Math: 看10/11月的机井足够了,我几乎没碰到什么没有把握的题,可分数却让我不知道错哪了,这最郁闷。
1. 关于热带雨林岩石一种自然现象(不好意思,哪个单词当时不认识,现在想不起来了)的文章,开头说这个现象的原因一直困惑着研究者,最近有了新发现,说是有一种virus造成的,因为岩石周围环境潮湿,没有有机的能量,其它生物不能生长,只有这种virus能生长,最后还特意提到一试验的结果证明这个发现是对的。
2. 文章结构是先传统观点,然后阐述新发现。内容是有关减少污染对企业的利润,成本的影响。从两点反驳,一点是说企业减少污染的老办法(技术,设备什么的)怎样怎样,新的又怎样怎样(这里有题);二点是什么,忘了,想起来再补充
3. ; 80行左右,有关plantation劳工的问题,涉及到庄园的经济,政治发展,劳工罢工等问题,好像比较了美国内战美国南方黑人和二战时美国california的中国,韩国,日本,。。(还有一个想不起来了)移民劳工的情况。
4.有关customer loyalty的,时间太紧,来不及看了,但不如第3篇难。好像提到了维护客户忠诚度的成本,以及不同行业客户客户的忠诚度不一样,好像提到了两个行业。
AA: A10. The following appeared in a memo from the vice president in charge of fundraising at Waymarsh University:
“Three years ago, as part of a very successful campaign to increase the amount of money donated for scholarships, Sophia College used student volunteers to telephone selected alumni and request contributions. That year the total amount of money donated to Sophia exceeded its annual goal by 150%. To reduce overhead costs for fundraising and increase contributions, Waymarsh University should begin using student volunteers to make telephone requests in all our fundraising efforts. Furthermore, since the enrollment at Waymarsh University is more than twice that at Sophia College, we should be able to raise at least as much money each year as Sophia did by using this same method.”
AI: 34. “All citizens should be required to perform a specified amount of public service. Such service would benefit not only the country as a whole but also the individual participants. |