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[转帖]12月15日 上财 JJ

旅途劳累加上没睡好觉,我到上海的时候就剩一个空壳子了。我稀里糊涂的考试(语文前20题我全凭看OG时的感觉),ETS也稀里糊涂的给分--700。不知道该高兴还是沮丧 -- 那么差的状态还得700,的确有点意外,可我应该考得更高。今年申请不成功的话,来日再战吧。由于大部分考试时间我在梦游,所以记不得多少了。

数学: 1. A,B,C,D,E,F,G 七种药,A,B不能一起用,问其中选三种药有多少种可能。 2. 先告诉了方差的求法,问9,8,7,4(大概是这四个)的方差。 3. 三角形ABC中角B是直角,角DAC=15度,AB=BD=5,求ADC的面积。 4. 某细菌(或其它什么)4克中有3.2X10^23个,问1.6X10^24个细菌存在于多少克的什么什么中。(数字不准)

语文:(前20题,完全梦游中,用了45分钟。都不记得了) CS: in... than in because... and because

CR: 一道JJ里的那个马可波罗和长城,问假设。 一道BF,我只记得第一句是evidence, 第二句紧接在however后,我忘了是什么了。

RC: 前三篇都在20提前(梦游中),分别是3-6,8-10,18题左右 最后一篇在31-34,是那篇二战以后,美国的health-care的拨款就停止了,可是加州没有停止...(好像有JJ)考了四道题,一道主题题,一道in order to,两道infer题。

作文: AA: 13. (黄金80题) The following appeared as part of a campaign to sell advertising time on a local radio station to local businesses.

“The Cumquat Cafe began advertising on our local radio station this year and was delighted to see its business increase by 10 percent over last year’s totals. Their success shows you how you can use radio advertising to make your business more profitable.”

AI: 100. (黄金80题) “A nation must maintain a highly competitive educational system — a system in which students compete among themselves and against students from other countries — to ensure its own economic success.”

Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your position with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.


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