4. 如何让练习效用最大化? 我的观点如下, 欢迎大家批评指教
a) 看问题, 看解释, 体会出题的思路 同类的题目做多了, 看到题目, 自然会对答案有一定的预测, 而且有些题目这些预测还是很准确的. 但是还是要小心, 有时候这个预测可能会起反作用, 容易让人上当
b) 看错误选项, 体会什么是经常出现的迷惑选项 GMAT对错误选项的设计也是有一定的思路的, 比如程度词不同啊什么的, 熟悉这种套路可以让自己更加清醒, 不容易被骗 迷惑选项因人而异, 大家可以自己分析一下, 比如我, 之前经常被一种must be true 的题目欺骗, 如: (og_11_101) For a trade embargo against a particular country to succeed, a high degree of both international accord and ability to prevent goods from entering or leaving that country must be sustained. A total blockade of Patria’s ports is necessary to an embargo, but such an action would be likely to cause international discord over the embargo.
The claims above, if true, most strongly support which of the following conclusions?
(A) The balance of opinion is likely to favor Patria in the event of a blockade. (B) As long as international opinion is unanimously against Patria, a trade embargo is likely to succed. (C) A naval blockade of Patria’s ports would ensure that no goods enter or leave Patria. (D) Any trade embargo against Patria would be likely to fail at some time. (E) For a blockade of Patria’s ports to be successful, international opinion must be unanimous.
答案(D), 但是我做题的时候觉得其实D, E 说的都没有错... 题目说到, 禁运需要国际协调, P应该被禁运, 但是禁运会导致国际纠纷 我很自然的就推测出, 如果禁运要成功, 那么国际必须协调(E), 或者说只要不协调, 禁运就会失败(D) 这样就傻了, 不会排除了, 觉得两个说的都对, 看og解释, 说E和文章相反, 所以错了... 这么也想不通啊...这本来就是一个意思啊..为啥会相反呢?
lawyer在他分类的文章中说到: "<conclusion>答案:原文主结论的重写。必须概括全文并且是MUST BE TRUE。" 题目条件: (a) trade embargo要成功, 需要两个条件a1). international accord a2). ability be sustained (b) 对P实施embargo会导致international discord E选项其实是忽视了a2).这个条件, 因此不能作为结论, 如果要让E对, 至少也应该补充说"..and a2)"才对.
c) 看错误选项, 体会什么是无关选项, 通过无关排除, 有的时候是最有效的做题方式, 很多题目, 分析起来是很痛苦的, 或者思路不是那么清楚, 不是很容易去猜测答案, 这个时候无关选项的排除就很重要的了, 什么是无关, 这个是一个相对概念, 只能体会, 不能量化. 而且有些题目直接分析时间长, 无关排除速度要快的多, 例如: og_11_110/ og_10_073 “Fast cycle time” is a strategy of designing a manufacturing organization to eliminate bottlenecks and delays in production. Not only does it speed up production, but it also assures quality. The reason is that the bottlenecks and delays cannot be eliminated unless all work is done right the first time.
The claim about quality made above rests on a questionable presupposition that ______.
(A) any flaw in work on a product would cause a bottleneck or delay and so would be prevented from occurring on a “fast cycle” production line (B) the strategy of “fast cycle time” would require fundamental rethinking of product design (C) the primary goal of the organization is to produce a product of unexcelled quality, rather than to generate profits for stockholders (D) “fast cycle time” could be achieved by shaving time off each of the component processes in production cycle (E) “fast cycle time” is a concept in business strategy that has not yet been put into practice in a factory
答案(A), 这个题目读起来觉得似乎是有个逻辑推导关系, 可是一下子又说不清楚... og解释的时候, 直接一步到位就解释出答案了...完全没看明白推理过程... 如果硬是要推理的话, 我的思路是这样的: 首先要明确几个概念: bottleneck和production都是说"效率(E)", quality和work is done right都是说"质量(Q)" 文章开始对Fast cycle time的解释其实就是说, FCT就是 "效率(E)[上升]"
条件: Q [上升] ---><消除>E [下降] = Q [上升] ---> E [上升] (瓶颈和delay不能消除, 除非work done right) 结论: E [上升] ---> Q [上升] (FCT assures quality) 问题: 结论的成立需要的另外一个条件是啥 (别管是不是questionable, 不影响做题) 答案: 因为 Q [上升] ---> E [上升] (已知), + Q [下降] ---> E [下降] (flaw in work cause delay) 所以 E [上升] ---> Q [上升] (结论) (这个主要是为了说明思路, 逻辑关系不是特别严密)
如果这么做题...我是真的累死了....但是用无关排除, 那就简单了, 具体不多说了, og解释很清楚, 直接排出掉 B,C,D,E,只有A可能是答案了...简单实用..
d) 看题目, 看解释, 体会og如何interpret原文 帮助RC, 具体见后
e) 集中看题目, 增加阅读耐力 帮助RC, 具体见后 |