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The earliest Mayan pottery found at colha, in B ,is about 3000 years old. Rencently, however, 4500-year-pld stone argicultural implements were unearthed at C. these implements resemble M stone implements of a much later period, also found at C.Moreover, the implements’s designs are strikingly different from the designs of stone implements produced by other cultures known to have inhabited the area in prehistoric times. Therefore, there were surely M settlements in C 4500 years ago.
answer: successor cultures at a given site often adopt the style of agricultural implements used by earlier inhabitant of the same site.
这答案不会跟这句话话矛盾吗?:Moreover, the implements’s designs are strikingly different from the designs of stone implements produced by other cultures known to have inhabited the area in prehistoric times. Therefore, there were surely M settlements in C 4500 years ago.
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美洲某地发掘出什么pottery believed to be used by Mayan, the pottery is dated as 3500 years ago. It led the scientists to conclude that Mayan first settled here 3500 years ago. But another discovery of some implement of 4500 years ago undermines the conclusion of scientists, since the implement resemble what Mayan used and ------,
I choose: other cultures use the implement, which is strikingly different from that of Mayan



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