verbal 遇到很多jj, 这个月的逻辑jj非常全,难得,一定要好好看。 AWA: AA: invenstment should be made on e-classics, an online book company... AI: divide a complex task to many small parts, and assign to each worker... SC (only meet about two or three): GWD17-Q20: Construction of the Roman Colosseum, which was officially known as the Flavian Amphitheater, began in A.D. 69, during the reign of Vespasian, was completed a decade later, during the reign of Titus, who opened the Colosseum with a one-hundred-day cycle of religious pageants, gladiatorial games, and spectacles.
A.which was officially known as the Flavian Amphitheater, began in A.D. 69, during the reign of Vespasian, B.officially known as the Flavian Amphitheater, begun in A.D. 69, during the reign of Vespasian, and C.which was officially known as the Flavian Amphitheater, began in A.D. 69, during the reign of Vespasian, and D.officially known as the Flavian Amphitheater and begun in A.D. 69, during the reign of Vespasian it E.officially known as the Flavian Amphitheater, which was begun in A.D. 69, during the reign of Vespasian, and 白痴题: We became friends in no time, and so did our brothers. (so did 的位置划线,选项A不是so did,是别的什么词,但是正确应该是改成so did),当我看到这题的时候,我靠!
CR: 新题: 某城市经济情况在恶化,因为现有的停车位已经基本告罄,从而限制了商业销售,所以必须建一个斜坡停车场,问削弱 我选了,还有别的空间可以建一个停车场没有必要开辟一个斜坡。
12.2养蜂人那题,我的答案和jj的不同(again,我是现在要写jj了才发现原来我也在jj里看过这题。。。).题目说,养蜂人的主要收入有两种,卖honey和把hives rent给其他人for flower pollination. 但是mites是一个很大问题,而miticide的使用是养蜂人的major cost。现在有一个新的蜜蜂,不受那些mites影响,所以可以预见养蜂人的cost 会下降。Moreover, at least for some keepers, revenue will increase since___,我选了"Miticides, if used heavily, will contaminate some of the honey." 我觉得没有了contamination,那些原本不能卖的honey现在也可以买了,这样就对应了revenue increase
15.3咖啡因能夠降低Parkinson’s disease,印象中每天喝得量是越多,越能減少發病機會,問weaken…(說實在答案我覺得都沒有明顯weaken@@) 我选:喝有咖啡因得饮料的人不会比喝咖啡的人更容易。。。 (具体忘了) 31.1一个机场的parking facilities使用率只有75%,但有研究表明比这个使用率significantly low的都特别赚钱,而且在机场使用高峰季节这个使用率要翻倍
1. 44.1某地的一家city医院,
assumption 答案: city医院没有把一些较昂贵的治疗项目转移到其他医院
1. 45.1小汽车在发生事故时严重伤亡的可能性比大型汽车大,所以,人们应当改开大型汽车,从而可以大大降低伤亡。
weaken 答案:小汽车发生事故时的严重伤亡大都是由大型汽车造成的。
答案選A 都是大汽車造成的
1. Which of the following most logically completes the argument below? According to promotional material published by the city of Springfield, more tourists stay in hotels in Springfield than stay in the neighboring city of Harristown. A brochure from the largest hotel in Harristown claims that more tourists stay in that hotel than stay in the Royal Arms Hotel in Springfield. If both of these sources are accurate, however, the “Report on Tourism” for the region must be in error in stating that ______. A. the average length of stay is longer at the largest hotel in Harristown than it is at the Royal Arms Hotel B. there is only one hotel in Harristown that is larger than the Royal Arms Hotel C. more tourists stay in hotels in Harristown than stay in the Royal Arms Hotel D. the Royal Arms Hotel is the largest hotel in Springfield
the Royal Arms Hotel is the only hotel in Springfield
1. 卖鱼,downtown的和uptown的货源一样,但是d的便宜很多,但是同样的profitable,所以d的销量更多,问assumption.
且他们的profit也一样,所以推出downtown卖的鱼要比uptown多很多。问假设。我选的是downtown的其他cost没有比 uptown低。
In the late 1980’s, the population of sea otters in the North Pacific Ocean began to decline. Of the two plausible explanations for the decline—increased predation by killer whales or disease—disease is the more likely. After all, a concurrent sharp decline in the populations of seals and sea lions was almost certainly caused by a pollution-related disease, which could have spread to sea otters, whereas the population of killer whales did not change noticeably. Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the reasoning? A. Killer whales in the North Pacific usually prey on seals and sea lions but will, when this food source is scarce, seek out other prey. B. There is no indication that substantial numbers of sea otters migrated to other locations from the North Pacific in the 1980’s. C. Along the Pacific coast of North America in the 1980’s, sea otters were absent from many locations where they had been relatively common in former times. D. Following the decline in the population of the sea otters, there was an increase in the population of sea urchins, which are sea otters’ main food source. E. The North Pacific populations of seals and sea lions cover a wider geographic area than does the population of sea otters.
我选择 a 1. 只记得倒数第二道题是boldface题,一个厂家利用外部的原材料供应有很多优势,比如成本低,等等。However,厂家还是应该选择自己供应。原因有很多。如果一个厂家利用外部的原材料供应,就会泄露它自身的生产能力等。这样它一般只用几个特定的供应商。而一旦这几个供应商出现问题,公司就会陷入困境。
C.第一句是作者要反驳的,第二句………… D.第一句是作者要反驳的,第二句………… E.第一句是作者要反驳的,第二句………… 我选的A,所以其它的记不太清了,嘿嘿!
一种鱼没有fin,因为它在冰川表面游,问assumption,一个答案是有fin会影响它在表面游 我也选这个。
1. boldface. condominium比seperate houses更有economic value(这第一句是黑体)。 condo的住户可以collectively地去subscribe一些服务,而独立house的户主会发觉独立承担这些费用很贵。Since condo 有管理公司管理, (从这里开始黑体)condo的住户可以花少很多时间去管理那些公共地方的事情。我选第一句是main conclusion,第二句是a second conclusion supporting the first.这题我想了好一会儿,其他几个选项要不就是第一个是premise,要不就是第二句是"argument/premise/conclusion, but without any evidence provided).(文中明显给出了evidence,因为有一句"Since condo有管理公司管理")
1. 一个电脑公司想保持自己的市场份额。他发现顾客比较喜欢reliability高的电脑。为了使顾客买了他家的电脑再买,公司决定提高它家电脑的 reliability,不管cost有多高。问削弱。我好象选了一个说竞争者比它能在更低成本上生产reliablity高的电脑。
RC: RC: 1. large retailer 2. star changes color, and temperature declines 3.future factory: robust or more service after sales (harder than jj can tell, I was screwed up) 4. market poineer (harder than jj can tell, screwed up, but forget what was asked) |