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11. GWD32-Q11

Several ancient Greek texts provide accounts of people being poisoned

By honey that texts suggest was made from the nectar of rhododen-

Dron or oleander plants. Honey made from such nectar can cause the

Effects the texts describe, but only if eaten fresh, since the honey loses

Its toxicity within a few weeks of being made. In Greece, rhododendrons

And oleander bloom only in springtime, when they are the predominant

Sources of nectar.

1)      There are no plants that Greece in ancient times that produce

more nectar than rhododendrons or oleanders do.

2)      In areas where neither rhododendrons nor oleanders grow, honey is

Never poisonous.

3)      A beebive’s honeycomb cannot have some sections that contain toxic

Honey and other sections that contain nontoxic honey

4)      The incidents of honey poisoning that are related in the ancient texts

Occurred in the sptingtime or in the earlysummer

5)      Whether the honey in a beehive is toxic depends solely on which plants

Were the source of that was used to make the honey.(D)


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pay attention to "springtime" and "fresh eat" in the argument.Then you will think D is answer.



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