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24-29: Plant scientists have been able to genetically engineer vegetable seeds to produce crops that are highly resistant to insect damage. Although these seeds currently cost more than conventional seeds, their cost is likely to decline. Moreover, farmers planting them can use far less pesticide, and most consumers prefer vegetables grown with less pesticide, therefore, for crops for which these seeds can be developed, their use is likely to become the norm.

Which of the following would be most useful to know in evaluating the argument above?

A) Whether plant scientists have developed insect-resistant seeds for every crop that is currently grown commercially?

B) Whether farmers typically use agricultural pesticides in large amounts than is necessary to prevent crop damage?

C) Whether plants grown from the new genetically engineered seeds can be kept completely free of insect damage?

D) Whether seeds genetically engineered to produce insect-resistant crops generate significantly lower per acre crop yields than do currently used seeds?

E) Whether most varieties of crops currently grown commercially have greater natural resistance to insect damage than did similar varieties in the past.


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Hi, in my point of veiw, the question is of evaluation type, POE should be cautious, some elements seem to be irrelevant, but are key to choose the right answer. the concern of this question is the cost, if the applying cost of the new seed is lower than the that of the existing seed. then the new seeds will be possible to become the norms.

According to Choice D, if the genetically engineered seeds generate lower crops per acre than the do the current seed, then the engineered seeds will not become the norms. however, it will be possible otherwise. For the new seeds, if with higher cost of seeds but lower production realize , then obviously there is no economic profit.

am I right? look forward to comments.


evaluation题的正确答案是:该选项的不同回答能对原文结论起支持削弱作用。对于D,如果改良品种的产量低,则尽管用农药少和未来价格便宜,但要become the norm农民还是会顾虑它的产量低而不一定用它。故WEAKEN结论。如果产量不低,则由于有用农药少和价格便宜的优点,再加上产量不低,则 become the norm的可能性加大,故SUPPORT结论。



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