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请教 -- 大全-12-10

请教 -- 大全Test 12中第10题 Test 12/10 The geese that gather at the pond of a large corporation create a hazard for executives who use the corporate helicopter, whose landing site is 40 feet away from the pond. To solve the problem, the corporation plans to import a large number of herding dogs to keep the geese away from the helicopter. Which of the following, if a realistic possibility, would cast the most serious doubt on the prospects for success of the corporation’s plan? (A) The dogs will form an uncontrollable pack. (B) The dogs will require training to learn to herd the geese. (C) The dogs will frighten away foxes that prey on old and sick geese. (D) It will be necessary to keep the dogs in quarantine for 30 days after importing them. (E) Some of the geese will move to the pond of another corporation in order to avoid being herded by the dogs. Key: A 但如果仅仅从推理上来说,似乎C更合适

哪位能否解答一下, 谢谢!

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uncontrollable pack并没有直接说明会影响helicopter呀.


我的理解是鹅群的存在也是uncontrollable, 而且可能是大群的,影响了直升机的降落。所以找来大量勇猛的牧狗来帮忙。A说的坏处就是这些狗最后也uncontrollable而且也是大量的,所以乱中添乱。C的不妥之处在於它说的是old and sick 的鹅,这些鹅占少数,即使吓跑了狐狸,仞然不能解决大批乱哄哄的鹅群问题。


这道题有点意思, 需要自己做出文中没有提到的ASSUMPTION......



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