …would…

我记得的划线部分不同。答案是If the 1.2 billion Chinese…… the rate of Japanese(详细的不记得了,但正确答案一定有 Chinese和Japanese)


14. BOADFACE.讲一个什么村落要保护树木,提出一个办法,然后经过论证说明这个办法不可行.

GWD-9-Q38 电影院爆米花换油

In January of last year the Moviemania chain of movie theaters started propping its popcorn in canola oil, instead of the less healthful coconut oil that it had been using until then. Now Moviemania is planning to switch back, saying that the change has hurt popcorn sales. That claim is false, however, since according to Moviemania’s own sales figures, Moviemania sold 5 percent more popcorn last year than in the previous year. Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the argument against Moviemania’s claim?

A. Total sales of all refreshments at Moviemania’s movie theaters increased by less than 5 percent last year. B. Moviemania makes more money on food and beverages sold at its theaters than it does on sales of movie tickets. C. Moviemania’s customers prefer the taste of popcorn popped in coconut oil to that of popcorn popped in canola oil. D. Total attendance at Moviemania’s movie theaters was more than 20 percent higher last year than the year before. E. The year before last, Moviemania experienced a 10 percent increase in popcorn sales over the previous year.

【Answer: A】

4. 心脏病和免疫力

【版本一】在一个城市, 85%的老人免疫力差,但是两年来,死于心脏病的反而比cancer or infection的多。 前者心脏病是 unprotected by immune system, 而cancer是attacked by immune system, 问哪个能解释这种现象?选项有什么治疗心脏病的药有副作用,有什么那些免疫力不好的老人这两年recover了,还有什么。。。。。

【版本二】记起一道题是说老人的免疫力很弱,现在发现他们死于心脏病的机率大于癌症,前者和免疫无关而后者和免疫有关,问解释,大致是这样。 只记得有这题,不记得答案了,但肯定的是正确选项的描述都不在过往JJ上面

5. 都市发展影响鸟的数量

【版本一】some kind of bird, 它经常nest的地方被economic development破坏,所以一开始数量下降,但过了1~2年后又增了。Why?

A. after the damage to local ecosystems, the ecosystem can soon restore significantly(但我选了这个) C. this bird can nest on road signs and xxx that have been built these years… E the development damages the living place of another animal, forcing them out in the open. And this animal is the food of the bird. (前人说:偶选了这个)



29. (黄金80)

“Too many people think only about getting results. The key to success, however, is to focus on the specific task at hand and not to worry about results.”

1) without thinking of the results, people would lose the incentive to complete the work at hand

2) without thinking of the results, people would lose the direction and target to the work at hand



A7. The following is a memorandum to the president of the EZ-Manufacturing Company from the manager of cafeteria services.

Offering pizza in our cafeteria has proved extremely profitable. To further increase our profits from pizza sales, we should switch to PDQ Pizzeria to supply our pizza. PDQ pizza was twice voted the ‘best pizza’ in the neighboring town of Hamiltonia in on-line surveys of Hamiltonia Gazette readers. The PDQ branch in our town currently sells pizza for only slightly more than our cafeteria does and has begun offering free daily delivery. Switching to PDQ pizza will clearly improve satisfaction with our cafeteria and hence increase the cafeteria’s profits.

1) survey

2) false analogy

3) all things are equal

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