昨天下午广州考的,真的有点冷,不过还好,考场很安静,感觉也很严格的说,手表啊什么的通通不能带进去. 特别要说的,大家什么资料也别带了,休息时是什么都不能碰的,除了水.今天我们考场一女生可能不小心拿了下新东方的学院手册,结果考试取消了 .挺倒霉的说.我还没休息完就给监考的轰进去了,我大概出来没5分钟. 要知道考前一周prep 才570的人,能拿这分数我已经很感激了. 作文: AA:The following is part of a business plan created by the management of the Megamart grocery store.“Our total sales have increased this year by 20 percent since we added a pharmacy section to our grocery store. Clearly, the customer’s main concern is the convenience afforded by one-stop shopping. The surest way to increase our profits over the next couple of years, therefore, is to add a clothing department along with an automotive supplies and repair shop. We should also plan to continue adding new departments and services, such as a restaurant and a garden shop, in subsequent years. Being the only store in the area that offers such a range of services will give us a competitive advantage over other local stores.” AI:Goverment is not resposible for regulated business and organization .什么的... 数学:jj很多,多看看myice的总结好了,不过我碰到了一题巨变态,弄的我最后两题给它整没了时间,郁闷. 大概是 不是 w 3.5 a 4 c 4.5 mixture cost is twice as cost of w, mixture cost is third as cost of c问用a表达mixture cost. 我看到整个蒙了,反正算好久也没头绪,这是倒数第三题,后面也赔给它了,我还有题没做,郁闷,弄了50分, 语文:四篇阅读都是机井,大家好好看看CR RC的机井总结,感觉相当有用,不过我最后还是栽在逻辑上了. 阅读是; 一篇失业的,JJ很丰富,大家自己看,三题都是least,简单. 雕塑的.NE和ME的,代表女神还是女人的.最后一句有考点 还有就不太记得了. SC平行的考了很多,我前面CR做的挺好的,那看来是SC错的多,我就不乱说误导大家. |