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30.Industrialists from the country Distopia were accused of promoting the Distopian intervention in the Arcadian civil war merely to insure that the industrialists’ facilities in Arcadia made substantial profits during the war. Yet this cannot be the motive since, as the Distopians foresaw, Distopia’s federal expenses for the intervention were 8 billion dollars, whereas, during the war, profits from the Distopian industrialists’ facilities in Arcadia totaled only 4 billion dollars.

Which of the following, if true, exposes a serious flaw in the argument made in the 2nd sentence above?

(A)During the Arcadian war, many Distopian industrialists with facilities located in Arcadia experienced a significant rise in productivity in their facilities located in Distopia.
(B)The largest proportion of Distopia’s federal expenses is borne by those who receive no significant industrial profits.
(C)Most Distopian industrialists’ facilities located in Arcadia are expected to maintian the level of profits they achieved during the war.
(D)Distopian industrialists’ facilities in Arcadia made substantial profits before the events that triggered the civil war.
(E)Many Distopians expressed concern over the suffering that Arcadians underwent during the civil war.
A):  B   WHY NOT B?   [F.35, Q.19]

31.The geese that gather at the pond of a large corporation create a hazard for executives who use the corporate helicopter, whose landing site is 40 feet away from the pond. To solve the problem, the corporation plans to import a large number of herding dogs to keep the geese away from the helicopter.

Which of the following, if a realistic possibility, would cast the most serious doubt on the prospects for success of the corporation’s plan?

(A)The dogs will form an uncontrollable pack.
(B)The dogs will require training to learn to herd the geese.
(C)The dogs will frighten away foxes that prey on old and sick geese.
(D)It will be necessary to keep the dogs in quarantine for 30 days after importing them.
(E)Some of the geese will move to the pond of another corporation in order to avoid being herded by the dogs.
A):  A   WHY NOT E?       [F.37, Q.10]    herd  vt.放牧
32.When a person is under intense psychological stress, his or her cardiovascular response is the same as it is during vigorous physical exercise. Psychological stress, then, must be as beneficial for the heart as is vigorous physical exercise.

The argument above relies on which of the following assumption?
(A)Exercise is an effective means of relieving psychological stress.
(B)The body’s short-term cardiovascular response to any activity indicates that activity’s long-term effect on the body.
(C)Cardiovascular response during an activity is an adequate measure of how beneficial the activity is for the heart.
(D)Psychological stress can have a positive effect on the body.
(E)Vigorous exercise is the most reliable method of maintaining a healthy heart.
A):  C    WHY NOT E?    [F.37, Q.11]   cardiovascular  adj.循環系統的

33.In a study of the effect of color on productivity, 50 of 100 factory workers were moved from their drab workroom to a brightly colored workroom. Both these workers and the 50 who remained in the drab workroom increased their productivity, probably as a result of the interest taken by researchers in the work of both groups during the study.

Which of the following, if true, would cast most doubt upon the author’s interpretation of the study results given above?
(A)The 50 workers moved to the brightly colored room performed precisely the same manufacturing task as the workers who remained in the drab workroom.
(B)The drab workroom was designed to provide adequate space for at most 65 workers.
(C)The 50 workers who moved to the brightly colored workroom were matched as closely as possible in age and level of training to the 50 workers who remained in the drab workroom.
(D)Nearly all the workers in both groups had volunteered to move to the brightly colored workroom.
(E)Many of the workers who moved to the brightly colored workroom reported that they liked the drab workroom as well as or better than they liked the brightly colored workroom.
A):  B    WHY NOT D?   [F.37, Q.16]
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