Q: 50 V:40 T:740
AA是让人们投资到E-CLASSIC 去,因为人们会更多的买电子书,买古典书.
Q: 感觉没有什么JJ,不知道是换了题库还是因为北美和其它地方的考题本来就有区别.
1. 比较 a的负5次方(a^-5) 和b的负10次方(b^-10) 的大小。1)a 2 某人存了3000快钱,一部分是利率A,一部分是利率B,都是单利。存了半年后,总共的利息是300多(不准) 问利率A是多少。 1)A是B的三分之一(不准);2)A的利息是B的2倍。答案我好象选的是C。当时太紧张了。
3 一个学校有300人,100多学科学,100多学美术。问学科学的有多少没有学美术?
1) 学美术的有几十人没有学科学; 2)有几十人什么都没有学。 这题我选的是B。我觉得从B可以推出来有多少人即学了美术又学了科学,就可以知道有多少人学了科学没有学美术。
4 一个数M,正比于另外一个数V的SQURE ROOT。现在这个V INCREASE了70%,问M INCREASE了多少?
30% 40% 140% …… 我选的30%, 你要算一下。
4 一张纸,是1*6的面积(单位我忘记了,里面有个换算的问题,)。问这张纸最大能保住的立方体的边长是多少?
3FEET 6FEET 12FEET …… 我选的是最小的。我想了半天,这张纸根本连3FEET的也包不住。现在想想,可能是我理解错了。可能答案里面的是正方体的体积。
逻辑我觉得做得不好,没有BF的题目。大都是归纳。好象没有看到WEAKEN的题目一样,可能是太紧张忘记了.连假设都很少。有道 JJ,我选的JJ的答案。
research shows that 30% of all patients in a psyco--- hospital admits depression clinic,while only 15%of all patients have antibody of a kind of virus, since only when infected by the virus, an person will obtain the antibody.thus the scientists conclude that it is the virus that cause the depression. ask support
i chooose less than 2% of people in general have the antibody.
Appendicitis (inflammation of the appendix) is potentially fatal; consequently, patients with symptoms strongly suggesting appendicitis almost always have their appendix removed. The appropriate surgery is low-risk but performed unnecessarily in about 20 percent of all cases. A newly developed internal scan for appendicitis is highly accurate, producing two misdiagnoses for every 98 correct diagnoses. Clearly, using this test, doctors can largely avoid unnecessary removals of the appendix without, however, performing any fewer necessary ones than before, since________________
a: the patients who are correctly diagnosed with this test as not having appendicitis invariably having medical conditions that are much less serious than appendicitis
b: the misdiagnoses produced by this test are always instances of attributing appendicitis to someone who does not, in fact, have it
c:all of the patients who are diagnosed with this test as having appendicitis do, in fact, have appendicitis
d:every patient who is diagnosed with this test as having appendicitis has more than one of the symptoms generally associated with appendicitis
以前一直认为一个东西是AD 6(好象是说公元6世纪)才有的。后来在哪里出土了这个东西,和它一起出土的还有AD 3的什么骨头。所以说这个东西应该是AD 3就有了。问假设。
阅读一个JUPITER的卫星,一个是作者讲18世纪妇女的地位.还有一个是说公司的文化(EXPLICIT OR NOT )对经理做决定的影响.第三篇有些难,只知道大概是说一种修牙的填充物,还是一种制造填充物的技术.我没有读懂,不误导大家啦.另外三篇前人有JJ应该比较详细.