原创jj 8月18日 北美 750 M50 V41
132“Governments should not be responsible for regulating businesses and other organizations. Instead, society would benefit if the organizations themselves assumed responsibility for establishing and enforcing their own standards and regulations.”
128 “Managers at our central office report that their employees tend to be more productive in the days immediately preceding the vacation………”
Math: 很多道本月机经,大家一定要反复看,把方法和潜在答案记熟。其他的题有的虽然tricky,但只要仔细审题考虑周全就不会有问题。总之遇到复杂一点的题不要慌,时间对数学和如此多的机经来说真不算短。一定要充满信心!
一道几何题,四边形,有个角90度,对面的角60度,另两个角相等;两边长2,算面积 (答案似乎是2+2√3)
10 . n, p是正整数,n>2问p是否质数 1) p是除了1之外n最小的factor 2) p只有两个factor
接着好几道换算题 都不难,数也不难算(foot-meter, square foot-acre 等等)
数列An, n>2, for all n An= sum of all previous factors, such as A4=A3+A2+A1, 已知An=p,
SA: An+2=An+1..+An..+An-1…+…. = 4p
For [x] denotes the least integer that is greater or equal to X, 求x given [x/2] = 0
SA: -3/2 将其他数代入的话 [x/2]均为2 or 1 or else
DS, ask for X given (1) x平方-x = 6, (2)x平方=16, 数不对,大概意思对。总之很简单,选E
PS 几何题,xy-plane, p(0,4) q(4,0) 两点相连求直线方程。
SA: p+q = 4
the length of a certain nail differs from the average length of the entire lot of nails in amount between d and 2d (note: either shorter or longer, the difference is between d and 2d) ask if the length of this certain nail is > 75
(1) d= 4
(2) mean length = 80
本月58 PS: 有八個小孩,喬治與瑪莉在其中,從中間挑三個,問三中間包含喬治但是不含瑪莉的機率是多少
69 PS有五個人考試,其中四人的成績是65, 70, 75, 80 ,剩下來的那個人考的最高,五個人的平均成績比中位數高兩分,問剩下那個人是幾分? 选95
71 DS 30是 N的factor嗎? A. 30 是N^2的factor B.30 是2N的factor 选A
62 DS : Y=4/5Z? A.Y=0.8Z B.Z=1.25Y 选D
83 Ds m and n are integers, is m^n an integer? 1) n^m is positive 2) n^m is an integer 参考答案:E
94 三位数的数字,三位上的数之积为为144,问最小的三位数之十位数。选8
99 6 个人分到3个组去3个地方,每个组俩人。问共有多少种分法. 90
106 在一个正圆柱体里以多少立方米/分钟注水。水升高多少米/分钟。问圆柱的底面积。(数字变了,题干没变)
RC, 没有特别长的文章,前三篇都在前20题
1. Native American water rights 同最近的几篇机经
主要用反问句突出the ambiguity of the court’s decision, open-end ruling creates many misinterpretations
one thesis question,
one question focus on the right to develop land of non-native Americans, SA: the water right of native Americans will expand as their population expand – create difficulties for non-native Americans to develop land
还有一道细节定位和一道内容推理题, 有一题答案大意应该是the underground water determines the amount of surface stream
2.18/19 century the conflict between the tailor’s guild and the decision made by Prussian government to allow “untrained seamstresses” to make clothes for women, tailor’s guild raises many objections,
the answer to one 细节question is that the tailor’s guild cares most about the violation of their tradition.
普鲁士政府的态度是要redefine the concept of “healthy competition”, 赋予所有妇女“natural right to work” 但其忽略了tailor’s guild 最根本的concern 是对行业传统的破坏(一直以来都是男裁缝给女人做衣服)及 untrained vs. the process of apprenticeship
3. 金矿形成理论,我选的几道题都不敢保证对,估计阅读错在这里了,答案很不forthright
前人机经:为了吸引人们到南非采金,科学家必须理解金矿的形成,于是形成了两套理论,理论A是说金子是逐渐沉积下来的,(这点不是很准确,句子比较难)。理论B是说,当时的hot river water溶解了金子,在与铁发生反应后沉淀了下来。然后说A能解释。。。B能解释。。。这样,A理论提供了该地点有金子的解释。B理论有缺点在于,无法说明溶解在水中的金子的来源。(感觉这篇很难)
4.最后一篇 (题目不难,很好定位) 第一段主要讲虽然 increased productivity by employees result in higher salary for them, 反之公司在一开始提高employee’s salary 也可以使生产效率提高的同时减少工作时间 (此处有题)。接下来详细展开了一下公司实行这种practice 的好处,总之all the benefits together exceed higher cost of employees’ salary (其中一题的 my answer)
第二段举了一个法国政府通过减少其工人总工作时间已达到create more jobs 的目的(my answer to one assumption question) 紧接着介绍说第一段介绍的理论apply to such case 后可以推断出更多的benefits(就是说法国政府的行为除了intended 目的还有其他的好作用)
最后说工人又有更多free time后对法国有both social and economic effects: they can spend more time with their family; they can also have more time to consume more goods thus boost economy
此处有题 我的答案是大意是:assumption: more free time means they will spend more time shopping
CR & SC 大批GWD & OG!! 天山7果然涵盖了我好几道考题。
One animal is similar to its ancestors in its inability to maintain a balanced internal temperature and the laying of eggs that 从句。
(2)its inability to…. and it lays
(3)the inability to…. and … 不好意思,实在记不住了,总之我选A,不太确定,应该还有更好的搭配
SC: like the discovery of XXX1 that…, XXX2’s discovery…
SC: recommend that … be… and … that be…
CR 有一题大概讲某城autumn’s snowstorms tend to do more damage than do winter’s snowstorms to the nearby cars and buildings by bringing down trees which fall upon them. 原因是秋天的叶子还很浓密,雪累积到叶子上使树的枝干无法承受重量而折断,进而砸到车上。问strengthen
我选的大概意思是 冬天的树干因为无叶而累积雪少从而hold时间长。(意思不太准确,不过应该是这个选项)
还有一道本月机经:大概是说 GDP is not expected to increase next year. Labor’s productivity will not increase as well. Ask for assumption to strengthen.
Ans: total labor hour will NOTincrease.
另一题大意是GDP in 1990 (in terms of 1990’s dollar value) increased substantially from 1985, but total output has not changed. Ask to explain the discrepancy
Ans: due to severe inflation, dollar in 1990 was worth much less than 1985
26.科学家根据说某个古时候的人(好像是和尚,既不清了)的菜单得知这些人不排斥吃肉类和鱼类。但是在他们的GARBAGE里面明显的鱼类的残骸少,因此科学家们推测尽管这些人吃肉比吃鱼多。 问削弱, 选项里有说是鱼比肉的垃圾残骸更容易分解消失的。
GWD-1-Q3:Boldface 划线部分有变化
TS-7-Q12: 原题 or GWD-10-Q21
TS-7-Q14: 原题
TS-3-Q2: 原题
CR:还有一道Boldface题,大意是critics 批判 police chief’s claim that the recent decrease in crime rate is attributed to the new strategy implemented 5 years ago. Critics claim that the entire nations crime rate also declined during the 5 year period. However, police chief points out that other cities’ police forces adopt the same strategy after their own implementation, and then the crime rate throughout the nation began to decline.
CR: 还有那道water-power-jet is safer than any other watercraft. Ask for counterattack.
Ans: water jet collides mostly with expensive watercraft, thereby they usually purchase insurance
记得还有一两道经典的OG, 实在找不出来了,抱歉! |