2008-7-19 9:51pm ( the second day when I made my mind ) next steps for each part reviewing 1、 vocabulary词汇 : 1) preferably choose, from all the everyday GMAT relevant stuffs, the phrase that can be used in future AIW and is crucial to resolving the verbal section and mark it in blue colour 1)每天坚持从所阅读的GMAt资料中优先选择词组,这些词组可以用于接下来的argument 和issue写作,且对语文部分的解题至关重要。除制定卡时间做题外,再总结每天所做题目同时,用蓝色标记这些词汇,同时添加到金山词霸生词本
2) mark red colour as literal interpretation questions and take note them for latter asking 2)红色用来标记复习过程中英文字面解读问题,整理出以备日后请教
3) write English edition experience for every struggling day, especially how to form the effective steps or pace into the real testing circumstances. 3)每天坚持用英文写备考日记,特别是记录如何形适合实战的有效的步骤和速度
Additionally, since the verbal section is a unseparated whole, I need to focus on the right grammar according to the SC when write any stuff in English, imitate the GMAT reading text style, use the phrase and shining sentence abstracted from the verbal section, and pay attention to express logically and write critically.
此外,因为语文部分是一个不可分割的整体, 在此期间的任何形式的英文书写都应注意是否满足SC的规则,行文模仿GMAT文章的行文风格,用语尽量使用从语文部分提炼的词汇和句子,同时要特别注意表达的逻 辑性和批判性思维。
4) send everyday questions ( translation problems) to the one who is helpful for each others. 4)每天都把遇到的问题发给可以互相帮助的人解答,现阶段的问题就是会遇到自己叫不准的英文解读
2、reading comprehension : 阅读部分
1) highlight the logical structure paragraph by paragraph (main idea and logical questions)
1)在文章中将每段的逻辑结构突出显示 (主旨和逻辑题目会用)
2) underline key words ( for detail questions use) 2)给每个结构中的关键词划线(细节题时需回读)
PS: the point is I should try my best to train completing 1)and 2) steps in my mind
PS:最重要的是阅读过程中,我要尽最大努力磨练自己将1)and 2)两个过程在脑子里完成
3) If I choose the right answer, I will not to see the explaination at first, just go back to the passage, locate the answer key relevante position after recognizing what the question real ask, remember the question asked is the master, then find the same meaning key words between the passage and the right choice.
(according to的题目所有的正确答案都是原文某处的同义替换)
Ps : 问题是老大的+ 选项间比出答案也不能忽略
4) recognize the reason for ruling out wrong choice and summarize and refine them in simple memory form that can be use for the real test, remember the simpleness and preference for the real test are very importanrt. 识别出每个被排除选项的错误理由,并总结其错误类型。最重要的是任何总结要体现“简单,且真能用到实战中” 我的错误选项只有2种错误 1)不忠实原文(无/反/混/偏) 2)所问非所答(定位错误)
5) If I choose the wrong answer, there must be fixed reasons. 5)如果我选错了,错误的原因应该是固定的:(阅读理解的问题其实就是一个字“读”) 英文基础的问题(词汇和句子的正确解读)
I know what it is and how to improve. I have saw the future and believe the my future, even though there is a “lie” in the believe. |