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The milk of many mammals contains cannabinoids, substances that are known to stimulate certain receptors in the brain. To investigate the function of cannabinoids, researchers injected newborn mice with a chemical that is known to block cannabinoides from reaching their receptors in the brain. The injected mice showed far less interest in feeding than normal newborn mice do. Therefore, cannabinoids probably function to stimulate the appetite.

A)   Newborn mice do not normally ingest any substance other than their mothers’ milk.

B)   Cannabinoids are the only substances in mammals’ milk that stimulate the appetite.

C)   The mothers of newborn mice do not normally make any effort to encourage their babies to feed.

D)   The mild of mammals would be less nutritious if it did not contain cannabinoids.

E)    The chemical that blocks cannabinoids from stimulating their brain receptors does not independently inhibit the appetite.


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would you pls put the question into the argument above.

If it is assumption,B repeated the conclusion does not qualified for the assumption at all.

even though "can~" is one of the substances that has the function to stimulate the appetite,the conclusion will not be weaken since the "can ~"

is capable of sitmulating the appetite.


sure,make sense,thx!
Even if B + not,the conclusion is still supported but E is not like this.



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