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Q25 to Q28:

Recently biologists have been

interested in a tide-associated

periodic behavior displayed by

Line the diatom Hantzschia virgata, a

(5) microscopic golden-brown alga that

inhabits that portion of a shoreline

washed by tides (the intertidal zone).

Diatoms of this species, sometimes

called “commuter” diatoms, remain

(10) burrowed in the sand during high

tide, and emerge on the sand sur-

face during the daytime low tide.

Just before the sand is inundated by

the rising tide, the diatoms burrow

(15) again. Some scientists hypothesize

that commuter diatoms know that it

is low tide because they sense an

environmental change, such as an

alteration in temperature or a change

(20) in pressure caused by tidal move-

ment. However, when diatoms are

observed under constant conditions

in a laboratory, they still display

periodic behavior, continuing to bur-

(25) row on schedule for several weeks.

This indicates that commuter diatoms,

rather than relying on environmental

cues to keep time, possess an inter-

nal pacemaker or biological clock

(30) that enables them to anticipate peri-

odic changes in the environment.

A commuter diatom has an unusu-

ally accurate biological clock, a

consequence of the unrelenting

(35) environmental pressures to which

it is subjected; any diatoms that do

not burrow before the tide arrives

are washed away.

This is not to suggest that the

(40) period of this biological clock is

immutably fixed. Biologists have

concluded that even though a

diatom does not rely on the envi-

ronment to keep time, environmental

(45) factors—including changes in the

tide’s hydrostatic pressure, salin-

ity, mechanical agitation, and

temperature—can alter the period

of its biological clock according to

(50) changes in the tidal cycle. In short,

the relation between an organism’s

biological clock and its environment

is similar to that between a wristwatch

and its owner[x1] : the owner cannot

(55) make the watch run faster or slower,

but can reset the hands. However,

this relation is complicated in intertidal

dwellers such as commuter diatoms

by the fact that these organisms are

(60) exposed to the solar-day cycle as

well as to the tidal cycle, and some-

times display both solar-day and

tidal periods in a single behavior.

Commuter diatoms, for example,

(65) emerge only during those low tides

that occur during the day.



The primary purpose of the passage is to

  1. dispute the influence of environmental factors on the tide-associated behavioral rhythms displayed by the diatom Hantzschia virgata
  2. describe how certain tide-associated behavioral rhythms displayed by the diatom Hantzschia virgata have changed over time
  3. compare tide-associated behavioral rhythms to solar-day behavioral rhythms in the diatom Hantzschia virgata
  4. examine how certain biological and environmental influences affect the tide-associated behavioral rhythms displayed by the diatom Hantzschia virgata
  5. identify certain environmental factors that limit the effectiveness of the biological clock in the diatom Hantzschia virgata



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MY 2 cents, key is D


The primary purpose of the passage is to

  1. dispute the influence of environmental factors on the tide-associated behavioral rhythms displayed by the diatom Hantzschia virgata —>不光有反对,也有赞成

  2. describe how certain tide-associated behavioral rhythms displayed by the diatom Hantzschia virgata have changed over time —>看似正确的混淆选项(将选项看完整很重要)

  3. compare tide-associated behavioral rhythms to solar-day behavioral rhythms in the diatom Hantzschia virgata —>最后一段的细节内容,错

  4. examine how certain biological and environmental influences affect the tide-associated behavioral rhythms displayed by the diatom Hantzschia virgata

  5. identify certain environmental factors that limit the effectiveness of the biological clock in the diatom Hantzschia virgata —>限制有效性,错




C选项中的certain biological influences 感觉与原文中的biological clock有差别,而且原文中只提到了生物钟这一种,没有其他的,怎么可以用复数呢??




我认为A和C最大的不对是文章讲了两个方面,一个是生物钟的作用,一个是环境因素对生物钟的影响。而A和C只讲了其中的一个方面。primary purpose应该把两个方面都放在上面才对。



这篇文章属于新老观点对比型,有的朋友上来直接把旧观点理解成,“环境因素造成了H能躲避潮汐”,带着这种预判,对老观点取反,形成新观点“这种现象与环境无关”,似乎确实读的通。于是陷在A里出不来。其实文章争论的不是环境是否是原因,而是H到底是主动根据环境提示躲避潮汐呢,还是其他原因。老观点认为它自己能主动躲避,新观点说是因为有生物钟(而生物钟的形成是环境长期自然选择的结果),两种观点里实际上环境都是不可或缺的。文章的主旨在于新观点,总结一下就是环境选择了那些合适的生物钟,使得这些H能生存下来;而且文中还用了一个类比,手表就是象生物钟,主人就像环境,主人不能让手表走快走慢,但能选择手表的时间。也就使说这种现象的原因是两方面的,环境和生物钟都重要。A不选没问题了吧;B describe一看就可排除,文章是explain, 不是仅仅描述现象。C是一个细节。E咋一看,说的云山雾罩的,其实把握identify,文章并不是要确认什么环境因素,是解释,你说确认该现象的原因还勉强说的过去,examine how…就对应的很好。



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